Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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f '.. ' lary 19 and perform Virgin. Alu liny boon ta: that ">•"». The n I Ladt. H uary 21 c. 330). 7 30 p. m.. Ralph W. <;. omcr; Poems, Prof. a. •lo». Edward WhlUen 92). 3 30 p. ra.. Pro Iflc. 423). 8:00-9:00 p. ulteis, organist; 9:00 lumlel. Han Fraucl^o 1 1 :00. E. Max 1 lustra. ntral. 476). 7:30-830 jneert. John Fa: tern. 395). 12:00 m., 12 30 p. m.. Dinner Orchestra ; 2 :00-3 :0O, Orchestra ; 430. 1 bedtime stories; 7:50, 5 A. Nassau: 10:10. Arcadia Cafe Orchei rn. 492). 730 p. m.. 7 :50. Peoples Trust Id; 8:20-10 30. Fhil: Dall. n. 395), 1:00 p. m„ Orchestra; 6:00. Bed. Meyer Davis Eelle 19), 12:30-1:00 p. m.. Diet; 4:00. Tea time st; Katherinc Siang, pez Hotel Statler Orlay's news; 8:00-8:15. by Walter Delaplante; direction of Clifford 1 Corporation, irn, 380), 2:00 p. m., 3r Electrical Develop" Elizabeth B. Carrl{ Good.'* "Bather Be But Go," Genevieve I." "Lullaby." Elizalouse with Nobody In iddane; "To a Wild Alice M. Bellrtnger. li. Carrigan; "Lucy's O'Bourke," Llddane: Bye." Carrigan. 400). 4:00-5-00 p. m.. lut Theater Orchestra. 80), Concert of songs r: "College Athletics." Thrift talk, George X. n. 360), 2:15-2:45 p. .; 3:45-4:30. Colonial Kler; 7 30-8 UM). Lan; 8:45. Dorothy Wal30-10*0. Jerome H. i. 509), 6:05 p. m., chestra; 7:00. Uncle 9), 8:00 p. m., **'liam Sullivan; "^ill and his irles Hollph Boss, trice Mager BUL . m.. "A. derick D. 2-00 m Jrchesi 5:45. 00. re; 8 i) a. m.. anainaker )rgan reConcet t 10 Rapee m.. Sam 5 p. m.. 1:30-8:45. .edger ill violinist ; 30. Mary .-outralto : }., Dance m.. "Torn.. De rchestra; iX ler$ Sees " the re in 7:30. Musi" Memory Contest. Mrs. Marx K. Obi-rndorfer; 8:30, WMAQ's Orchestra; 9:15. Bush Conservatory. WMC. Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 500), 830 p. m.. Program. Mrs. Arthur Bower, leader; 11:00, Midnight frolic WOC. Davenport. Iowa (Central, 484), 12:00 m.. Chimes; 3:30 p. m., "Water Purification," C. A. Bussell ; 5:45. Chimes; 630, Sandman's visit; 7:00. "Health, the Nation's Greatest Asset," A. L. Willis; 7-20. International lesson for the next Sunday, Dr. Frank W. Court; 8:00. Mrs. Martin Silberste'in, harpist; Edna Yiewet. pianist; Sheffield Saxophone Quartette. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509). I ISO p. m., Organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; 12:00 m., Wanamaker Crystal Tea Room Orchestra: 4:45 p. m.. Organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; 7:30, Hotel Adelphia Concert Orchestra: 8 30, Musical program from Fox Theater, Emo Rapee, orchestra director; 9:30. Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 10:10, Sam Brown Dance Orchestra from Hotel Adelphia. WOR. Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405), 6 30-6:45 p. m.. Man in the Moon Stories for the Children. WOS, Jefferson City (Central, 440.9). 7:30 p. m.. Evening program of the Missouri State Farmers' Week Session at Columbia. WWJ, Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517). 9:30 a. m.. "Tonight's Dinner," Woman's Editor: (2:00 m.. Jean Goldkette's Orchestra: 3:00 p. m., Detroit News Orchestra: 830. Detroit News Orchestra; Anne Campbell, Detroit News poet; Mathew Saliie, baritone. pianist; 730. Claire M. Gillespie, soprano; 8:00, American Chicle Trio & Quartette; 9:00, John V L. Hogan, engineer; 9:10, Immigration Talk: 9:20. James MacDonald, baritone; 9:40, Winl'red T. Barr, pianist : 10:10, Prof. Howard Driggs; 11:00-12:00. Vincent Lopez Orchestra, courtesy Gimbel Bros. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 12:30-1:00 p. m., "The Logic of Organization for Labor," William M. Reilly. editor of the Craftsman; 8:30-9:30. Fiveminute talk for Safety Council: A. Harris & Company's Orchestra: 11:00-12:00, Evan H. Evans, baritone; Rutlx Abernathy. pianist. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 1:00 p. m., Meyer Davis Belleme Stratford Concert Orchestra; 6:00, Bedtime stories, Cousin Sue; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra. W'GI. Medford Hillside. Mass. (Eastern. 360). 6:30 p. m.. Meeting of the "Big Brother Amrad" Club: 7:30. Evening program: New England Business Problems. Arthur R. Cumick; Arthur Murray's course in Ball Room Dancing, lesson 7; Concert, Strain's Orchestra. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319). 12:30-1:00 p. m„ George Albert Bouchard, organist: 4-00. Tea time music. Martha Gomph, harpist; Katherine Stang. violinist: 6 30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statier Orchestra; 730, Digest of the day's news. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 930 p. m.. "Dance music, .lack Svmonds' Orchestra. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400). 4:00-5:00 p. m.. Walnut Theater Orchestra: Strand Theater Orchestra; 7 30-9:00. Georgetown Indiana Night. Irma Clip, soloist; the Rev. Warren I). Hall, University Presbyterian Church, Snyder, N. Y., speaker: 4:00-5:00, Bobert Munn, organist. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 10:30 a. m.. Church services. First Reformed Church, Rev Clayton Potter, pastor; 3:30 p. m., Program, WGY Symphony Orchestra; Fred Ileaeox. barilone; 7:30, Church services. First Church of Christ Scientist. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400), 9:57 a. m., Church service. Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev. Dr. Ira R. Ladd. pastor; Esther Barth. organist; 4:005:00, Concert, Mrs. Jane Webster Murrell. director. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 283), 8:00 p. m.. Concert program by the WHK Trio; Hen Silverberg, violinist: Max Schmidt, cello: Hen Bum, piano; Vocal solos by Miss Rutli Sponsetler, contralto. WHN. New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 360). 3-00-4:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor program; 5*0. John D. Flvnn of tli? National Security League; 5:15-6:00, WUN Radio Five Orchestra. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 309). 9:30 a. m.. Sunday School Services. Editorial Stan* of E School Publications. Methodist Book Concern: 11*0. Services. Church of the Covenant. Rev. Frank Stevenson, minister: 8:00. Reading Road Unitarian Church. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484). 9:00 a. m., Chimes: 1:30 p. m.. Orchestra: 7*0. Pine organ recital: 8:00. Church services: 9:00, Mu-ical program. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517), 11:00 a. m.. Services. St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral; 5:00 p. in., Detroit News Orchestra, ial ply which i potential or speculators. ruoi, ncepa aiuug uus line were taken here recently by the New York Better Business commission. Its course like that in Cleveland purposes to issue warning . perhaps every Thursday evening; (as is done by Station WJAX, Union Trust company. Cleveland, and the Better Business commission of that city) to listeners in as to stocks or bonds under suspicion. The warning; consists in the main of a description of the false securities and of questionable methods employed in the sale of sound shares or like instruments. Ohio Convicts Entertain COLUMBUS, OHIO. — Another program by talent from among the prisoners of the Ohio penitentiary, the first for Radiophar.s in many months, was given from Station YVPAI, of the Superior Radio & Telephone Equipment Co. recently.