Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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RADIO DIGEST — Illustrated I'cbruarv I, 192 IED GREEN CIRCUIT j^k . ued from page l'7> .vjaz. Chicago, in. WWR, Atlanta, Gsu WBAP. Port Worth. Texas. WFI, Philadelphia. Ta. WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. WGI. Medford, Mass. WGT. Schenectady, N. V. WHAM. Rochester. N. Y. WIP. Philadelphia. Pa W'EAM. No. Plainfield. N. J. WEAO, Columbus, WCAE, Pittsburgh. WQAA, Parkersburg, Pa. F\YX. Havana. Cuba WMAK, Lockport, X V. WOAW, Omaha. Meb. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. WQAXI, Miami. Fla. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. VTRC. Washington, D. C. WNAC, Boston. Mass WliAK, Bellows Falls, Vt. WSAL Cincinnati. Ohio. NNA, Arlington, Va. WAC, Kansas City. Mo. WAAZ, Emporia. Kan. 6KW, Tuinucu, Cuba. WHAJD, Milwaukee. Wis. WTAK. Norfolk. Va. WAAN. Columbia. Mo. WEAR, Baltimore, Md. WMAC, Cazenovia. N. Y. WNJ, Albany. N. Y. WPAZ, Chai*estown, W. Va. WRAY, Scranton.Pa. WOAO. Mishawaka, Ind. WOQj Kansas City, Mo. WHAA, Iowa City, Iowa. "WOU, Indianapolis, Ind. WABG, Jacksonville, Fla. WCM, Atlanta. Ga. YVLAG. Minneapolis, Minn. HTAK, Steubenville, Ohio. WSY, Birmingham, Ala. NAH. Brooklyn. X. Y. I recommend good substantial parts for this circuit and suggest that the purchaser do not try to see how cheaply he can, buy the different instruments, for by actual experience I have found this poor economy. Good Farts Necessary It is an excellent idea to have vernier adjustments on the two dials governing the variometers. It is essential to shunt the phones with a .001 mica condenser. For good DX work the antenna need be only 50 feet in length. See that it is properly insulated, however, for this means much in the quality of your reception. Do not use a ground clamp, but file a bright spot on the pipe or radiator, vrind a good length of wire around it several times, each strand close to its neighbor, tighten it well and solder over it all. This makes an excellent ground and you need not fear it will come loose. Do not rush it when tuning, but take it slowly, work each control with infinite care and you will be surprised at what this "freak" will do. (TO BE COXTIXUED.J Practically every section of the British empire is linked by Radio. Mo oi\. $iO°2Comfi/e/e USE YOUR PHONOGRAPH FOR RADIO To really enjoy radio you require a loud speaker that reproduces all broadcasting in full volume with rattle, vibration and distortion eliminated. Your phonograph has a sound-box that cannot be excelled. So attach a Morrison Loud Speaker to the tone-arm of your phonograph and you have a perfect combination— a scientifically developed loud speaking unit reproducing Radio's wonderful concerts through your phonograph's incomparable soundbox. It is the refinement of radio enjoyment. A little dial on the Morrison enables you to adjust the tone, soft or loud, to suit your taste. Further than that, Morrison is fool-proof — requires no technical skill nor constant adjustment to operate. This remarkable loud speaker complete with a 5-foot cord costs only $10.00 Nickel-Plated Model Every Morrison Loud Speaker is sold on a satisfaction or money-back guarantee. O'lr '-color catalogue describes Morrison fully — we would like to setul you one free. DEALERS Our merchandising plan to help you sell Morrison Loud Speakers assures you a profitable business. Every sale you make brings many more. Let us tell you about this plan. Morrison Laboratories, Inc. 343 Jefferson Ave.,E.,Detroit,Mich. SUPER-HETERODYNE (Continued from page 26) flexible enough so as not to interfere with rotation. A cross-section and an assembled view are given of the whole unit to clear up any doubts as to the proper assembly of the parts. (9) ONE REQ.D. '/a PANEL STOCK (§) ONE RECLD. '/a PANEL STOCK V 3/16DRILL 3/1 6 DRILL arcs*. ©TWO REQ.D. -SPECIAL INDUCTANCE 28 TURNS WOUND AROUND 1/8" STUDS HITCH YOUR RADIO TO A STAR FIXT CRYSTAL Price $1.25 A sure cure for catwhlskeritis. Easy to attach to any crystal or reflex set. Positively cannot jar out of adjustment. Increases the pleasure of your set lW/r. The logical successor to the open cat whisker and crystal. Sold with a positive GUARANTEE TO SATISFY THE PURCILYSER VN-HEREVEIt BOUGHT. Never anything like it produced before the STARS came out. MADE ONLY BY THE STAR CRYSTAL COMPANY 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Chicago Branch, S3 W. Jackson Blvd. TEN REALBIG REASONS WHY YOU, Yes, YOU Should TODAY ORDER and ALWAYS USE WHERE I GO BY RADIO The New Radio Record Book Now Being Used Every Night Everywhere 1. It is Handy, Complete, Convenient. 2. Shows at a glance When, Where, How and What You Heard. 3. Every line a complete record, giving Date, Hour, Weather Conditions. Station Call Letters, Location, Kind of Program, "Tuning In" Combinations, etc. 4. How to Measure Distances and Get Best Service. 5. Accurate Official List of Broadcasting Stations corrected to November loth. 6. Special copyrighted ssinbols make recording easy. 7. Enable you to keep permanent records of everything Interesting you hear, such as when Lloyd George. Woodrow Wilson, President Coolidge spoke, etc. 8. Supplies at Small cost what every "Ra-Owl" lias long h> i u anting. 9. Endorsed at lied by both amateurs and professional l-Jyerywhere. 10. New. Unique Radio Record System, with an Idea that appeals. It's the Idea and not just the number'of pages, each Sxll inches, that makes It worth while. Now "Listen In" on This. The names and add^ses of the First ivrson from each of the First 'fen States, and the Last Person from each of the f.ast Ten States, received by us to February nth. inclusive, sending for one Holiday, or two copies Popular Edition of Radio Record Rooks "Where I Go by Radio," will be published later in this Paper. This is a test of the "pulling powj-r" of this advertisement. Why Not Be First ami see YOUR name in print? RADIO BOOK DEPT. PROGRESS PRESS Union, South Carolina, U. S. A. © TWO REQ.D, -SPECIAL INDUCTANCE 46 TURNS .WOUND ^AROUND \STWS It is advisable to shield the entire oscillator circuit carefully as interference will seriously affect reception. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Turning On Battery Current Snap switches of any sort may be placed on the panel of your set and it will not be necessary to disconnect the batteries each time you listen in. Always have the current turned off the B batteries when the A battery current is turned on. Let it have time enough to warm up the inside of the tube before turning on the B battery current. — J. B. Owen, Blair. Okla. TUBES $4.24 Genuine R. C. A. Radiotrons UV199, UV201A, WD11, WD12 Guaranteed Firsts in Original Packages Brandes "Superior" Phones $4.76 Brandes "Table Talker" 8.12 Bremer Tully Vernier Tuner 3.97 3-Amp. Tungar Type Battery Charger, Complete 9.38 "Erla" Reflex or Audio Transformers 3.96 All American Transformers (All ratios) 3.82 "Como Duplex" Push-Pull Transformers (pr.). 9.87 Acme Audio Transformers 3.97 23-Plt. Vernier Condenser, Knob and Dial 2.13 L'3-Plt. Variable Condenser 1.14 $25.00 "FADA" Neutrodyne parts 19.75 Complete (BREMEB-TVLLY) parts for 5-tube Neutrodyne set 29.89 Cash or C. O. D. — Send for Complete List. SIMPLEX RADIO SALES CO. 1806 Lafayette Ave. St. Louis, Mo. Guaranteed Head-Sets '"D ED-HEADS" are guar■*■*■ anteed radio phones. You run no risk when you buy them. Money back if, after 7 days' trial, you're not satisfied that they're the best receivers on the market at the price. Why1 not act right now and get a pair? It'll mean getting the maximum from broadcasting from the day yon put them into use. NOW READY The new 1924 Model F I The new "Red-Head" Jr. $6.50 r™; $5.00 Terra.r Complete Complete "Red-Head's" sent prepaid on receipt of price if you are unable to get them at your dealer's. THE NEWMAN-STERN COMPANY Dept. R. D., Newman-Stem Bldg., Cleveland Another Scoop for C. W. Thompson Company AXXOl'XCIXG A XEW WESTERN ELECTRIC LOUD SPEAKER Cabinet Type — No unsightly horn with 2-stage push pull amplification. The Speaker Supreme — List price, with 3 Vv\ E. Tubes $175.00 Also the improved type 521 -W with Fibre Horn at $23.00 list. Dealers : Write B» e« «^| ELECTB.ICAL Swaying of the Antenna "While air currents do not affect the propagation of ether waves between the transmitting and receiving stations, the swaying of the antenna of the transmitting station in , the wind frequently causes changes in capacity of the aerial and therefore a change in wave length which may be noticeable at the receiving station. This fact Is most evident when the transmitting station is employing continuous waves and the receiver is operating on the heterodyne (synchronous) principle. Looking for stations you already had. When you get a station simply copy the readings in a KASPER RADIO RECORD BOOK, then when you want it— IT'S THERE. This book can be used with any set and it is so arranged and printed that each day's broadcastings are kept separate; also contains full illustrations and instructions HOW TO RECORD STATIONS. 25 cents —or 6 for $1.00, postage paid — don't send stamps. Write Today KASPER BROTHERS COMPANY 317 Lorain St. Bank Building Cleveland. Ohio Dealer or Agents Wanted" Everywhere jy5?E.Y SPIDER WEB TUNER % 6 00 FADA NEUTRODYNE PARTS, tor 5 Tube Set 50 IS NEUTRODYNE PARTS for 5 Tube Set Standard . ""■ 4575 Tuned Ft. F. Units, mounted on panel 7x24 drilled, can be used with Neutrodyne Melco. Radiodyne circuits, etc., set uo in one hour 4500 Set of 3 Neutrodyne Transf. with Neutralizing Condenser 14 7n TUBES DX 6 V. <M amp. hour 425 I'z amp. hour 4*50 Type UV 199. 6 100 amp. hour, standard base 4i50 Schickerhng Tube. Amplify or detector 5 00 $3.00 Electrahot Solflerino Iron, small tip... 2*50 1.00 K. D. Portable Loop 80 VARIOMETERS $6.50 Pioneer, specially recommended for Autoplex circuit 4.85 VARIOCOUPLERS $7.00 Pioneer, all moulded, bakelite 4.95 2.50 180 degree. 1200 meters 1.92 5.00 Acme Audio & Radio Transformers 3.95 Globe High Ratio, most selective. Transf 3.45 , „ B BATTERIES. Highest Quality 22'A V. small $.75 22' 2 V. large 1.45 45 V. Medium 2.00 45 V. large 2.90 $18.50 A. C, Homcharoer "Gold Seal" 14.95 $18.00 Westfhghouse Rectigon Charger 14.63 REMITTANCES MUST INCLUDE POSTAGE !MJ\,, ' Send for Our Free Monthly Prict list MARVEL RADIO G* 132 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK tKEYSTONE 4° RADIO LIGHTNING ARRESTERS SaotiM be on every aerial the year 'round. Provides hUulv efficient lightning and static protection for the hotue. Fully approved by Fire Underwriters. Can be installrd outdoors. Has no vacuum to lose. Install one In your atrial lead now — be safe. This pioneer radio arrester Is backed by 31 years' experience in lU'htnlng arrester design. For sale by Dealers everywhere, or seat costcald for JiOO. Write for circular. ElectricSevicfcSupplresCo. 17 $ Cambria Sts. Philadelphia Mtiutfnock Bid*.. Chica** ■■ Church St.. New York