Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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JEST — Illustrated, April 26, 192k 17 WEEK OF PROGRAMS ON THE AIR w; ^ Wm> a Gladys Atwood, favorite feminine reader and impersonator, broadcasts quite frequently from WGR at Buffalo. Miss Atwood has received numerous letters commenting on her Hebrew dialect readings. ^*m Robot Elisha S. Olmsted; 7:30, Bedtime story for the kiddies. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 462), 4:30 p. m.. The Sunshine Girl: 6:30 Dinner concert, William Penn Hotel; 7:50, Travel talk. Bev. Clyde L Kevins; 8:30, Musical program; 11:00, Boyd's Cameo Six. WCAL, Northfield, Minn. (Central, 360), 9:45 a. m., St Olaf College chapel services: 9:00 p. m., Clara Wang, pianist; Borghiid Roe, soprano; Odvin Hagen, tenor; Mildred Hoff, Margaret Hoigaard, accompanists. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central. 345). 8:00 p. m.. Zion Band; Richard F. Hire, Sydney Stewart, violinists; Mrs. Veatrice Beem, soprano; Katherine Schmidt, contralto; John D. Thomas, baritone; Erma Reynolds, soprano. WCX, Detroit Mich. (Eastern, 517), 2:20 p. m., Sunday school lesson. Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins. D. D. ; 4:15, Musical program; 6:00, Dinner concert Hotel Tuller; 7:00, Musical program. WDAF, Kansas City. Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m.. Musical matinee. D. Ambert Haley's Troost Dancing Academy Orchestra, direction of Eddie Werner; 6:00-7:00 p. m.. School of the Air; Piano tuningIn number. DuoArt; Address, speaker, William Jewell College; Reading. Cecile Burton; The Tell-Me-aStory Lady; Fritz Hanlein's Trianon Ensemble; 11:45 p. m.-l a. m., Nighthawk Frolic, the "Merry Old Chief" and the Coon-Sanders Orchestra. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central, 360), 7:00-8:00 p. m., Drake Concert Ensemble and Blackstone String Quintette; 8:00-8:30. Barton organ, Ralph Emerson; 10:00, Salvation Army Band, Tom Malee and Jack Little, Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 395), 11:45 a. m.. Daily Almanac; 12:02 p. m.. Organ recital Stanley Theater; 12:30, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2:003:00, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; Mrs. Anna B. Scott's talk on "Weekly Market Basket;" 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 11:10 a. m., Talk, "Making Lamp Shades;" 11:20. Minnie Weil, pianist; 3:30 p. m., National Civic Federation; 4:00. Rafael Saumell, pianist; 4:15, Herbert Oestricher. baritone; 4:45, Grace Sage, reader; 5:00, Louis Biamonte, flutist; 7:00, New York Federation of Churches; 7:30, Thornton Fisher; 7:50, International Motor Company; 8:00. J an Alfred, soprano; S:20. Bank of America; 8:30, Hunter College musical progam; 9:30, Irma Zacharias, violinist; 10:00, Joseph White, tenor; 10:30, Harvey Hindermyer, tenor, and Earl Tuckerman, baritone; 11:00, Vincent Lopez Orchestra. WEAO. Columbus, Ohio (Eastern. 360). 8:00 p. m.. WEAO Orchestra, Lillian Belfield. director; Arthur B. Waltermire, bass; Griff Lathrope, baritone; Talk, Henry Russell Spencer. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (Central. 476). 12:30-1:00 p. m.. "As Dallas Grows," Epps G. Knight; 6:45-7:00. Boy Scout program; 8:30-9:30, Musical recital, Wednesday Morning Choral Club; 11:00-12:00, Popular dance music. Melrose Orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 1:00 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra; fi:00. Sunny Jim, the Kiddies' Pal: 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra; 8:00. Boy Scouts Radio meeting; 8:30, Talk, "Keeping the House a Home." by Roy C. Sheeler; 10:10, Charlie Kerr and his Symphonic Dance Orchestra; piano solos by Billy WGAZ, South Bend, Ind. (Central, 360). 7:00-10:00 p. m. , Notre Dame University Night. WGI Medford Hillside, Mass. (Eastern, 360), 12:00 m.. Selections on the Ampico in the Chickering; Marjorie Drew's ten minutes; 7:00 p. m.. Meeting of the Amrad Big Brother Club; 7:30, Talk. Geoffrey L. Whalen. "The Radio Movie Man;" Musicale, McLean, director; Popular song hits, Bernard Eyges and his orchestra ; "Bombing," George Hamblin. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central. 370), 7:00-8:00 p. m.. Readings. Ruth Buhl; Robert J. McQuirk. baritone; Oriole Orchestra: 9:00-11:00, Lillian Moyer, soprano; Joseph Winthrop, 'cellist; Bertha Rast, pianist; Harry Marrill. tenor; Oriole Orchestra. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (Eastern, 319). 12:30-1:00 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 2:30-4:00, The Radio Dealers musical program; 6:00-7:30. Chamber music recital. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 2:00 p. m.. "The Unwilling Bridegroom," one-act play: 6:30, Romano's Orchestra: 7:45. program, vocal pupils of John Lloyd: "A Few Moments with New Books." L. L. Hopkins; Irene Peat, soprano; Mrs. Burt Newkirk, accompanist: Mrs. L. Fudge, soprano; R. J. Hannan, baritone; Bertha Lloyd, soprano; rifa Isliamoff, bassbaritcne: Mrs. John Madsen. soprano; W. E. Scott, tenor; Gladys Robinson, contralto; Doris Schallcr, soprano; "The Plattsburg Training Camp," Dr. Charles It. Johnson; Troy Pupils' Chorus; Mrs. Duncan Kaye, soprano: Ernest Gray, tenor; Unaccompanied Quartet; Jessie Mister, contralto; John Bexford. bass. WHAA, Iowa City, la. (Central. 484), 7:30-9:00 p. m.. Garden week program auspices Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 4:00-5:00 p. m.. Strand Theater Orchestra; Walnut Theater Orchestra, Walter Davison, director; Alamo Theater organ; 7:309:00, Concert, auspices Mrs. Robert K. Van Pelt; University of Kentucky Glee Club. N. R. Elliott, director Four-Minute digest of International Sunday School Lesson, Huston Quin; Radio Forum talk. WHB. Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 12:35-1:00 p. m.. Popular program, Sweeney Radio Orchestra; 2:00-3^00. Ladies* hour program, Sweeney Radio Orchestra: 7:00-8:00, Solos by members of the Sweeney Radio Orchestra; 8:00-10:00 Program broadcast from Indian Village, Sweeney Radio Orchestra; solos, Nell O'Brien. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360), 2:15-2:30 p. m., Jerome H. Remick Music Co.; 4:30-5:30. "The Original Charleston Five," Wm. P. Sbmerville, leader; 9:30-10:00. Lou Cold's Wigwam Club Orchestra: 10:00-10:10, Sara V. Turitz. soprano; 10:10-11:00. Program by the All Nations Association, Henry Tuton Mason, founder; 11:15-12:00, Sam Lannin's Boseland Dance Orchestra. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509). 1:00 p. m.. Gimbel Brothers' Tea Room Orchestra, Ray Steen, director; 3:00, Recital by pupils Nan Woerner studios; Gertrude Sack, soprano, Elsie Henrick, mezzo soprano; 6:05, Harold Leonard's Red Jackets from Club Madrid; 7:00, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8:15. Talk, Harold W. Lane; 9:30. Hon. George W. Norris, Governor of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; 10:30, Karl Bonawitz, Organ recital; 11:15, Ted Weems and his Cafe L'Aiglon Orchestra. WJAX. Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 8:00 p. m.. Musical selections. Members Music Department Cleveland Federation Women's Club; Address, D. C. Wills. Chairman Board Cleveland District Federal Reserve Bank; Musical selections; Address, Frank Fry, Assistant Treasurer Union Trust Company; Musical selections; Address, Mrs. W. W. Miller, of Ohio Federation Women's Clubs; 11:00 p. m.. Organ recital from Cleveland Public Auditorium, Vincent H. Percy, organist. WJY. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 405). 7:30 p. m., "Credit, the Development of the Clearing House Principal and Its Appliance to Credit." George Hetzel; 7:45, Mabel Schwab, pianist; 8:00, F. N. Shepherd, speaker; 8:30, Lecture, "Current History," Glenn Frank; 9:30, Mabel Schwab, pianist; 9:45, "Golf," Inrtis Brown; 10:00. Abraham Znaida, tenor; 10:30, Dance program, Hotel Majestic Dance Orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 455), 12:45 p. m., Pennsylvania Concert Orchestra; Nathan Abas, director; 3:00, Afternoon Auditorium concert; 4:00, Fashion talk, Elinor Gunn; 4:10, "May Day," Capitola W. Ashworth; 4:20, American Pen Women; 4:30. "Kandy Kiddies," Sarita MacLcary; 4:45, Harper's Bazaar, Lucy Park; 5:00, Thomas Dunn, baritone: 7:00, Uncle Dave Cory's "Jack Rabbit Stories:" 7:30. Time's Pop Question Game; 8:00. "Problems of Crime," Dr. Henry P. Fairchild: 8:30, Wanamaker organ recital: 9:15, American Newspaper Publishers' Association dinner; speaker, Sir Esme Howard. WLAG. Minneapolis-St Paul, Minn. (Central, 417), 10:45-11:15 a. m., Honsehold hints; 11:35-12:00 m., Surprise hour; 2:00-2:30 p. m., "Forty Wiggles." Tess Cooperman; 2:40-4:00. Daylight concert. Beata Hansen, violinist; Helen Posnick, reader; Mrs. Geo. Orness, soprano; 4:00-4:30, Magazine reading: 5:306:00, Children's stories, Mary Tillisch; 6:00-6:15, "Every Home a Court," Stanley Gillam: 8:15-7:00, Dinner hour concert; 7:30-8:15. Farm lectures: "Majoring with Peony and Iris." Mrs. H. B. Tillotson; "A Hole in Our Forest Pocketbook," Dr. Rafael Zon. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central. 309). 4:00 p. ra.. Adelaide Apfel, pianist; Talk, representative of the League of Women Voters; 10:00, Schima Kaufman, violinist; Program, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Waldene Johnston, violinist: Mltchel Humphries, violinist; Russel Moore, violaist: Evangeline Otto, 'cellist; Genevieve Goodman, pianist: Coda Dishcr. reader; Sextette, Grace Record. Marion Sold, Roxlue Beard, Martha Short, Antoinette Terron. Wihna Cameron: 11:00, Dohertv's Melody Boys. WMAQ. Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5). 3:30 p. m., Lessons in cookery, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hillcr: 4:20. Items of interest to women; 4:30, Federation of Women's Clubs' Co-operation with the Ex-Service Men, Myrtle Carpenter: 7:00. Boy Scouts' weekly talk; Talk, Rockwell R. Stephens; "The National Parks," Ellis Prentice Cole: Talk, Ray Monger; 8:40, LaSelle Orchestra: 9:00, Lecture, University of Chicago; 0:15. Drexel Quartet. WMC. Memphis, Tenn. (Central. 500), 8:30 p. m.. Ahem and her Chisca Hotel Philharmonic Orchestra. WOAW. Omaha, Neb. (Central, 526). 6:00 p. m.. Children's stories, by Grace Sorenson: 6:30, Orchestra: 9:00. Creston (Iowa) Concert .Orchestra. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484). 12:00 m.. Chimes: 3:30 p. m.. "Peptic Ulcer." Karl G. Stephan; 5:45, Chimes; 6:30. Sandman's visit: 7:00. "The History and Aim of Odd Fellowship." Justin Washburn: 9:00. The Palmer School Radio Orchestra; V. B. Bochte. baritone. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 11:00 a. m., Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m., Wana Where to Hear Talks \ALKS, instructive, serious, humorous and even frivolous, are broadcast daily and below are listed the stations, WLAG, WLW, WMAQ, WOC. WOR, WW J. Friday: KDKA, KFAE, KPOA, KOW. KHJ, KL.Z, KYW, WAAW. WBZ, WCAL, WDAF. WEAO, Wl WQl, WOT, WHA, WHB, WIT, U'JZ, WLAG, WLW, WMAQ, V, wos, wwj. Saturday: KDKA, KYW, WE AH. WBAP, WDAP, WFAA. WFI, WGI. WHAA. WIP, WLAG, WMC, WOAW. WOC. Monday: CKY, KDKA, KFAE, WAAM, WBZ, WDAR, WEAF, WFAA, WGR, WGY. WHAZ, WIP, WLAG. Tuesday: WDAF, WHAA, WHB. WIP. Tuesday: KDKA, KI'AK, KOW, KHJ, KYW, WAAM, WCAE WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WFAA. WGI, WOT, Willi, WIP, W.IY, WJZ, WKAR, WLAG, WMAQ. WMC, Woe, WSB, WWJ. Wednesday: KDKA, KFAE, KI-KI!, KKOA, KGO, KGW, Ki'O, KYW, WAAM, WBAH, WBZ, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WEAO, WGI, WH \ WJZ, WHAR, WLAG, WMAQ, \. WOR, WOS, WWJ. Thursday: KDKA, KYW, WAAW, WAAM, WAAW, WBZ. WCAE, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, Wl WFAA, WGY, WHAA, WHAS. WHB, WIP, WJAX, WJY, WJZ, WKAR, maker Crystal Tea Room Orchestra. Robert E. Colden, director; 4:45, Organ recital, Mary K. Vogt. WOQ, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 360), 7:00-7:30 p. m., Edison recreation program; 8:00-9:15 p. m., Benzo Gas program. WOR, Newark. N. J. (Eastern, 405). 2:30-2:43 p. m.. Recital by Freda Benneche, coloratura soprano ; 8:163:30, Freda Bennecht; 3:30-4:00; Gotham Entertainers; 6:15-6:30, Albert B. Sonn, on Radio for the Layman; 6:30-7:30, Frank Beilly's Country Club Orchestra. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429). 12:00-1:00 p. m.. Noon entertainment; 3:30-4:00, Howard Theater Orchestra overture and prologue; 5:00, Vick Myers Melody Orchestra: 5:30, Howard Theater Orchestra; 9:00, Musical entertainment; "The Bankers' Obligation," Robert F. Maddox; 10:45, Organ concert. Dr. Charles A. Sheldon. WWJ, Detroit Mich. (Eastern, 517), 8:00 a. m.. Setting-up exercises, R. J. Horton, Y. M. C. A.; 12 m., Edward Barnes, baritone; LeRoy DeTurk, tenor; 3:00 p. m., News Orchestra; 8:30, News Orchestra; Si. Josephat's Church choir, T. E. Okroy. director; 10:00, Goldkettefs Orchestra; 11:00, News Orchestra. Friday, April 25 CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern. 425), 1:45 p. m., Mt. Royal Hotel Concert Orchestra; 4:30, Mt. Royal Hotel Dance Orchestra. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 8:15 p. m.. Band concert. Salvation Army. KDKA. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 326), 12:15 p. m.. Concert; 6:15. Dinner concert, Westinghouse Band; 8:00, Radio Boy Scout meeting; 8:15, Feature: 8:30, Concert, Westinghouse Employes Band; Eleanor March, soprano; Jack Smalley, baritone. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. (Pacific. 330). 7:30 p. m., "The League of Nations — Its Achievements and Failures," Prof. N. J. Aiken; "Treatment of Foul Brood of Bees," B. A. Slocum; Mildred Smalling, contralto; Vincent Hiden, 'cellist. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6:45-7:30 p. m.. Instrumental concert. Lillian Hasseries Novelty Five Orchestra; 8:00-9:00, Evening Herald concert; 9:0010:00, Examiner concert; 10:00-11:00, Vocal and instrumental concert, Myra Belle Vickers; 11:00-12:00, Ambassador-Max Fischer Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266). 3:00 p. m.. Program of music, inmates* of State School for the Blind; 7:30. Musieale by talent from Bedford. Iowa. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. Pacific 455), 8:30 p. m.. Program, Seattle Chamber of Commerce. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 278). 3:30-4:30 p. m.. Concert program, direction of Gladwyn N. Nichols, musical director of Angelus Temple: 6:307:00, Review of International Sunday School Lesson for Sunday, April 27, by Mrs. M. Kennedy; 8:00-9:15, Revival services, conducted by Aimee 'Semple McPhcrson; 9:15-10:00, Musical entertainment presented by the Angelus Temple Band and Crusaders; 10:0210:10, The family altar and prayer, led by Aimee Semple McPherson; The Angelus Temple Chimes will close. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 8:00 p. m.. University Christian Church Orchestra; Daisy O'Brien, soprano; lime. Swartfager, violinist; Georgia Carpenter, soprano. KGW, Portland. Ore. Pacific, 492). 12:30 p. m.. Program, Peck Holton's Orchestra; 3:30, Lecture, Esther B. Cooley, clothing expert of Extension Service: 8:00, Lecture. Extension Division of University of Oregon; 10:30, Hoot Owls. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395). 12:30-1:15 p. m.. Program of concert selections; 2:30-3:30. Program through courtesy of Barker Brothers; 6:30-7:00. Children's program, presenting Richard Headrick. silver-sheet juvenile: Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog: Bedtime story; 7:00-7:30. Organ recital from First Methodist Episcopal Church, Arthur Blakeley. organist; 8:00-10:00; Program presenting Buth Markell. mo; A play by the Pasadena Community Broadcasters, Edward Murphey, director; Gladys Terrell, soprano; Sol Cohen, violinist; Mina Hellekson, pianist; 10:00-11:00, Art Hickman's Orchestra. KLX. Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 509). 8:00-10:00 p. m.. Jeanne Eubank Edwards, soprano; Nadlne Shepherd, pianist; Belmont Trio, Matilda Stress, soprano; E. E. Lichtig. baritone; Ethel Irwin, violinist: J. C. Tripp, accompanist; Ev. Sutherland's Oakland Syncopators. KL2, Denver. Colo. (Mountain. 360). 7:30 p. m.. "The Boy Builders of City and State" George \V. Ollnger. Originator of the Olinger Highlanders. KPO, San Francisco. Calif. (Pacific. 423). 1:00-2:00 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra : 3:30, Organ recital, Theodore J. Irwin; 4:30-5:30. Hudy Setter's Fairmont notel Orchestra. KSD. St. Louis, Mo. (Central. 546). 8:00 p. m.. Studio recital, Mrs. John E. Stoker soprano; Hunter Jones. pianist. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central. 536). 11:35 a. m.. Table talk, Mrs. Anna .1. Peterson; 6:00-6:30 p. m.. Spanish lesson. Prof. A. A. Braschi; 6:15. Children's bedtime story, "Uncle Bob;" 7:00-7:30, Dinner concert, Congress Hotel. Joska DeBabarjrs Orchestra. Clyde Docrr's Orchestra: 10:00-2:00 a. in . Midnight Revue. WAAW, Omaha. Neb. (Central. 360). 8:00 p. m.. Lessons in bridge, by Mrs. Guy U. Purdv. WBAH. Minneapolis. Minn. (Central. 417). 12:30-1:30 P. m.. Dick Long's Trio and soloist; 7:00-7:30. Hoarcat Serenaders. WBAP, Fort Worth. Tex. (Central. 476), 7: p. m.. Concert bv old-time flddle-s of Lewi: Tex., C. C Robertson, director: 9:30-10:45, Concert. Lone Star Hawaiian Trio of Aledo. Tex. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337). 11:55 a. m.. Hotel KJjnoal] Btxtdio: 6:0X1 p. m.. Dinner concert. WISZ Orchestra: 7:00. "The Stampede." Youth's ', Bedtime story for the k I Kimball studio: 11:00, Chamber music, WBZ Orchestra; Fred W. Gardner, tenor: Grace L. Kempton, soprano. WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern, 462). 4:30 p. m.. Children's program. Sunshine Girl, undo Kaybee: 6:30. Dinner concert, William Penn Hotel; 7:30. Uncle Kay bee; 8:30. Musical program, Ted Nenlln's Orchestra. WCAL. Northfield. Minn. (Central. 360). 9 45 a. m.. St. Olaf College chapel services: 8:30 p. m.. Book talk, "Rereading the Ancient Classics." Dr. George VVlda. WCX. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern 517), 4:15 p. m.. Musical program; 6:00, Dinner concert, Hotel Tuller: 7:00, Music. WDAF K««a City, Ma. (Central. 411). 3 30-4 3» ». iii.. .Musical matinee, regular Tequeai" nm»r«m br the Leo B Davis Or.-h-stra : 6:00-7 00 p of the Air: PI; A,' ',"?•, w1**1'" ampler* of the Kansas City (.1,11.!: Hanlein's Trianon Ensemble; *:0ti-"l5. Proirein broadcast from Ivanboe Tti* m -1 -00 a. in.. Nighthawk frolic, the "Merry Old Chief" and the Coon-Sandere On henra. WDAP. Chicago. III. (Central. 3*0). 7:00-850 p. m.. Drake Coi ibU and Blackstooe Siring Quintette; 10 :<>0, Wm. Benson. Barton organ. Ralph Emerson, Cambridge Sisters, Jack Chapman's Orehet WP,A,?' p,hi|adelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 11:45 a. m.. Dally almanac; 12:02 p. m.. Or^an recital. Stanley Theater; 12:30, Arcadia Cafe Concert OrehSira^OO Arcadia Cafe Concert im DaddVi bedtime stories; 10:10, . ' cafe b Orchestra; Special "Morning (,)ory Club Features;" Songs by Harry Glyn. Musical comedy stars from Philadelphia's leading theaters. W!AF\ Utw„. Vork N Y (Eastern, 492). 4 00 o. m.. The 400 Club Orchestr; gram; 7:10, Sigmund Kemper, xylopbonist 730 Thornton Fisher; 7:30, Crtsco program: 8:00. Billy Jones and Ernest Hai surance Co.; 9:00. Astor CofiY WEAO. Columbus. Ohio (Eaitern. 360: 1 00 p m. Educational lecture, member faculty; Music, university talent .AA' 0""*». T«»» (Central. 476). 12.30-1:00, Address, Dr. Robert Stewart 1! The Wonders of Alaska;" 8:30-9:30. Recital ' Green Company Choral Club. Earle D. Behrends. director. «u«™u». WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395). 1:00 p nv. JISerT,PariB bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestr*: 3:00, Piano recital. Loretu Kerk; 6:00. Sunnv Jim. the Kiddies' Pal; 6:30, Meyer Darts Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra. WGAZ, South Bend, Ind. (Central. 360). 7:00-8:30 p "i" B18 Five Orchestra; Elton Crepeaa. baritone; (. harles Krueger. tenor. WGI. Medford Hillside. Mass. (Eastern. 360). 12 00 m.. Selections on the Ampico in • Drew's ten minutes; 7:00. Mi Amrad Big Brother Club; 7:30, Selected verses. Charles L H Wagner, Radio poet; "What to Eat." Henry Copley Green : Toreador Club. WGN, Chicago. III. (Central. 370). 7:00-8:00 D m.. Dorothy Jensen, violinist: Louise Gordon, contraltoOriole Orchestra: 9:00-11:00. Mary Love Hawkins. soprano: Henry Jordon, tenor: Bulb. Meiner. cellist: Oriole Orchestra. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319). 12 30-1:00 p. m.. George Albert Bouchard, organl- The Radio Dealers' Musical Program: 6:30-7:30 and 11:30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Sutler Or Hotel Statler grill room, program of ! terian Church Choir. B. Dealer: 9:J5 11 :15. Concert, direction of Howard G . WGY. Schenectady. N. Y. (Eastern. 3*0). 2.30 p. m.. Music and household hints from the U 8. Department of Agriculture; 6:30. Children's program: 7:35. Health talk. N. T. Slate Department of Health: : a Little Queen." WGY Players; WGY Ore!. 10:30. Blue Bird Dance Orchestra. WHA. Madison, Wis. (Central. 360). 7:30 p. m.. "Why We Need Forestry." E. E Hubert : "Keeping Fire* Out of Wisconsin Forests." C. L Harrington. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400!. m.. Walnut Theater Orchestra; Strand Theater Orchestra: Alamo Theater organ: 7:30-9:00. Concert. Junior Claso of the Louisville Conservatory of Music. Helen Anderson, president: Frank Harmon, sponsor: Reading: An Interesting historical episode. WHB, Kansas City. Mo. (Central. 411), 12 35-1*0 pi m.. Popular program. Sweeney Radio Orchestra: 2:003:00 p. m.. Ladies' hour program. Sweeney Radio Orchestra: 7:00-.s:eO p. m.. Sweeney Radio Orchestra. WHK, Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 283). 1*0 r. m.. Program arranged by Cleveland Radio Dealers* Association ; Dance program by Louis Rich and his orchestra; solo numbers by favorite artists. WHN. New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 360). 2:15-300 p. m.. "Original Indiana Five." Tern Norton, leader: 3:003:15. Marguerite* Ackerman. soprano: 3:45-400. Al Novins and Clint Sommer in son. Joe Hollander and Larry McCarthy: 4 30-5 Trio;" 10:45-2:00 a. m.. "Midnight Bohemia." S. Jay Kaufman, Sir Jos. Glnzburg. Harry KKhman arid others. WIP. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 509). 1 00 p m.. Gimbel Brothers' Tea Room Orchestra. Ray Steen, director; 3:0n. Perm Belay Races, direct from Penn Stadium: 6:05, Jordan Lewis Dance Orchestra: 7:00. Uncle Wlp's bedtime su WJY. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 405). 7:30 p. m.. Ellas Cohen, vlollulst: Keith ...-companies ; 7:50. "Income Taxes," Fra Ellas Cohen, violinist: 8:10. Iran Frank, tenor: Erica Lukasczyk. accompanist : 8 :25. Legislative review. Hon. Julius Here; I 45. Standard Oil Company Band of Elisabeth; 8:45, "The Telorama," D. McFarlan > 10:00. Alex Maltzeff. tenor. WJZ. New York. N. Y. (Easter*. 4551. 12 10 p. m. Friday noon hour of music. B: ,in Churrh: 1 00. Henry Van Der Zander's Hotel Ambassador Trio; r organ recital. Leo It 4:00. Fashion talk. Eli-. I*. "Buying Hap piness via the V . rsoo; "Concerning the Tonne Chiid." Adelir.e Ri« .:attc Psychology.** h lesson; 8:00. Dorothy ratty MacDonongh. soprano: i : ward and Georgia:.! Martinez, pianists; 9:30. Book chat. Grace Isabel Colbron: 9 to. Chilean program, auspices Pan ::erres. baritone: 10:30. Paul S e program. WLAG. Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (Central. 417). • m.. Surprise b Welfare Work in Minnesota." Mrs. Bobbins Gllman: "Cleanup Week Talk." 2:40-t:0O. Concert. "Bonning's Air Haiders Orchestra." 4:00-4 30. Magazine ii Week!] i*hildren's Badio Health & Tooth brush Club cf America. Dr. F W. Pepper, president: 6:00-6:30. "Radio." Ray B. S Bainy Days," John Bl, "Special program by Garden Besots SOlidated Hich School." M. O. Stuvland. Oh ; iniied on page IS)