The radio annual (1960)

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fpms& Fact-BaseQ Half Hours'. HostNarrator TRUMAN BRADLEY sciwi ncTioH m«« Act/on! Gaflantry.f Excitement! '^^Q Corps Of Cadets onomee'ssta.spansied ^f^'e for first off-n these.-Buffa/o etvvork showin rating winner n 22.9, Philadelphia Green Bay ovvavail9s.' Ratings like '■2. Wichita 25.3 26.3 am^ l^mmi^ RICHARD CARLSON I LED 3 LIVES lunterspy for the FBI, ofthe patriotic Am 'ricountry. Buffalo 17.2, 24.9 rado Springs 16.3, Schenectadv-Ti SMASH WEST POINT RATINGS AND RESULTS... for stations and advertisers 1 (y!6HMi(y Starring KENT TAYLOR MEN OF ^NN^PO"S I BosT^nTflCKlE ham 20.3, BuJ Plattsburgh TUl mystery show! 58 high^mgslikethesB.-BirmingMobile 21.0, Burlington 25.2