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Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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RADIO DIG trated, October 20, 1923 , y±-^ZVtroted, October 20, 1923 STATION WINTER OPENINGS ADD INTiEJtESTT^CURRENT WEEK'S PROGRAMS f I ■ ■■■II ■■■I mi *1*4**3r"'^aV ' ^Htetefc^ ■ »A . _^#rS^^8MBFlWftfar--~., ..-.^aa*******^-. _. Oflaeort Knarnihl*: Blarkatono String Quintet 7:00, ^BBfjK|^M . ,P,aTaTa«T******Va**fS "'■*:*%-«".• -*'*" -i^Bi jtT^ fri*t^ f*'v -> *»"-V^v» Draku CVunvrt KnaMnUli*: lllaclutoiio Strlut Quintet; TAe Week's Headliners on the Air IF IT is a lovely moonlight night Tuesday tune in at midnight for WFAA and hear the Gibson Mandolin and Guitar club, or Bagley's Whispering Jazz Orchestra at WGI. On Wednesday if you are very serious. WDT offers you a grand opera singer, Harriet De Young Kaplan, and if you are not, Henry Walter Graham, the humorist, will tell funny stories at KYW. For lovers of the harp Margaret DeGraff will play Thursday at WOT. Martha Gompn, also a harpist, will be heard at WGR. WLWs special Thursday program this week wilt be a Russian night. If you prefer Irish music, you can spend a pleasant evening Friday wltta TTGT. Radio like the movies has some very young stars to delight the hearts of grown-up folkB. H;irolii si. Ik. the boy soprano, will be heard at WOC, and Jeannette Shirley, a six-year-old pianist, will be heard Friday at IU-1J. Do not miss Bertha lies' reading of children's plays at WMAQ. Saturday go to the vaudeville via KSD'a broadcasting of tho Missouri Theater specialties and then spend the rest of the evening dancing to music from KGW, WDAP. WMAQ. WBZ. WOC, WFAA. WW J, and WJP. If you are not too tired Sunday night, tho Hawaiian musical recital of the MacDowell Sisters at WFAA will be romimtl colly suggestive of the South Seas, Tli" program to be given by tho Georglne Servoss Choral Club Monday night al WGY will be full of favorite classical selections. Drama notes: WGI, Amrad Players; WGT, "Tho Hottentot;" WLW, Russian play, "The Bear." KDKA. E. Plttabunjh, Pa. (Eattorn. 8261, 6:15 p. m„ irt. Grand Bjmpliony l>r.-..--..ini. Mini. I "Ghrjan," "Tartd," "Good aon; Koprano aoloa, Irene "ltwauao I Lor© Yoi "UAlodjr ._ M).ri.nKltiiunll.' C. IWiiitliJur. I'nl'i ,; Trio ncl»'llnri!i u„, Dear." "Aiiu rlcui, Lite." Trio from tho Plunburirh Orch&atra. Franc** Youiu:. rtolliilni; .Mum «" I>1.', cellist" A. D LlcU-ld l-liuili.i; Cornet boIiw: "Onlrn an lh» Night," "TouOf Wi-nu-.r'a Faro well." ThixidnrLlcfold, oornBUst; Quartet nuinuom; •■All Ilall America. "NlBiil 111 J' i Horpnxlo": Mandolin ■■IVUi'vo Mo If All Ttu* Kiidc-arln* Yimiiiii mens. "My «>l.l K.iuucl.v II,.,,,,.," A, D. LI, I, 1,1 KGW. Portland, Or*. (PaolOo. 492). 330 P. m.. Talk on "Tim ll«i tvw,. Lunch." Joiujotto P. Cnutii-r; fl:00 Tnllt tor fanm<re, Paul V. Marin; 10:00. Dauco musl,-, Ui*>np> Olrum anil lila on-huatra. , . „ KHJ, Lot AngolM. Calif. (Paolfio, 305). 1230-1:16 p m.. Mu.-lc Novm; 2:30-3 30. MaUncv mualealiv 6:45-7 :10. CUldrun'a proemm. "Tho Bamlmaii," fl:00-IDin«. Dd l,u*o l'ri.rrnw. _, KSO. St. Louli, Md. (Contra). 546). 8:00 p. tn_ Proitiuiu, AdvortulnS Club nt uluaon.; 11:00. Dana lUlSK Hllu I-,,.',,,., ■■:!! -. KYW. Chlcaoo. III. (Central, 536). 11:35 n. m„ TnM; UUC, Mi*. A. J, Prtcnoii of Pioploa flaa Co.; 235 n «• MUirtlo prottira; 5:00, Lntm! D«m. 6:50, Chll bmiiinio story: 8:56. Mil „ji,i Hurtle Mini*, pliuilat: A. W. "8 _. 'dally afiti B*l, Froirrnni, American Farm Bureau WBAP."* Fort Worth. Toxa* (Central, 476), 730-830 p. m.. E. l-'lyJu Willi lwit; y:iU-IO:J5, Kurt Wmih Unjmony Cluh _ _„ , .. WBZ. Srrinoneld. Mnsi, (EaMom, 337), 730 P. ITI„ T%dlu:lir I il. > [."t ill,' IU>|.I|, , l-'lutl I-. 1'ir,. In ilu Mr, II ..'l,i lit M ■ .-l'l, Hi i-.ull: ■ Concprt, IIiutIkl Eto, plBJJl t! t 10:00. U.tiv llohiii-d. nXuUlc: FTfil Roan, rvinijs 3mck CUapman'a Orclio*trjL WDAR. PhlUdtlphla. P«. (EaiU<-n, 395). i:.-00-lia4 P. m.. Ornn rrv-Ufcl. Stanli? Thpatw; TMrmw music. ArwnU.1 CaTo CVmoart Oootantm: 25)0-3.00, OatWMl wrttal; 730-SSJO. Belli mo Horlm by U^ Drwun WOT. Now Yor*. N. V. (EMtwrt. 405). 12:00.1:00 p. m.. "Tioktnniii m.i Lbs Wlniwl TuhV'; Jnl.-» Uw» iivii,i"i'.w,, Jiuic* pmerani. WFAA. DiUIm, T«xa* <Cantrel, 476), 1230-lflO p. m„ "uv " Indie Jsii„"» o. \\ni».*>; 8 30-9 30, Sin ii h Fninlbr. wine, iii-iniiin-iit, s«luta Uoo; Il»0-I2:00. PouUfannrnt' Ol WFI. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eartam. 395). taw p. m. DlnilPT nill.H, 11,11,-u,,. Sll.,'i,«,l tMll.VK Mr, I, I , saw, Dan™ mualo; BSD Mayei Davit TtflUorae Hlml/ Or.h.iiii: J:ilO, li.illliuo Rlortoa h»; 8*0. Sliort U1X-* an.l nonr ixvliaL WGI. Madfwd Hlll*ld«. Man. (Eaittrn. 360). 7:30 p. ■„ TwonU-nlnth of a wrlii Inu.l DUfllNH I 'nil 1 1. nm. Anhnr K CuriUik; Shul.-J ■nctia WQR. Buffalo. N. Y. (Eaitwn Slandard. 360). 1230. 1:00 P. i„., c;nira^ Al. ...mlit; 4 :00. Marcnn-t lUufc^dT rtollruJl Martin Oompb. hrup ■ O«ono A1l>, ii H,.ii, hnnl. uriiAiilsL WGY. Schflneotady. N. Y. (Eartarn. 360). 9a)0 p. m., P i On ii. tin WHAS. Loulivllh. Ky. (Central, 400). 4*0-5^10 p. m.. . EUftlto Tnf Mm. KimiiY N.-UI ; Uoadtutc. torl,*J l/i.l^l,..'' WHK, Clovaland. Ohio (Ewtarn, 263). DM p. m.. ilio WHK Trti* Vivnl niim Ix-W by tuvorlto rntvitalnera. WIP. Phlladatphla. Pa. (EaitM-n. 500). I flO p m„ ii 'I, Karl llt'iiaull/. on »"!,, mil lltMlvr ortiin; 3S». l>»rn'o imulo; 7M)0, It^U Dnolo Wip; BUS. Ani,t noltal; ■*:«. Di ■ WMAQ. Chimao, III. (Ontr»l. 447.51. »«0-I01)0 p. m.. Miwlcal jmiKrom, M™. Mno .., c»irlii«uir»: HuiU bTDOilrau lolliUm; Lh'" Kllw-n, |; •■Mrnlvdl'lll'l'l "),,. I'mi, III,, n. SebnUdt, clarl .. Fiwtbnll su-ati " ■liumon'siiiio." Kilivard Bl»; '"V I-r,v!„v„ Miliar; -Mmn: W.iU'^i' Enroat Wurlclgb : "OnTotto riauuntt>. Or "ltbiii*i»!Jo." " AmorfoaO E Clininiulliiii (Central, 400). 4rt»-5:00 f iihiiklnlil.t. Pa. <Easti or<ui rooltui Kurt Boi Orenn: 3M, ArllaL bj w " ' WJAX. ..,., 7:00-7:30, Bed ,,. 8:00. Drniuiillc Hot low; 8.15. Lon< lulk; 'J:I5. nwliat Enitorn, 3!)0), 730 P. I I by llio tlni-i'liiinJ N-.f ■ Concert ' Bl O.'ioiinson: *7s4S. Tln>«" '■■ U, an on'lK-.trnl vr,., mmii : S..i>raiio Trio. Edith Can WLW! C1ntlnn»U.n:0hlo (^lern'.'"3W). »»» »■ «-. "A Japrmrw. Hunart," •"Tin Hoot BlUPfl. ,_^ga* ■" (Hrrlo Opbi-.lm: Plmio aoloa, Cla ro llaikm .... »„,« ti « " May Cornell Rtolbof . I,. ,1 of Music: . riiim'.-' WMAQ. CMDa0o. III. (Central. 447.8). 430 p. Ki"m, puplU. fib-mi 1>'U»"1 «;""rl Sl'""l>1 Trio liiilrnin, nlnl. WOC, Ohv.iii' il. !'>' coiicori.; 3:30 p. m . ninnrr mush-. WruiBiuikiT T.-ii Ko»ra OrxUeaUft, 4:45-5:00. Oriiim rrolUI. M.ryKVtwt WWJ, Detroit. Mid.. .i.iMnm. 617) \°.» *&• ^£ nlKlil'n Dinner" "ml « «li«-lel lalh by tho «' .imans IMin.r; 0:45, Fwl Shnvr, popular iJenl»t andBon*Ilia Day" prom-iua: 3*0 p. m., H.-tfolt ftew*or elh-Htfa 7:00. ]>«1r,»U New* OrchMtm Town Criw. M, Am 'lo '■'"■■. -nn,,„.: Ml , Toll,. plnnUt Aif D. FlomliiK, l.iiriiom.-; lluv. Sanborn, apwdior. ■.I. .in,. ■ *j:00. BodUmo S Maiden. WCX. DetTolt Mleh. (Eastern, 517) i II. end*; 8:00, ion J. Aronaun. iviMi-ups, OrUoii Wednesday, October 17 CFCN Calowy. Alta. (Moontrdn Stnndnrd. 440). II p m.-l a. m., l'ln?* ,ii>:nii ,1hh.,.i i>n>Bnua: other ' K 'A! . ' ' v '. " V1 1 1 "t > i r < V/i" ' V ftJ (Eattern. 326). 6:15 p. m, WD^ Now York. N. Y. <Ea»torn, 405). 12:00-1:00 b m., Momlm; Sonc from Peer CrjrH Buita, Peerless Trio; "April Mom," WilUrun Gibson. LlUlheUe Barl.iii "WlruLi of llio South." Miss Barton; "Gavotte." Mr Adains. cellist: "By tho Waters of tho Mlnnoinka " Mr Gibson; "Allegror," Tho I'eerleaa Trio: M"y IIcju-I ul Thv Hiv.vt Voice," Mia 8 Barton; "I I'Vo'l Tliv Anwl Spirit." Mls.-i Morton nnd Mr. Olbson* "I Lovo thf M<»>n." .Ml.; Burton; "Calm as tin* 'Nli-ht." Mr. S7.1rni:ilft. riollnlst ; 7:00-flflO. SUro Qiarlca Hoed Jones; Yawhn Do Loaih i; Harriot Do Young Kaplnui, soprano. i h'i i,. \\ ill, iii Di-wi'v, wli':.ik-r; Ilecltel, sn: fora Siipalovrtlz.. sotolnt. WFAA, Onllns. Texas (Central. 476). 12:00-1:00 P. m., Adilrcsa, Vklor > ■Imii . Hn n ,t, ilvl-1 n pu-seuluLlve of Tim Hiilln:; S. -mi -Weekly Farm News. WFI. Phllndelphla. Pa. (Eaitem, 395). 1:00 P. m.. Dinner muile, Ueyer Darts ltellevuo Suatford ConI'.'ii. on-lir;-.rr;i: :]:00. Hmn: r. -It -il and piano Polos. Lorotia Kerk; 6:30. Dliin.-r hiikU-. Meyer Darts Bellevuo Ktraiford Oahestra; 7:00, Bed time Btorlea by WQI, Medford Hillside, Mass. {Eastern. 360), 5^)0 p. m£ "Tirtllgbt Talcs." Eunice Ij. Randall; 6:00, Late News Flu l..>; Ii:l5. Clrls' Dour, "Camp Fire Olrls." by "Big Smoke"; 7^0. "Science Up to Dale," Scli-ntlflo American; "This Week's Judeo"; Muslcid program. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern Standard. 360,) 12:301 :0O p. m., Gcorgo Albert Bouchard, organlat ; 4 M, Margaret Ulakesleo. riollnlst; Martha Gomph, harpist: Toe tlino music, Stetler Palm Room: 6:30-7*0, Ovorgo Albert Bouchard, orjranbil; 7S0, Dlx<si of the day's news; 6:45. Adrlnms, the IWe. InjuU Sudcmc v-er, SL James EvajwllciU Churcli. chairman religious education committee. Erlo County Suniliu' School CtoUndl, on ■•Reiu-ious Training or Childrt-n" ; 9:00. Concert, Edward Messersmlih and Sons, of Kineam WHASi Loulsvlllfc Ky. {Central, 400), 4«).5fl0 P. m.. HeWllona, Stri.mi Ttnmi..r Ur, In ,rra. Hurry B. Carrie, i:niiihicp,r; "Just Ann, in.' IIi.ihli 1,.1Im"; Selections, Almuo Theater Dreaji : 7 :30-'.i :l)U. t.\>n. crt, Chea MeyBT*fl Orrhi-lra. (Ins Meyer, pianist and dln^clor; Bob saxophonist; J. MllStebJK, conielist; of tuba; H. K. Hop .. .1:00-12*0 mid night It iJ Api'l" ''In'1. Will IVIiini. llenileo ltaehuni. WDAP. Chicago. III. (Central. 360). 135 p. m.. Dmko ,...,,, |, n : lii ,,l, a., 11,1 SirhiK Unhilel; 7 :IH>. Drako Concert Kniomblo: Blackstono Hiriim gulntot; 10:00. Fml.-rl.-l7 \V Ae>u-.1, tv ■; Bub CnU|;h«, pldHsl ; jack riiupnian'o Orcliutlra. WDAR, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 12*0-12:54 p. n,., in: ■ ' ;.' '' '■■ niniier mil l> . ArcaiUa Caft OoDOorl Orchi trn,! 1:00-8 iOO, Sons •*■ 7^45. Bedtime Horloa, Dream Daddj: 7:45-0*0. DromaUu RovK-w. Wnlur i.'u. nouali. WDT, New York. N. Y. (Ea tern. 405). 12*0-1 *0 P (n., Bones, Hob Knuis: "Koop <wi Trylnc," Bryon C.I.V l-iuno eoloe, )Wl>ort IU-j.I BuW'.-rn; "Nobody Elw But You." "M. d ii" ■■ iii ." WoUo " herl; SongB. Hugo FTOT1 ."Boaia." "Wltwe niiincr oonfsort, KDKA UtUo ; : 111. I. Unary proa |-,-,l.,.l. : ■ ■!. . i, ',ii. i of Jot." "!■ j.lllln SvliililmliV II. "lliuiln,, ion; Toner iolot: Rly.T KolTI ' Itnl. 1 WFAA. Dallas. Texas (Cntra!. -1761. l?:30-l*0 P. m., Address, DeUtti M.-Mnrrnv, ..llim :■ . ml WeeW) Kami Neivs; O^0-0:3l>, ITi.primi. T, II M, Thin Hill. ;■ . n ,'■ eli.ii; 11:00-12*0 midnight. GiUtou Maiitlolln urn GulUr Club. WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eartem. 395). ISO p. Dinner moslc. Slratford Uciro Oni, >.Krnm: 6 JO. ■in Orotu -i i -i . jii uuv, 6:"0. Kdiii.iredtal; 9^0, UnJin play by BUanbridse ami Clothier Rudlo Players. WGI, Medtord HIHride. Mass. (Eastern. 360). 3*0 P. m., Amrod Marforto Drew; Scli <■ ■., i . , . 3*0, Popular Ulnner music, Bellev 7M0, Bedtlmo Btorlet tlonal talk and aub. ms on tho Hi and" Brunswick; SJX>, "TwOlghi Tatoe," inm, It an dall ; 6*0, Lete news flashes; 6:15, \\i\*ly rv> view of conditions In tbo Iron and Steel Industry 7*0, Bn ffttun -n: Joax " ' WGR. Buffalo, " (Eastern. Standard. J60). 1230.,Fi All>cn Bonchnrd. wnronlst: 4*0, ll&rjraret Blak«ilee, rtollnlst: Mnnl.s ,»impti. harptst; tea lima mu?ie. Statler Palm Room: 6^0-7*0, Oeorra Albert Bouchard, oreanist: 7*0, Digest, of the dar< news; topics of scleuUflc Interest. Hooi Mi. le !■ , . WWt; 7:45. The mbers: "Castlm nay Aire," "Tho , i ■ i " Kl'l \ .mil tenor duet: mil Mr. Ttaomp tvafco Hi'iov..i," r and Mni. i. in i. KGW. Portlnnt Noll: 8:00, 1 ,„.,'n ■'■ "■■Sill!..' Mm,,.' li.-ii ; Duet, "D Contralto to lOifto. 492). 3J0 p. m., CUIIhv ii. l-y Auiii || ,,.,11,. ,, I,, llln', ■ i ■ I ill i ",. '■■■ ii-' : (Paclflo. 305). 1230-1:16 10-3:30. Muiln, "Uuelo JobJi"; 8:00-10:00, 10:00, Ml .'."vi.'.i i . t". i KHi. Lo* Anaelo*. P. ID., 6:45-7:10. i KBD, m! UNllt. 1*0. '('central. WO). 6:00 p. m„ ConDeii Abantfe l '■ ":°*> Dance mualo, , mil I. ■ nri-hiiilrn, KYW. Chlcaoo. 111. (Central. 53b). \IM a. m. lit 1 ' P I P« i'i' Qi C 5fl0 p. m.. Ni vi . -I das BaO, i'i'-.'.' Btoo'; B*0-a:S8. lliThle Mint/., i-liml-l; lliirrj' (7liw M.ry Ixv, nonrana; SiUUe nlonk.-a. accom i,,nl. i . "Mr.: I'i.jKIiiV l lo i' Cull." II, in.. Willi. c .ii.ii.i I'lii. ■.,.■„■.. :it,.ry teller: 0*5, Be. i..i. ..: I..-. '. i '. ..vihii Jones. PWX. Hewia. Cuba (Eastern. 400), 9*0-1130 p. m.. ■ .i t-itnit, national iiml fiwrlsn music. WBAP. Fert Worth, Texas (Central, 476). 730-830 p. m.. Sam; 9:30-10:45, Twkw Hotel OtvhMtra. WBZ, Splnufleld. Maw. {Eastern. 337). 6*0 P. m., On rturo." "A Dream." "luuumune." . iin, i: v.. ulna BUT," "CVniiH'lla Hallrt,'1 ••Marriortte WalUvw." '■Mlnnot S.-t.lett." •*Pasde i.H.. " "Adn ... v,i n,. uhl l'lKiiUUon." \S117. Trlii; 7*0. Tlilrd Icvturt. In tin. radio ■■ temiithiB Currentji." "Fn-Qiinicy." Kdwsrd H. Good rich: 7:30. Twlllrtil 1*1.-* Tur the kiddles: 'Trooer Hliiinliiniliiti ;„ l'r.Acnt l.i„ Slruln." Prank E. Dow, M. D. : Hiimcn>ii» program; 8M0. invent Km. National Council "f iViutnvaUi'iiul <liurchc«, aildratses. Dr. N|i, m,..l I ,l,U Hi. Hnrry Ini.r.'ii F.-dlok. WDAP, Chicago. III. (Central. 360), 135 p. m„ Drake J>: Pa. (Eastern, 609), 3:00 p. Inr dunce music; 6H)2, Dinner Dance Orchestra. Bob Lewis, dl dltnii sinrli^i I'v I'nclo WIp. )hlo (Enslern, 309). 4:00-5:00 P. Hand; Ovcrtui... ■'Sl;n-.>nlc lihiu>:<«ly," August, Seltaefer. conictim; Tho li,;! l,,i,,i ;iuulli,Tn j,irl,.,iUByrlan Temple Bind: Part Two: CVmcen, Karl i.ii: ii ,■. r, i i.i. ii .. Banker, loprano: Thomio Hi C W, , \'ly (.-.Ik. Ctileseo A*in. 4::io, Program, C ... l,:uiv, i,li.rli, fur clilMrvn; 7 WCI.TH I H. n... Orebrtttrji. K " Jeaie Johnston Rupp (circle above), soprano soloist who.i a distinction first at Station KYW, Chicago, will be heard October 18 at Station WJAX, "The Wave from Lake Erie? The Syrian Shrine Band Trio (below) are planning to help the winter opening of WLW, Cincinnati, Wednesday, Oe» or 17. The members are Billy Waterworth, Eddie Ball and Howatiiafford WTAM, Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 390), 8:00 p. m., Orclmetral selections by the WTAM Orchestra: Violin solo. Ben SiKerbcrg, Miss Sharp, accompanist; Soprano solos by Florence Wesson, Mrs. J. Powell Jones, accompanist ; Banjo eolos, Danny Russell, Carl Smiuor, aci-orar>an!st : Baritone solos by Arthur Parry, Mrs. J. Powell Jones, accompanist; Cello solo by Mili Schmidt. sharp, accompanist WW). Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517), 9:30 a. m., "Tonight's Dinner." by UiLi Woman's Editor; 9:45, Public huulLh sitvIl".' l.jlk'iins; 3:00 p. m.. Detroit News Orclieatxa; 7S0. Detroit News Orchestra: Town Crier; Vocal selections by pupils of George Carris. Thursday, October 18 KDKA, E. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern, 326). 6:15 p. m„ Dinner ooncon,. Grand Symphony Orchestra, David Broudy. director; 7d0, International Sunday School Lessons. Alice heny County Sabbath School Association; 7:45, Tho ChUdren'a period; GW, Program for the farmers. Frank B. Mullen; 8>t5, Quartet numbers: "The Caraller's Song." "Tally-no." "Tho Sweotest Flower That Blows," "TaUy-Ho," "The or tilory." liliLin-tiiLrd rtit-.-tor. flrat lenor; Bobertson Til (en, eecoiul tenor; Willliun Hassulman, first bass; Carl Ruhe. second bass; Piano solos: "RomanBO— F Sharp." "Soaring." "Siclliana," Impromptu, "P Sbnrn Minor.' "Elfbi Tanz," Mario Ylerbeller; "Within These Hallowed nv.vijirnrs." Carl Buha, baas: "This Flower Ton Gave To Me." Robertson TUton. tenor; "It Was Not So To Be," William Hasselban, bass; "Ah How So Fair," Blanchard Blester, tenor, KGW. Portland, Ore. (Pacific 492), 330 p. m.. Woman's pnjKTiun, Clilld Training; 8^)0, Dramatic program; I0:00. Danco music, GeorEO Otsen and bis KHJ, Los Anoeles. Calif. (Pacific 395). 1230-1:15 p. m.. Miudc news; 2:30-3^0, Muiim-o nmslcalo; 6^5-730, Childn-n's story. "LTncIo John"; 8:00, l-u.i ; :IS, OD, Davtnport. Iowa (Central, 484). 12:00 m.. Clumes nmivit: 3;30 P. in.. 1'Min-iiik.nM kvuirt-. Cljde G. kern: 630. hondiuwi * visit; 7:00. Kdiicatlooal lecture for farmers, "Alfalfa and SoUs," U H HoirniMi: 8:00, Plpo organ nx-ltaj. Mrs. Frank W l".!!i,:i Mrs. O. D Duran, siolnlsr ; 10^)0. ArUsl musical program. Erwin y»in,l,!l. .Ilr,.-,.r; Mrs. Alliort I'oII.t Paul IlTii ni,;x.>-.i>,1,nuin; Harry Y. Ten); basw; Dor,.'. ; Manloi WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 509). 1 1 :00-t 1 30 a. m., Orcmi roc Hal, Mary K, V«t; I2:00-I2:5S p lUiincr music, Wauamsker Tea Room Orehrslr*6:00. Organ m-iial, Msry E. Voct; 7-AS. Dinner inu'.ic. riutfl Ailclflila Roof Cardcn Orchestra; 830 Short talk: 9:30. Organ recital. Mary E. Voct WOS. Jefferson City. Mo. (Ontral. 440.9). fi«0-930 p. m.. Program of musical numbers; Short addrisjes and other feature*, employw of tho Missouri Stale Highway Comtnlssloti. Mrs. C F. Waaser. tliroctof Adrtmsn. by a specialist W the Missouri Oillego of A^-rk'tilluliv Calif. (Paoiflc, 423), 1*0-2*0 ■' ' F;,innoiLi J-I..U-! il,-. -b, .ir,r Hotel Orchestra; 8:00Edwln Ferguson, tenor; of My DeJack 430-530, Si'lger*s Falrm 9:00. "-Mary," "Her Base,1 "U Lint's In tiio Air Today)" "Modi light." Mrs. H. F. Coykeodall; Ba_ liurrcU; Dr. C. M_ Noel, speaker; "Ku.-limi, i S*,,m "Sacrjiininn." Edwin J. Ferguson, tenor; "Graii>i1tiuie FauUuitlque." Btiiena Kalas, PittDlSt; "Horning," "Dawn." Mrs. H. F. Coykcmlall. soprano; Dr. C. U. Blchanis, accompanist; 9*0-10:00. Songs popular during the World War. niad>-s Sullshury. organist KYW. Chicaao, III. (Central, M6), 1 1 35 i. m Table t:iUi. Mm A. J. Peterson of Peoples Gas Co.' 235 p. m.. Studio program; 5;00. Latent news 6"60 Children's K'ltlmo storj-; 8*0-8:58. Herble " Mint* pianist; A. U t-cn kuncy. specially act; Manning and his band: 9:05, Twenty Minutes of Good Rending, Rev. C. J. Pcnilo. " WBAP. Fort Worth. Texas (Central. 470). 7:30-830 p. in.. Fort Worth artists; 930-10*5, Fort Worth LET I. "HERS TALK i BIT! LISTB Bureau ff^deration 3' * WBZ, Sprtnofleld TwlUgbt uIm 1 turo in Short Story WrtUi^., ^ 8*0. Concert, Mrs. W. W. Macalntoe sopi M. P. Fnrd, pianist; 9*0, Bedtime story ' utw. Orisou S. Morden. WDAP. Chicago, III. (Central. 360). 135 p Concert Ensemble; Blackstone String Quir — ■ Ensemble; BladoOoOD Strin Drake Oonoi Mass. (Eastern. 337). 7:30 p. ra. tho kiddles; •'DiBlogiiB." 6th leo ■.■('■ 7 ':C(>', Cuiiity: 10:00, John Stamford, tenor; Jack" Chapman's Or> WDAR, Philadelphia, P*. (Eastern. 395). 1240-12-54 P. m.. Organ rertla). Stanley Thsater; Dinner music Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2*0-3*0. Concert. Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 430-5:55. Short Se-*V5ii.5Sn8 WdUl: 73&-8:0a Bedtimo Stori**. WOT. New York, H. Y. (Eastern, 405), 12:00-1:00 p. m.. Concert. Madam Lillian Croxton. soprano; Gertrude Stlmbugh, pianist, WFAA. Dallas, Texas (Central, 476). 1230-1*0 p. m.. Address, A. B. Jolley, country farm demonstration 830-930, Elks"' Orchestra and Vocal Quar WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395),_ .„ 1:00 p. m„ Dinner music, Meyor Darts Belieruo Stratford Concert Orchestra: 3:0O, Song recital Strawbrideo and Clothier Male Quartet; Piano solos. LorettaKcrk: 630, Dinner music, Meyer Davis Betlevue Stratford Orchestra: 7*0, Bedtime stories, Cousin Sue; 8*0, Boy Scout Radio Corps; 830, Program of popular songs; 8:45, Dance Music, Jack Loroy and Ids Manhattan Molody Men from Cathay Tea Garden. WGI, Medford Hillside, Mass. (Eastern. 360). 5*0 P. m.. "Twilight Tales," Eunice D. Randall; 6:00, Late News Flashes; 7*0, "Bits of Wisdom/' George Brtnton Beal; Radio drama by the Amrad Players. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, Standard, 360), 12=301*0 p. m.. George Albert Bouchard, organist; 4:00. Margaret Blakeslee. riollnlst; Martlia Oomph, harpist; Tea tlrao music, StaUer Palm Boom; 630-7 JJO. George Albert Bouchard, organist: 7*0, Dl*est of tho day's news; Bey Scout Radiograms; EnuAnrment hullelhi: Story from "Tho American Boy" .rangazlno; 8:00. Dinner-dance music: Bawjuet »na ball. Buffalo Real Estate Board. WGY, Sehonwtady, N. Y. (Eastern. 360). 2:00 p. rn„ "Rfputjlie.Tn Platform and Principles," Mrs. jes3io W. S'later; 7 35, Open air talk. Jud London; 7>I5, Prologue: ItiiroducUon of artists; "O Minor, Etl\el Mlncoir and Ireno Cooley, pianists; "Clttysantlicmum," "Bain." Mimil Kenny, soprano; "Mazurka," Margaret D^Graff. harpist: "Cuika Panna, Minuet,," Adelhert IMrga, rinllnlst: "Orer tiio Hills tn Ardentinny," Tommy Canimldge; "SolfeggieUo in C Minor," "Berceuse," Mary Dauaher, pianist; Xylophone and Saxophone Mnileys. Fred Taigo Wyott; "Cohen Visits Dr Crrtiu," I-illian Fiiher, reader; "Largo Mortmifni." Ethel MincolT and Irene Cooky. Rlanists; "Unhol dl " Uardl Kenny; "Ballad, Iraatlon of Mandolin," Margaret DeGraff, harpist; "Tho Drug Clerk." Lilian Fisher; "Waldesrauschen. Mary Danalier; "I Tlilnk Til Hut, Wed In tho Summer Time." Tommy Canmiidge; "Ma/Airka do Concert." Albert Turca, vi.-lJni-t ; Selections for two Pianos. "Rondo Movement," Ethel Mmcoff and Irene Cooley. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400). 4*0-5:80 p. m.. Selections, .strand Theater Orchestra. Harry S. Currie. conductor; "Just Among Home Folks"; rejections, Rialto Theater organ; 7 30-9*0, Concert, Ella Sliarrard Violin Quartette; Walter Bodeman. first violinist; Christine Janslng, second rtoUnlst; Dorothy Neat, third violinist Theodore Williams, fourth riolinlst; Four-minute cligvst of International Sunday School lesson. Prof. William C Hatfield; Fourmluulo Radio Forum talk. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509). 1*0 P. m., Organ recital. Cermantown Theater Organ; 3:00. Song recital; 7*0-7:30, Bedtlmu stories by Uncle Wlp: 8:00. "Wliero to Go and How to Get There. by Eugeoo Hogle. Secretary of the Automobile Club of Ptdladelphla; 8:15, Dance music. Ace BrUpnde land His Ten Virginians from Hotel Walton; 9.D0, Organ retilal. Karl BeauWft*. Gennanu>fl"n Theater organ; 830, Reiltal WJAX. Cleveland, Ohle (Eastern, 390), 8:15 p. m.. First number of the second concert of •beCIoTe; land S>-mphouy Orchestra, Symphony No. 3, "Erocia, E Flat. Op. 55 (Beethoven) Allejrro eon brio. «areU FUncbro. Seliftrzo. AliegTO molw: 9 30, Popular selacUoos by the Hotel HoUendeii 0«*eetra. Mr. Carl Rupp, director: Vocal solos. Jane Johnston WLW?" Cincinnati. Ohio (Easter*. 30»1. 49M » . ■-. Classical piano aalectlana, Adelaide Apfel; JO™Russian Praaraai: Oponlne selections, „Ctnrtnnaii Cooservatory of Musir; "Russian Airs. H!£n^ , Welnsu-in. rtoUnlst: Status In Russian. Mrs. Helm Hers,,? Tuthlll; "A Legend." "The Jol*» Bfft Somt Cinclnnall Coaccrrstory; Badarlo ID one Tiio Bear"; Elena Poporo. Helen McCoy: Ortg _. .mlrnov, Joseph FUck; Luka. Joseph S, br,. !i ; Cju-olyn Welnbrey: "Oh, Thou Billowy Harvest Field," Mrs. Helen Hersey Tuthlll; Russian Alra, Heiniann WeinslcJn. violinist; Popular Entertainment: Ceorgx W, -lib's Hawaiian I^ntertalners; Miami Dance Orchestra. WMAQ. Chicane, III. (Central, 447.5). 430 p. m„ Program to bo annouci til : 7 *0. Weekly talk, Bockwell su-pheii-i. auto editor: w, talk to Boy Scouts; 7:30, Speaker. Art Institute of Chicago; 9*0. Dance music, Bluo Fountain Room ; 9:15, Program, Prof. Alexander Nftkutln. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484). 12*0 m.. Chimed i.niriTt; 330 P. m., U-cture. Karl 0. Stephan; 5:45. Ohlmea eonevrt; 630, Sunrtman's visit; 8*0. P. S. O. Orchestra; V. B. Rochto, baritono. popular liiu^in released. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 509). 11:00-1130 il. m„ Organ recital. M'ary E. Vogt; I2*0-I2:S5 p. m.. Dinner music, Wanamaker Tea Room Orchestra; 4:45-5:00, Or^an nvHul. Mary E. VorL WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern. 517), 930 a. 10.. "Tonight's Dinner." Woman's Editor; 3*0 P. m.. Detroit News Orchestra; 7:00, IMmlt Neivs Oreheotra.; Crier: The Detroit News Male Chorus, Friday, October 19 KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326). 6:15 p. m., Organ recftnl, Lucille Hull.; 7 ;J5. < liddren'a period; 8:15, Boy SVx>ut program. Jtichiu-il Victor, scout master8'^5, "Yellowstone Trail." Selection from "Travlata." "Thu Queen of Sheba." 'Introduction and Ensemble," Solo for clarinet; "Final Valso." "Moonlight In Florida." "Three Dances from Henry VIII," "My Old Kentucky Homo," "Lucia Dl Lammormoor." "Bowl of Panslos," WesUngbouae Band. T J. Vastlne, director. KGW. Portland. Ore. (Paoiflc. 492), 330 p. «., Lecture, "Nutrition of the School Child," Margery M. Smith; 8:00. Solos; 8:15. Studio program, dance mualo. Gcorgo Olsen and hia orcliestra; 9*0, "Orejon Resources," lecture, University of Oregon extension division; 10:30. Hoot Owla with Pan t ages Frollc. KHJ, Loa Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 395). 1230-1:15 p. m.. Music news; 230-330, Matin eo musleale: 6:457*0. Children's program; 7*0-730, Organ recital, Arthur Blakcley. organist; 8*0-10*0, Jeanette Shirley, pianist. 6 years of ago. KSD, St. Loots. Mo. (Central. 546). 8:00 p. m.. Program. Choir of Central Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Katharine Cowan, soprano; Mrs. Charles H. Austin, contralto; Waldo Fluke, tenor; Frank Ingalls, bass; Mrs. Frank A. Neal, accompanisU KVW, Chicago. HI. (Central, 536), 1135 a. m.. Tabletalk, Mrs A. J. Peterson of Peoples Gas Co.; 5:00 p. Bl., Latoat news; 6:50. Children's bedtime story; l0.-00.H3tl, Late Show: Herbio Mints, Pianist; Harry Glese. pianist: Wendell W Hall KYW a Muslo Maker; Mary I^e, soprano; Sallle Menkes, accompanist; PennjylTanla Ballroad Chicago Otchee WBAP. Fort Worth, Texas <<*"«?'■ «76> 7^sL° p. ni.. Fort Worth artists; 930-10:45. Texas Christian University. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern. 337), 6*0 p. m;; Dinner concert. "Undine Overture, L* £?"■??• "Pixia Pranks " "Doju-o of the Hours." Selection. "Mignon." "Soi« of the Volga Boatman." ,TOwrU»eement," "To Spring." "Love's Dream." "The Eagle's Nest," WBZ Trio; 730. 9Mllgh1 I ^SXiard1n7nthebC^ld,^TlUo ft W "SuDlctt." "Bourec" Ci-ll» solo.. SftUctlou*. ^"'J' Ji.£r "ii«». m "■■,'?* WDAP Chicaao. II. (Central. 360). I '35 P. m.. UriK" ...,„: Jowim H.1H. WDAR. PhlladHnhla. Pa. (Ewtwn. 395). 12:00-12.5* p m.. Orrao re.-lod. Kt«j>kT Tl,.-.u?r p'nne' m"^fiS.ll. Mo Cono..n Orcta<r.: 430-«« Hluo .0l«. Ed» Fto«ao«o: SW,S mlM 7J0-7 ^ B^J ,,mo ttnrioa b, Uio Dreuto D.ddy: 7-*5. "»« r. K dS5 HydiT Stort liOa: B^llo Pl» »'»» W.ll«r GrePho.iKli Plav.-r., 10:10. Danco music, n.^Irf'linli iTSS Til. ^ISioi. O" Orctalr.; llxcrun WoV^ ¥S& H. V. (E„W.. 405). !««;■» p. m.. ijtroloo. D,. ATtiur Btoolu; Bop ««JJ.. i^nor I.'wls PlannJ planbt: Jbnmy Flynn. nonorter. H30'.l2aTO mldni,'ht. Vauglui D» LwlhS &""T iasrh^s?a>j? &JsnAJS&i •» SSorcbw™: 3«. Boo. njdul: "» ^S^hSX SSaf <*£££■ craPa"l*ld,Uri md Olar^U nice Randall; 8*0. Late Nnta Flaxhec C>)5. (\>ndltlon of MassachuButu Hlghwuit: 730. Heading*. Charles L. H. Wagner, poet-coniiiofler ; tut] WGR, Buffalo, N. V. (Eartarn Standard. 3S0). 13:30 ' 10 p. m.. Cix.r;; Jlli n limu-lmnl, organist; 4 "" ...jrgnret Hln!;. -I,i'. tlolliilM ; M.irili.i tfi.Tii[.h. b»n'lut; Tea Um»> niiiile, Sialhr 1'nlm Boom; 1.^0-7.-00. George Albert fioucbunl. organlat : 7 JX>, Dlgnit of the day's nam, road reports : o^oo, Cncert, Bialto SiIi'DthVt i Hi'iu I hi Mm 11)1 m in Onfo, HlllTalo. WGY. Schenectady. N. V. (Enstarn. 360, 1M p. m.. iVIIV l'l.> 11,-alili Bn 7-AS. Radio faR*. ". em; Collse, Ail Inn MoPitl; i, . i>iin< iiimim, cu ward E. St. leuli: Jin oiih i:ilr.>nl. Mdmmi.i V Sinltli: S^iir. Krunk iHhn. AI<-( Pnlrfax. John I*rtus: Mrs Chin!, vlek. I. .In S" ■unnv i'.; Vrgey Fairfax, Iloso Colin; Imttv GllfOtd, Jmnne I^mmlu-lm; I'.tkllu Ito'i.'l't IMriy; Sum lliiri iinr'-'M. IMu.u.l II Smith: CniL It it'..|„ T>'wii.iriiii. riiiiil.i S, linniin.. OMii-otra aeh-ctions; 10:30, TrisU nlciit riri>*r. WOt uivl„in.i: Willi. ■■ H.:„'l.:i, [enor; F,d«ard m.-c vinlltiist; Knu-i-t nun. Ir-.h. WHAS. Uulivllle. Ky. (C-ntral. 400), 4:00.5.-00 p. S-lo-ll rio. Guitar and n hepp; Sax op 1 1 Jinny S. Cur "1,1.1 Ani.Tk tl ■ i Theater organ; 7J0-0SO. fsonrano M-(l.,.|i.,i, ■ llillll [."nil. v I, i|, oil ■■ . Ill, ■!! Hill. Ilnrl.l... .1, .!. Ki 111 wo .-,!,-;. Alvln M.iM n.; H.,-1 '■■■i," '. Reading. "An Int< n .tin, II! i r WIP. Phlladetphla. Pa. (Castorn. 50!l), 3:00 p. m.. Artist recital: B:45, "Radio Rn.icl.idl Done." DI Monti Crosi; 7:00-7:30, Rediinu. sImiI.a ^,^ Uncle Wlp. WMAQ. Chicago, lit. (Central. 447.5). 430 Program, Rush ' " wako CiUb,"_ 7:00. "Wil, ■ Mm frattti QUI , 7:30. ^ c I.l> iiiu»l. 'id li l' Urs. Mai-x K. Ohcnidurtiir; 9:00. Danru roiulc. Hotel La Siillu Or.-liivtm: 'J-.I5. i'rocram arranncd try Prof. Aloxander WOC Davenport, low Chlm.-s concert; 3 30 (Contrat. 4M). 12:00 m„ Ol., Leetun-. C C Klimii H5, Chunea concert; 630. Sanrlman'* viidt: BOO, Musical procrani. Kmln Swindell, Harold l-oy (w-prsno; I>.pmihr Roorinr, plnnl-.l ; Catherino O'liric/i. render; Wd'-.-r K I ■".<■*., vl,.|hinl WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 500). 1 1 SO1 1:30 a. m.. Oiwin rwlUI. Mary K. Vngt: I2H»-I2i5 p. bi. I'liiii.r music, WnnnJunXcr T. i Itmni (nrhwilrn: 4MS.5:00. th-k-an rwttnl, Mary K. Votfl: 9*0, Pro■xam of popular iniL^ic; 10:10, Dance music. Houd Adelphla noof Carden. .„„.. WOS, Joflerson City. Mo. (Central. 440.9). i*0-9"J0 p. al., Reuular conoert of mualcal numbers and ad WTAM. Cleveland. Ohio (Easter*. 390). 0*0 ». a.. Dane* program l,y il„. WTAM llrchmlra WWJ. Detroit. Mleh. (Eastwn. 5(7). 930 a. m.. "Tonleht's Dinner." Wnman's »!tu^r; 3*0 P. m., !►.troll News cir-h.-nni. 7:00, Hctrolt Nmra Orehcatra; Town Crier; Anne I'^inphell. N»> Po^t : Mm. Roas Beaumont, reader: Thalnil A. Allen, enntralto: Nlcx Sharer, baritone. Saturday, October 20 CFCN Calgary, Alt*. (Mountain Standard. 440), 10:00 12 00 P m„ Plaxa raliaret danne proirrani; Other si.'-. lul musical nunibers; Bartj ■ KDKA. E. Pimburgh, Pa (Eastern. 3«). «:I5 P. «.. Dinner OtWi I ■■ rertor 730. "Ilnii'iii* U" Uotll n. An fared by "Our World"; 7v*$. Tl , ■ Mlru-rr tenw: Ocorv.. Walt I. bast; I nir»^ir. ., ,„,,, a„ from llio KDKA LIUlo Hrrn KfiW. Ore. (Pacific, 4«). 330 p. X. II; 10*0, Dance roualc, Coorse Olaen opchtaitra. D] 'h- KSb"St Lou I*. Mo. (Central, 54a), 8*0 V. al. ■hi-rsl cooosft omn r*-lUL rocal and lnslro 'Chicigo III. (Central, 538). 1135 a. m., Tal.Ii aut. Mrs. A J. Vr-tnaa of VtofUm 'Ii * in LateU turn* of Ihs dar: 6:50, Ol time story; B*0-S:->0. llwh' Mini*, pj Clear pianist; W.nurtl W. Hall. KVW. MuO, Makor; Ma/T, Lae.^ "Prano; HmlUo PWX. Havana. Cuba IE*.t»m. 400). 9*0-1130 p. D*.>ra (f, Sal ■"priuii; latn-lla llemra, pianlrt; Odlna. flutiat. WBZ. Serlnfl.ld. Hw, (Eartww, S37>, 7*0 p. «„ ii,, ,,.... ..,,.. H -, I Kii,,l.-,i!l T,-',i. Jin (.I-.1.. ill ror the Uddl»; "*" pTH>aml In "Onr __ JtBtbjP*'; 8*0. Cbnorrt. Mr I^^-w. tia/lnaio; llr». Miriam «. Thoeason, ancwrnpanlrt: •*0-. BfrtUn}0 rtorr for rrnwn.upa, Orv> a t* Mard-o; 030, Oaaoa taoalc liiit., ii ji^I ('.[,(1 mo Or Bartra, WDAP. Cbkafl*. III. (Central. 380). I3i p. •>.. Drake 13*0 «... a •• i ; .*.>„,.,.„« rialtj 0^0, bortxa: V. D miLilc, Hot direct from Tim Qlli Woa Davenport, lawa (Central, 484), Clilmra otnoert; 3 30 p. m., I^crtura. 5:45, Chimc<i ctai.xirt: H30. tfanilim Unnco pnnrrnni. P, "' linrlUaio aolnlat. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eaitern, 509). 11*0-1130 n. m., Orcan ic, Jul, Mar> K. Voct: I2:00-I23» p. ni . niu in. ii.n .i.. w , i, ,■!, .>i.... ri ' Ito m in. In ■ trn; 4)45.3*0. Ontun n.ltnl. M,ir« B. Voft, WW1. Ortrolt. Mleh. (Eaatarn. 517), 930 a. m.. l um, ci." Uiuiiiiii's IVIiior; 3^0 p, m., DnUolt Nnwi (iich.-iim; 5*0, Ifooiball acorw; 730. Tiio Detroit N.m.i Orvhratra mid tootlnll icores, Sunday, October 21 CFCN. Calgary. Ait.,. {Mountain Standard. 440). 10:43 12:00 a. n... G I nloa; 7110 0:00 P. m.. l.n... i-i, i, vi,ii. hi i'Iiiii.Ii hi, in, KYW, Chlcaii*. 111. (Central, S3fl), li:00 ,, nt.. Oiurrti Hcrrloua. Orchcatm llrdl, ddeaao; Dr. V. I' .slunii on, puelor. 7*0 P. m., BUfulaj '. i:..rJi ,i i. ii.., ■■ WDAP. Chicago. III. (Canlral. 3G0), 0:13 p. m„ Drak. I ;,,, ■■ni. I, hlladilphia. ». at.. Organ rreilal, > . , ritiii; 730-7:t'>. Bi fltlm I I Daddy; 7:45-8:00. Mtiilnif pleturo rerlow, hy Jimir* A. rfaa«au; 8 :IW, Hlmrt talka: ^foluI add I'lano inl.w; Danco , Howard i.., ,,ii,', ,\ic:i,ii..l i • hi.. OnjhjaUm; pro. irraiu of poiiiilnr nonp. WFAA, Dall.ii, Taxaa (Canlral, 47C). 330-330 p. m„ Ki.llo nil,,..] 1111,1, l'l:,. . n, V mi .,,, M .In.l.i on, Jr., pntLir; 0:30-10^0. ' Ii il Hi th pa] l'l,. ml.. S-.ulli. IIMW-lllHl, lUwailDii . I .. I,., I. ■ ■ ■ I I ,' 111. .S-rvtrr AMi SLrwi 1'n-tliyinrlan Church. WGI, Medford HHI.Ida, Mate. (EBitam, 880), 4*0 p. m.. " Hour." Vmilli « Omip-iilon; Cnnot'rt proaraiu. Kdlton Ijthorat.ny fh.mmrm|.li. HlorlM by Arturo' 830 Talk on World Pnltr. auaplcia of Maasnchuneiin Kivlcrall'm of Crnin-hen; Miub-al pro■Tam, Mra. l-.trln (in (Tin Hi-.cni. mn.iitao; Mm. klnrtha P. air..; (lladra W. HixliuHt. alio; . bar, rli.tlnUt; J. Kn-Jorirk H»l»-rl«. pfanlal WGR. Buffalo. H. V. (Eaitem Standard, JW), 1* p. n„ V««wr aerrleo, olurtr mualc Ht. Jolin'o I.uUiorLii ■ (Enrtarn, S60). 1140 a. m„ I'll !■■' Hunll ,.,!, l„f. S30 p. m., 1'n.rmiii Itl li vntcft. W(1Y. Scheneetadv. Cliurcli twirrletv. rnaio n U, v t ft. \l»cDotiaM. Ph? WOT Hrmi>hi>ni» vnrltn i Htrr«-t Prralijitrrlan I 047 a. ■i v i. l'l.... Dr. It fj Hi'. Oaicort, auaplcee Mra. J«an «<J' Monday, October 22 WOAP, Chkaoe, 1H. (Ontral. SCO). IM » m, Drak,. WFI." ChlladnlpMa' I'. I, ' «0 P " ' ■ 3-JW, Sliort ■ ' lano mlna; 8 30. Din ■ ., .. c, ii,-. I,. ;;t, .it... , 7 DO p. ■.. Clilldrtn'a Own Half Hoar, atortea by WaffT Buffatft, N. Y. (Eaitern Standard, 380). 1230iM> P. m.. Gwrio Al uil.t; 4:00, Marraret IIIakAh*. rt I . ':■ i: h T,i, onranUt; 7^>". i .-.-: 9A0, HUatl prfjgr*rn. fnatnrlnK W; .,iit. .^ iii" North. :; Y. (i.a*t»rn. .-,60). 7:00 p. «., -M.*jti.a Uu ■■■i.iii** ^_J»oJ ,,.. Trwa." *«*?» WL*»t , "rtvllao Hurnmor." Oaorrtna H^tom Choral Club, . . , reader* "The I ' 111 " ' " ■ ■ ••Smlla-V' Choral C*ib: ".^,.,,1,,' Kd^rart Bit*. rtoiini«; '-Danoi af tl Stwufiaka*." Owrdno Bar ,,»H.'.'Ky. (Caatral. «0), «:»■>« _•■ «";• i, ,irn: Harry rt. t.irr. "Ju-i Among Hoiua J'olka"; Balaotlona, it tfltiMd lN.r Y-Ttaftara. 3*0). »«• p. • M. C. A. NlatU. rcm««t — W1P."pn1l**«1pMa. Pa. ^t***™'.. ^v. ?.*!L »■„-*» Hlwrt taut trr Balph Wnjhain; 9X», *"" Itobrrt Ooldan. dlrocwr; 10:10. Or««n nauUI, wary W0S.T*3i*r»»a City. M8l (Cm ml, 440.0). B:0O.930 2 m -mSlo ITanioua Mhwuri Wale PrUon CoaorVt Band." VlrtU W. OomU, bandmaaler.