Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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JEST — Illustrated, April 26, 192k ~ 17 R I broad WOTt, KFOA, ,'AAW, VOAW, KFAE. ;vlag. WHB, : ' program by t-chool <:t. DuoArt ; ' the Ktiuu 13. Program. 'j. m.-: Wef" and the M30 P. m., atone tor*«n. Ralph nan's Orchea 11:45 a. m.. fcbestra '-earn Daddy's la i .in Glory Club .»l'.-»l comedy i™ p. m.. I !.•►■«. clul. >• Behrenda. 1 :00 o. m.. Bum llevue Strat u. baritone; ■). 12 00 m.. ng: Marjorie Amrad Bis arles L. H. :enry Copley S:00 p. m,. i. contralto: ib Hawkins. ner. cellist; ■** P. m.. 1 i WGAZ, South Bend, Ind. (Central, 360), 7:00-10:00 p. m., Notre Dame University Night. WG1 Medford Hillside, Mass. (Eastern, 360), 12:00 m., Selections on the Ampieo in the Chiekerlng; Marjorie Drew's ten minutes; 7:00 p. m.. Meeting of the Amrad Big Brother Club; 7:30, Talk. Geoffrey L. Whalen. "The Badio Movie Man;" Musicale, McLean, director: Popular song hits, Bernard Eyges and his orchestra ; "Bombing," George Hamblin. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, 370), 7:00-8:00 p. m.. Beadings. Kuth Buhl; Bobert .T. McQuirk, baritone: Oriole Orchestra; 9:00-11:00, Lillian Moyer, soprano; Joseph Winthrop, 'cellist: Bertha Bast, pianist; Harry Marrill, tenor; Oriole Orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 12:30-1:00 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 2:30-4:00, The Badio Dealers musical program; 6:00-7:30, Chamber music recital. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 2:00 p. m., "The Unwilling Bridegroom." one-act play; 6:30. Romano's Orchestra; 7:45, program, vocal pupils of John Lloyd; "A Few Moments with New Books." L. U Hopkins; Irene Peat, soprano; Mrs. Burt Newkirk, Beard, Martha Short.. Antoinette Terron, Wilma Cameron; 11:00, Doherty's Melody Bovs. WMAQ. Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5). 3:30 p. m.. Lessons in cookery, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller: 4:20. Items of interest to women: 4:30, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs' Co-operation with the Ex-S Men, Myrtle Carpenter; 7:00. Boy Scouts' weekly tails; Talk, Bockwell B. Stephens: "The National Parks," Ellis Prentice Cole: Talk. Bay Munger; 8:40, LaSalle Orchestra: 9:00, Lecture, University of Chicago; 9:15, Drexel Quartet WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central. 500), 8:30 p. m., Ahern and her Ohisca Hotel Philharmonic Orchestra. WOAW. Omaha, Neb. (Central, 526). 8:00 p. m .. Children's stories, by Grace Sorenson: 6:30. Orchestra; 9:00. Creston (Iowa) Concert .Orchestra. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484), 12:00 m.. Chimes: 3:30 p. m.. "Peptic Ulcer." Karl <;. Stephan: 5:45, Chimes: 6:30. Sandman's visit; 7:00, "The History and Aim of Odd Fellowship." Justin Washburn: 9:00. The Palmer School Badio Orchestra: V, Is. Boehte, baritone. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 509), 11:00 a. m.. Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m., Wana .,~n„. inianeurons, minn. (Central, 417). 12:30-1:30 p. m., Dick Long's Trio and soloist; 7:00-7:30, Bearcat Serenades. WBAP, Fort Worth. Tex. (Central. 476), 7:30-8-30 P. m.. Concert by old-time fiddlers of Lew: Tex., C. C. Robertson, director; 9:30-10:45, Concert' Lone Mar Hawaiian Trio of Aledo Tex WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern. 337). 11:55 a. m. Hotel Kimball studio: 8:00 p. m., Dinner concert. WBZ Orchestra; 7:00, "The Stampede." \ Companion: ; :;o. Bedtime story for the kli Hotel Kimball studio: 11:00, Cliamber music WBZ Orchestra: Fred W, Gardner, tenor; Grace L. Kempton, soprano. WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern. 462). 4:3o p. m.. Children's program. Sunshine Girl. Uncle Kavtvo: 6 :S0. Dinner concert. William Penn Hotel : 7 :S0, Uncle Kaybee; 8:30, Musical program, Ted Newlin's Orcliestra. WCAL, Northfleld, Minn. (Central. 360), 9 45 a. m.. St. cilnf College Chanel services; 8:80 p m., Pock talk. "Rereading the Ancient Classics." Dr. George wtida WCX. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern 517). 4:15 p. m.. Musical program; 6:00, Dinner concert. Hotel T 7:00, Music. irr <;>rdeo Orchestra: 7. So. Bertie ,oo; 8:00. Dorothy M»cD ten Allen, pianist Don Mara MaoDonough. * '. Eunice Howard ar.d Georgian.! Martinez, pianists; 9:30. Book chat, Grace 1 Colhron: 9 10. Chilean program, auspices Pan American Union; :tierre». baritone' 10 30 Paul Spceht dance program. WLAG. Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (Central. 4171. 5-11:15 a. m . m> Surprise l & jn Minnesota." Mrs. Bobbins Gllman: "Cleanur Week Talk:" 2:40-4:00. Concert. "Ronning's Air Raiders Orchestra;" 4:00-4:30. Magarine reading: 5:30-6:00, Weekly meeting Children's Radio Health A Toothbrush Club of America. Dr. F W. Pepper, president: 6:00-6:30. "Radio." Ray R. Swot: "Tight R Rainy Days." John Bio "Special program by Garden City, Minnesota Ceolldated Hlch School." M. O. Stuvland. dir ■ inued on page IS)