Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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December 22, 1928 13 iOMINATES THIS WEEK ON THE AIR WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 360). 2:15-3*0 p. m . Fred Whlleliouw Review; 3:45-4:45. , Or chestra; 4:45-5*0. VU»t Kuwler, baritone; 9*0-9:45. Jimmy Clarke i.nUTtalni-rs. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 1*0 p. m.. Karl BonCWltZ, organnit; 3*0. ..stra; 6*5. i-s Hereneden. directioo L»«o Martin; 7*0. Uucle WIp' cries; 8:00. Talk by a professor from Pblladeli/lna College of Pharmacy an'l Science; 10:15. Charlie Kerr and bis urcheelra from Ht. James Hotel. WJAZ. Chicago. III. (Central, 447.7), 10*0 p. «.-2*0 a. m.. Mi's. Charles IUt>, soprano; Mrs. George A. McGraw, contralto; Josephine Taylor, ilolinlst; George Knutsou, pianibt; Oriole or'tteotra. WJ2. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 454). 3*0 p. ■.. Wanda Norman, pianist : 4*0. Tea music. Hotel Belmont Klrlused Ensemble ; 5*0. fcdna M. Schellcr. soprano; 7*0, "Santa Claiis Stories." Ilurr Mcintosh; 7 30-8*0. Karauel Arornsnn. pianist; "Peedlng Hruad WLW, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. 309). 930 a. m.. S. H. Services, auspices of the Editorial Staff of the Methodist Book Concern: 11:00. Cburcb aerrlces. Church of the Covenant, Dr. Frank Stevenson, mlnIsur; 8*0 p. m., Cincinnati Commandery No. 3 of the Knight Templars Christmas service — Scottish lllls dral. WMAQ. Chicago. III. (Central. 447.5). 8*0 p. ■.. ■mas program; 9:00. Weekly rerue from Balaban and Katz Chicago Theater WMC. Memphis. Tenn. (Central. 500). 830 p. ■.. I'rorram. Burk's Orchestra. WOC. Davenport. Iowa (Central. 484). 12*0 a.. Chimes; 3 30 p. m Hall: 5:45. JO. Sandman's visit; 9*0. P. H. C. Orchestra; V It. Hocbte, baritone. WTaM. Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 390). 9*0 p. ■.. . i«tiua» danc-e prograni. WTAM Orchestra: Maiflung. WWJ. Detroit Mich. (Eastern. 517). 930 a. ■ . 'Tonight's dinner," Woman's Editor; 3*0 p. at.. Detroit News Orchestra. . '1" center. to the left, is the Phil Ohraan trio, consisting, in the order you find them, of Ohman, pianist, Sam Hermann, xylophonist, and Herb Finney, saxophonist. They are on the WEAF program for December 19. Immediately above is Irene Pavloska, who will be heard from KYW in Hansel and Gretel" Thursday, December 20, and at the right, Jack Hillman, baritone, who will broadcast Christmas carols from KPO on Christmas Eve musical program; 11:00-12*0, Vincent Lopez Dance WFAA Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 1230-1:00 p. ra., Address, L F. McKay, publicity director. Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Association; 830-930, Dallas Harmony Five Orchestra. Tom D. Collins, director. WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. Eastern, 395), 1:00 p. tn„ Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra; 3:00, Recital. WFI Male Quartet; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra; 7:00, "Snowball" Talks; 8:00. Boy Scout Period; 10: 10, Dance music, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 1230-1 *0 p. m„ George Albert Bouchard, organist: 4*0, Tea time music, Martha Gomph, harpist; Elise de Grood, violinist; 6 30-7:30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler Dance Orchestra; 7:30. Digest of the day's news. Boy Scout Radiogram; Story from the "American Boy" magazine; 9:00, Concert, Armbruster's orchestra. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y, (Eastern, 380). 2*0 p. m., "Conserving Our Forests," Mrs. E. C. Whitmyre; 7:45, Albany Chamber of Commerce Mixed Quartet; Albany College of Pharmacy Orchestra; "A Few Moments with New Books," L. L. Hopkins; J. Raymond Simmons, tenor; Sophie Poskanzer, violinist; Mrs. Burt B. Rickards, contralto; George D. Elwell. bass; "Citizenship," Roy S. Smith; Stuart Swart, pianist: Helen K. Eberle, soprano. WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (Central, 400), 4:00-5*0 p. m.. Strand Theater Orchestra; Walnut Theater Orchestra: Selections on the Alamo Theater organ, Mrs. Fred Zahn, Jr.; 7 30-9:00, Ella Sharrard Violin Quartette. WHN. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 360), 930-9:45 p. in.. Belle Rart. astrologist: 9:45-10:15, Avon Society Orchestra; 10:45-11*0, Boss Fowler, baritone; 11:1512:00. Marshland Orchestra. WJAX, Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern, 390), 8*0 p. m.. Piano solos. Miss Louise Muncie; Mrs. Ruth Baird, soprano; Dramatic recitation: "A Fool There Was." Mr. L. W. Zimmerman; Miss Alma Schirmer, piano accompanist; Piano solos. Miss Alma Schirmer; The Thomas Choral Club; Negro spirituals, WJAZ. Chicago, III. (Central, 447.7), 10:00 p. m.-2 a. m., Soivieg Shovalson, soprano; LeRoy Patterson. pianist: Louise Masters, violinist; Harry Lewis, cellist: Oriole Orchestra. WJ2, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 455). 3:00 p. m.. Christmas Holiday Music, Festival Mixed Quartet; 4*0, "Book Review," Grace Isabel Colbron; 7:00, "Santa Claus Stories." Burr Mcintosh; 730, Irving Seizor and his Cafe Boulevard Orchestra; 7:45, "The World's Work"; 8*0, Irving Selzer and his Cafe Boulevard Orchestra; 8:15, Dr. Alexander Russell. organist; 9*0, Field and Stream talk; 10:00, Julius Blchter, violinist; 1030, Hotel Commodore Dance Orchestra. WLW, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. 309). 4:00 p. m.. Adellaide Apfel, pianist; "Why I Am a Member of The League of Women Voters and a Republican," Mrs. Robert Taft; 10*0, Special Christmas Program, Dickens' Christmas Carol, Prof. Van Wye; Christmas Carols from the class of Thomas Kelly of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. _ WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5), 630 p. m.. Talk to Boy Scouts; Program arranged by French consulate; 8:00. Off the air for opera broadcast by KYW, "Hansel and Gretel." WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484), 12*0 m.. Chimes; 3:30 p. m., "Pathology of Diabetes," Karl G. Stephan; 5:45, Chimes; 6:30, Sandman's visit; 8:00. P. S. a Orchestra; V. B. Rochte. baritone. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 9:30 a. m., "Tonight's Dinner." Woman's Editor: 3:00 p. m., Detroit News Orchestra: 8:30, Detroit News Orchestra; Graeme Gillies, bass; John Maxwell, pianist; James Buchanan, tenor; 10*0. Dance music, Jean Goldkette's Orchestra; 11*0, Detroit News Orchestra: Bud Peltier, baritone; Mrs. Edith MeClary, pianist. Friday, December 21 J KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 326). 6:15 p. m.. Lucile Hale, organist; 7:15, Radio Boy Scout Meeting, Richard Victor; 7:45, Santa Claus's visit to the Children; 8:15, "The Universal Reign of Christ," Dr. R. L Lanning; 830, Fred E. Weber, baritone; George C. Muth. violinist. , „ KFAE. Pullman. Wash. (Pacific, 330), "Automobile Carburetors." Harry Nash; "Holiday Books." Alice L. Webb; Jean Fulmcr, pianist; "Training Your Extension Workers," Lincoln R. Lounsbury. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6:45-7:30 p. m.. Concert, Harry Baisden Orchestra; 10*0-11*0, Musical program presented by Myra Belle Vickers. KGW, Portland. Ore. (Pacific. 492). 330 p. m., "KnickKnacks," Jessie D. McComb; 8:15, George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra; 9*0, "Oregon Resources," Alfred L Lomax; 1030, Hoot Owls with Pantages Frolic. KHJ, Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific. 395), 230-330 p. m., Matinee muslcale; 6:45-7:00, Children's program. Lida Helen Thompson and twenty of her pupils; Christmas Story by Virginia Knapp; 7*0-7 30. Organ recital. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Arthur Blaieley, organist; 8:00-10*0, Scandinavian Male Singing Society, Sammy Kalenofsky and his Band Sinfonlca: 10:00-12:00, Art Hickman's Orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 536), 630 p. m.. Children's bedtime story; 10*0-12 30 a. m.. Late Show. WBAP, Fort Worth. Texas (Central, 476), 730-830 p. m.. Concert, Roanoke, Texas, fiddle band, featuring old-fashioned square dance music; 930-10:45, Concert, Texas Christian University. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337), 6*0 p. m., WBZ Quintette; 7:00, "$200 Reward," dramatized story, Youth's Companion; 7:30, Bedtime story for the Kiddies; Current Book Review, R. A. MacDonald of the Court Square Book Store; Talk by a member of the Eastern States Farmers' Exchange ; 11*0, WBZ Quintette ; Romeo Monat, baritone ; Leona Monat, pianist; Dr. Joseph Deslauriers, violinist. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central, 345), 8*0 p. m., Male Chorus; Arthur Randall, clarinetist; Mrs. H. E. Mayfield, soprano; Mrs. P. M. LaRose, contralto; Mrs. Edna Huston Paxton, reader; Edith Carey, contralto; E. B. Paxton, baritone; Mrs. Edna Huston Paxton, reader; Olive Wright, pianist. WDAP. Chicago, III. (Central, 360). 10*0 p. m., George R. Hill, Jr., bairtone; Celestra Ankney, soprano; Evelyn, Gekler, Elizabeth Gekler, pianists; Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAR. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 395). 12:00 m.. Organ recital, Stabley Theater; concert, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 7 30 p. m.. Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy: 7:45, Book review, Doris Hyde; 8:00, Radio Play, Walter Greenough Players; 10:10, Morning Glory Club program; dance music, Howard Lanin's Arcadia Cafe Orchestra; songs by Harry Erhart. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 11:00-11:15 a. m.. John Martin's Talk; 11:15-1130. Musical America; 4*0-4:30 p. m., Joseph F. Walsh, tenor; 430-5:00, Linda Schioss, soprano; 5:00-530, Christmas Program for Children; 7 30-7:40, Thornton Fisher's Sport Talk; 7:40-8*0. Nancy McCord. lyric soprano; 8*0-8:10, Talk by World Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.; 8:10-820, Nancy McCord; 830-9:00. Ernest Hare & Billy Jones; 9:00-10*0. Astor Coffee Dance Orchestra; 10*0-1020, Harry Jentes. pianist. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 1230-1*0 p. m.. "The Universal Reign of Christ." S. S. lesson. Dr. Robert S. Hyer; 830-930. A. Harris & Co. Orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern. 319), 1230-1*0 p. m.. George Albert Bouchard, organist; 4*0, Tea time music, Martha Gomph, harpist; Elise de Grood, violinist; 630-11:30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler Dance Orchestra; 7:30, Digest of the day's news; 9*0. Concert, Tokyo Dance Orchestra, featuring old time favorites, direction of the Niagara Battery Corporation. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 2:00 p. m., "The Right Kind of Moving Pictures," Mrs. William Mead; 630, Children's program; 7:45, Radio Comedy drama, "Grumpy," WGY Players; 1030, "Enoch Arden," with music. Clara Swanker. reader, Irene Cooley. pianist; WGY Orchestra. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400), 4*0-5:00 p. m. Walnut Theater Orchestra; Selections. Strand Theater Orchestra; Alamo Theater organ; 7 30-9*0, Concert. Mu Iota Lambda Sorority; Reading, An Interesting Historical Episode. WHK. Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 283), 9:00 p. m.. Popular program arranged by the Cleveland Radio Dealers WHr^'Nevv^York. N. Y. (Eastern. 360), 2:15-3:30 p. m.. Original Indiana Five; 330-4:15. Shapiro Bernstein Musio Co.: 930-10:15, Rex Serenaders; 10:1511*0, Fred Whitehouse Review; 11*0-1130. Oriental Knights Novelty Orchestra. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509>. 3*0 p. m.. Popular program by Remisk studio artists; 6:05, George Thomas and His Little Club Cafe Orchestra; 7*0. Uncle Wip's bedtime stories. WJAZ, Chicago. III. (Central. 447.7). 10*0 p. m.-2 a. m., Esther Weiss, soprano; James Levinson. bass, Lawrence Preston, violinist; Oriole Orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 455). 3*0 p. ra.. Leo Riggs, organist; 5*0, "The Larger Aspect of World Affairs," Frederick Dixon ; 7 :0O, ' 'Jack Rabbit Stories," David Cory; 7:30. Burr Mcintosh the Cheerful Philosopher: 8*0, Xmas Carols, Plandome Singers 9*0, Annual Forefathers Day Dinner of the New England Society of Orange, speeches George Wickersham, pres. John Hibben of Princeton University; Joseph Freltaghausen. Hon James V. Barry. Commander Bainbridge; Governor Selzer of N. J. WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. 309). 4:00 p. m.. Lecture Recital by Mildred Templeton Williams of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5), 4 30 p. m.. Pupils of Bush Conservatory; 7:00, Wide Awake Club program. Mrs. Frances Ford, director; 730. Weekly musical lecture, Mrs. Marx E. Oberndorfer; 830. WMAQ Orchestra; 9:00. Hotel La Salle Trio. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 500). 830 p. m., Program arranged by Gladys Barber; 11*0, Midnight Frolic. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484), 12*0 m.. Chimes; 3 30 p. m., "Discovery and Uses of X-Ray," C. A. Russell: 5:45. Chimes Concert; 630, Sandman's Visit; 8:00. Choir of St. Paul of the Apostle Church. Davenport, Iowa; Angela Driscoll. soprano; Sirs. Carl .anaerson, soprano; Charles Kerns, tenor; Robert McGregor, baritone; Mrs. John Malloy, soprano. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 509). 11*0 a. m., Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:00-1:00 p. m.. Dinner music, Wanamaker Crystal Tea Room Orchestra; 5:15, Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 7:45. Dinner music, Adelphia Hotel Orchestra: 830, Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 10:30, Dance music. Hotel Adelphia Orchestra. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 930 a. m., "Tonight's Dinner," Woman's Editor; 12*0 m., Jean Goldkette's Orchestra; 3:00, Detroit News Orchestra; 8 30, Detroit News Orchestra: Anne Campbell, Detroit News Poet; James J. Bruckner, tenor. Saturday, December 22 CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern. 430), 7:00 p. in.. Kiddies' stories in French and English : 7 30, Concert, Bagdad Cafe artists. Lino Monte. Jeanne Collerett. Elsie Thevenard, Jimmy Garrett's Harmony Men. KDKA. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 6:15 p. m., Westinghouse Band; 7:45, The Worker in Sandal Wood — The Children's period; 830, Westinghouse Band. KFI. Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 469). 6:45-730 p. m.. Vocal concert and bedtime story; 8*0-9:00. Instrumental concert; 10*0-11:00, Vocal and Instrumental concert. KGW, Portland. Ore. (Pacific, 492), 330 p. m.. Children's program; Christmas story by Aunt Nell; 10*0, Dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m.. Immanuel Male Quartet; 2 30-3:30, Matinee musicale. Immanuel Male Quartet; 6:45-730. "The Night Before Christmas," Children's program ; 8:00-10*0, Immanuel Male Quartet; 10:00-12*0, Art Hickman's Orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423). 8*0 p. nt.12:00 midnight. Art Weidner and his orchestra. KSD. St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 546), 7:15 p. m.. Orchestra concert, organ recital, vocal and instrumental specialties, Missouri Theater. KYW. Chioago, III. (Central, 536). 630 p. m.. Children's bedtime story; 8:00-8:29, Twenty Minutes of Good Reading, Rev. C. J. Pemin; 835-930. Louise Messenie, soprano; Charles H. Burch, baritone; Jessie Royce Landis, dramatic coach; Sallie Menkes, accompanist; Mrs. Harriet Miller, accompanist. PWX, Havana, Cuba (Eastern, 400), Sr. Pola, blind violinist; Srta, Aurelia Iturmendi, soprano; Sr. Fausto Alvarez, tenor; Prof. Sr. Carlos Fernandez, pianist WBAP. Fort Worth, Texas (Central. 476). 7*0-730 p. m.. "The Universal Reign of Christ," Mrs. W. F. Bamum. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337), 7*0 p. ■., Hotel Kimball Trio; Jan Geerts, violinist; Angela G. Lonergan. cellist; Paul Lawrence, pianist; 730, Twilight tales for the Kiddles; 8:00, Stanley Fletcher, pianist; Mme. Van Mltzlaff, contralto; 9*0, Bedtime story for Grown-ups. Orison S. Marden. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central. 360). 10:00 p. m.. Harmony Girls. Bob Brown and his Ukulele; Jerry Sullivan, Charlie Wellman, Margaret Shelley. Carlton McMackin. Fern Day, Laura Glien, Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAR. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 12*0 m.. Organ recital, Stanley Theater: concert, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2*0 p. m.. Piano recital. Edna Finestone: 7:30, Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy. WEAF. New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 4:00-5:00 p. m., Carolinians Orchestra: 5:00-5:30, Christmas Program for Children; 7*0-7 30. Laura Zalman. violinist: 7 308:00. Walter Hassler. pianist; 8:00-8:30. Sara Sharkey. dramatic mezzo -contralto ; 8 30-9:00, Harold J. Brey. lyrio tenor: 9:00-9:15, Title Guarantee & Trust Co.: 9:15-9:30, Columbia Graphophone Co.; 9:30-10:00. Rose A Covello. lyric soprano; 10*0-11*0. Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra ; 1 1 :00-I2*0. Vincent Lopez Dance WFAA. Dallas, Texas (Central. 476), 1230-1*0 p. m.. "Why Labor Must Organize." W. M. Reilly; 9301030, Music of tlio orchestra, Don Albert conducting; Emil Velaszco, organist. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern. 319). 1230-1*0 p. m.. George Albert Bouchard, organist; 4:00, Tea time music, Martha Gomph, harpist: Elise de Grood. violinist; 6:30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler Dance Orchestra. WGY. Schenectady. N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 930> p. ra.. Jack Symonds' Orchestra. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400). 4*0-5*0 p. ».. Strand Theater Orchestra; Walnut Theater Orchestra: 730-9*0. Concert, auspices of Mrs. Fred Zahn: Carl Zahn, cellist: Fred Zahn. violinist; Reading: An Interesting Historical Episode. Sunday, December 23 KFI. Lot Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 469). 10:00-10:45 a. m., L. A. Cburcb fMaratloa Buile*: 4*0-5.00 p. m.. Federated Church Musicians; 6:45-7 30. Oi*ra story and concert; 10*0-11*0. Theron Bennett Dance ira. KPO. San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific. 423). 11*0-12*0 m.. Church services, undenominational and non-aeetarlan; 830-10*0 p. m.. Rudy .Seller and bis orchestra. KYW, Chicago. III. (Central. 536). 11*0 a. m.. Central Church Service, Orchestra Hall. Dr. V. F. Shannon, pastor; 6:30 p. m.. "Excerpts from the New Testament," William Zlegler Nourse; 7:00, Chicago Bunday Evening Club. WBAP. Fort Worth. Texas (Central. 478). 11*0 a. ■.12:15 p. m.. Church Services. First Methodist Church, Rev. J. W. Bcrgln; 4*0-5*0. Margaret Agnew White. organist: 5:00-6:00, Vesper concert. WDAP. Chicago. III. (Central. 360). 9:15 p. ■.. Christmas Carols, Mrs. Jean McAllister Raegan, soprano: Mary Alice Dignam. accompanist: Mrs. Raegan will explain the origin and development of each carol; Drake Ensemble. WDAR. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 12*0 mOrgan recital, Stanley Theater; 2*0-3*0 p. ■.. Concert, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 7 30. Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy ; 7 :45, Moving picture review, James Nassau: 10:10, Dance music, Howard Lanin's Arcadia Cafe Dance Orchestra. WEAF. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492). 2X5-345 p. m.. Program by the N. Y. Federation of Churches; 3:45-5 30, Dr. S. Parkes Cadman of the Bedford Branch. Brooklyn Y. M. C. A.; 7 20-9*0. Capitol Theatre Symphony Orchestra and Staff of Artists; 9*0-10*0, Skinner Organ Recital. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 6*0-7*0 p. ■-. Radio Bible Class, Dr. William M. Anderson. Jr.; 930-10*0, -Choristers from Christ Church. Episcopal, Oak Cliff, Mrs. J. W. Ohl. director; 10*0-11*0, Jessie McKee's Orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 730 p. ■.. Church services. Arch Street Presbyterian Church. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 1 1 *0 a. m.. Church services. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Robert Anthony, pastor; 330 p. m.. Concert, WGY Symphony Orchestra; 730, Church services. First Presbyterian Church. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400). 9:57 a. ■.. Organ music; 10*0, Church services, Second Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. T. E. Gowens, pastor: 4*05:00 p. Pi., Concert, Blanche Thorp, mezzo soprano: Mrs. J. Harry Trent, soprano; Mrs. Hazel Willingter. accompanist. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern. 283). 8*0 p. m., Program of favorite musical numbers by the WHK Trio: Vocal and instrumental offerings by popular irti?ts; 930, Chapel service from the Glenvlllo Presbyterian Church; Rev. A H. Limouze, pastor. WHN. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 360). 3*0-4:45 p. ■.. Christian Endeavor Union; 4:45-5:00. John D. Flynn of the National Security League; 5*0-530. W. H. X". Radio Five; 5 30-6*0. Lange's Hooslers from the Cinderella. WIP. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 509), 4*0 p. «.. Direct broadcast from Germantown Theater of a meeting of the Germantown Y. M. C. A. WJAZ, Chicago. III. (Central. 447.7). 6*0-9*0 p. m.. Special Christmas program of Songs and Christmas Carolsj Oriole Orchestra. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern. 517). 11*0 a. ■-. Services, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral; 5:00 p. ■.. Detroit News Orchestra. Monday, December 24 3 KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Paolfic, 423), 8*0-6 3» p. m.. Children's half hour: The Story of Christmas and Santa Claus. L. A. Tucker: Recitations for children by children; 8:00-10:00. Christmas carols. Pearl H. Whttcomb. director; Jack Hillman. baritone: Erwin Holton, tenor. __^ WBAP. Fort Worth. Texas (Central, 476). 730-8 30 p. m.. Concert, group of Fort Worth artists; J3»10 AS. Will Foster, organist ..—.■-■ WEAF. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 492). 5*0-530 p. B.. Christmas Program for Children; 730-7 540. Thornton Fisher's Sport Talk; 8*0-8:40. SL Ja»es Choir; 8:40-9*0, Charlotte Bergh. coloratura soprano; 9*0-9:15. Edna Soller. flutist: 9:15-930. Charlotte Bergh; 930-9:45, Edna Soller; 9:45-11:15. Services and Chimes from Trinity Church. WFI. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). •*?"»■■■• Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra: 3*0, Piano solos, Loretta Kerk: 6 30. Meyer Darls Bellevue Stratford Orchestra; 7*0, "Snowball" stories. WGR. Buffalo. N. Y. (Eastern. 319). 1230-1*0 p. m.. George Albert Bouchwrd. organist: 4*0. Tea time music Martha Gompb, harpist: Klise de Grood. violinist; 630, 11*0, Vincent Lopee Hotel Statler Dance Orchestra: 7 30. Digest of the day's newe: 9*». Christmas music. Lafayette choir, direction M J. 1. WGY." Schenectady. N. Y. (Eastern. _ 380) . 2*0 p. ■.. "Christmas Season and Festival." Mrs. KaLherine V Steers: 7:45, Choir Boys of Sl .Anns Church: WGY Orchestra; "Christmas Carol. Edw.-rd H. Smith, reader. .__. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Cefltral 400). 4*0-5*0 pm.. Strand Theater Orchestra: \% alnut Theater Orchestra. "The Largest Aspect of World Affairs. Frederick WHAZ? Troy. N. Y. (East«, 3») . 9 *0 p. »-. CMtmas Eve program. Quartet. Prof. S. Grahame Nobbes, director. -Juyv . _. „ WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. 309). 8:00 *•!■" Church School Series. Editorial Staff of tl Book Concern: Cincinnati String Quartet; Ctmiraj In the Literature of Today." TOtaaM.-rartand., How to Keep Christmas." Van Dyke: Thp Drum, third prize in the Writer's WgBBt contflL; t>r*ley R**"*: ans. Cast: Nell. Ltona T. Smith: John, wniard Grain: Ted. David Scott: Tramp. Joseph SehreckDScripUonlst, Helen Rose: Christmas Carols. Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.