Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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Illustrated, May 3, 192b 17 AAW; BURLESQUE SHOW FROM WSB p. m.. Concert, Owen Crockett's Yeoman Orchestra 9:30-10:45, Concert, Old Time Fiddlers of Lewisville. Texas. WBAV. Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 12:00 m.. Religious Service, Columbus Council of Churches, Rev. Charles F. Bowman, pastor Mt. Vernon SI. E. Church. WBZ, Springfield. Mass. (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 337), 6:00 p. m.. Dinner concert, Leo Reisman Ensemble; 7:30, Bedtime story for the Kiddies; 7:40, Music, Home Beautiful Exposition; 8:00, Program, Slethodist Episcopal Church; 9:30, Charlse La Priere, pianist; Mardis Grown, baritone; Vincenzo Spolzino, tenor. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 462), 4:30 p. m.. The Sunshine Girl; 6:30, Dinner concert, William Penn Hotel; 7:30, Uncle Kaybee; 8:30, Romany Dance Orchestra; 11:00, Late concert, Boyd's Came, j Six Orchestra. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 2:20 p. m., Sunday School lesson, Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins; 4:15, Musical program; 6.00, Dinner concert; 8:30, Musical program. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4.30 p. m.. Musical matinee, D. Ambert Haley's Dance and Concert Orchestra; 6:00-7:00 p. m., School of the Air: Piano tuning-in number, DuoArt; Address, speaker from the William Jewell College; Reading, Ceeile Burton, from the works of local and Siissouri writers; The Tell-Me-a-Story Lady; Fritz Hanlein's Trianon Ensemble. Hotel Muehlebaeh; 11:45 p. m., 1:00 a. m., Nighthawk Frolic, the "Merry Old Chief", and the Coon-Sanders' Orchestra, Hotel Sluehlebach. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight Saving, 360), 7:00-8:00 p. m.. Drake Concert Ensemble and Blackstone String Quintette; 8:00-8:30, Barton Organ played by Ralph Emerson; 10:00, Program furnished by John Loring Cook, Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 395), 11:45 a. m.. Daily Almanac; 12:02 p. m., Organ recital, Stanley Theater; 12:30, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2:00 p. m., Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; Weekly "Market Basket Talk" by Mrs. Anna B. Scott; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 492), 11:20 a. m.. Talk on "Spring Dresses"; 11:30, Talk on "Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise"; 4:00 p. m., American Child Health Association; 5:00, Children's Hour program; 7:00, N. Y. Federation of Churches; 7:30, Thornton Fisher, 7:50, Bank of America; 8:00. Chiclet program; 9:00, Amphion Male Quartette; 9:30, Adelaide Soper, contralto; 10:00, Joseph Wilberscheid, violinist; 10:30, Harriet Sammet, pianist; 11:00, Vincent Lopez Orchestra. WEAO, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 360), 1:30 p. m.. Garden talk; 8:00 p. m., Program, music group of University Women's Glee Club. WFAA. Dallas, Tex. (Central, 476), 12:30-1:00 p. m.. Address, Dr. A. D. Laugenour, president. Dallas Astronomical Society; -6:45-7:00, Boy Scout program; H. W. Wester, Scout executive; 8:30-9:30, Musical program, Greenville, Tex., Male Quartet; 11:0012:00. Recital, Gibson Mandolin and Guitar Club. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 395), 1:00 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra; 3:00, WFI Quartette; 6:00, Sunny Jim, the Kiddies' Pal, songs by Georgie O'Hara; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra: 8:00, Boy Scouts Radio Corps, supversion Boy Scouts of America: 10:10. Charlie Kerr and His Symphonic Dance Orchestra from Majestic Hotel. WGI, Medford Hillside. Mass. (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 360). 12:00 m.. Selection on the Ampico in the Checkering; Miss Drew's Ten Minutes; Selections on the Brunswick; 7:00, p. m., Meeting of the Amrad Big Brother Club; 7:30, Talk Geoffrey L. Whalen. "The Radio Slovie Slan" : Musieale; Popular Bong hits, "Bernle and his Bunch." WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight Saving. 370). 7:90-8:00 p. m.. Address; Lucille Walker, pianist: Oriole Orchestra: 9:00-11:00, Program, -Blanche Blood's studio, Anna Lawrence, violinist; William Sweitzer, pianist ; Olga Pica, violinist ; Minnie Lee, pianist; Chris Fehrenbacher, violinist: Bessie Kohlman, pianist; Lillian) Houser, violinist; Margaret Neill, pianist; Rose Lawrence, violinist; Oriole Orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern Daylight Saving, 319). 12:30-1:00 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 2:30-4:00, The Radio Dealers Musical Program; 0:007:30. Chamber Music Recital. WUY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 1:00 p. m.. ■**«£&&£' On April 29, Edgar Guest, the well known poet, will delight the listeners of WCX, Detroit, with a program of his poems. "The Shawl's the Thing," Modern Priscilla; 5:30, Dinner music, Romano's Orchestra; 7:45. Radio drama, "The Walls of Jericho," WGY Players; A Few Sloments with New Books, William Jacob; WGY ~P 1 3 v srs WHA, Madison, Wis. (Central, 360), 8:00 p. m.. Phi Beta Kappa address, Glenn Frank, editor of Century Magazine. . ,.._«« WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 4:00-5:00 p. m.. Walnut Theater Orchestra; Alamo Theater organ; 7:30-9:00, Fritz Reinhart and his orchestra: Fourminute digest of International Sunday School lesson. Dr. R. B. Grider; Four-minute Radio Forum Boy Scout talk. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 12:35-1:00 p. m., popular music, Sweeney Radio Orchestra; 2:003:00, Ladies hour program, Sweeney Radio Orchestra. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern Daylight Saving, 360), 2:15-2:30 p. ra., Gertrude Van Deinse, singing; 2:20-2:30, Alex Cantor, baritone; 2:30-2:35, Billy Berkes, tenor; 2:35-3:00, Betram J. Goodman's Metamoro Restaurant; 3:00-3:15, The Ormande Sisters from the Sionte Carlo; 3:45-3:50, Louis Piotti. singing; 3:50-3:55, Ira Kessner, singing; 3:55-4:00. Bob Miller, singing; 4:00-4:05, Jimmy Flynn singing; 4:05-4:15, Dorothy Clarke, pianiste; 4:15-4:30, Flo William, soprano; 4:30-4:40, Joe Hollander & Larry McCarthy; 4:45-5:30, The Original Charleston Five; 9:30-9:40, The Ormonde Sisters; 9:40-10:00, Lou Gold's Wigwam Club Orchestra; 10:00-11:00, Program by All Nations' Association: 11:05-11:15. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa., (Eastern Daylight Saving. 509), 10:15 a. m.. Installation as bishop of Rev. T. J. Garland; 1:00 p. m., Gimbel Brothers' Tea Room Orchestra; 3:00, Artist recital from Horatio Connel Vocal studios, Slary Bray, contralto, Mary Sleriano, soprano; Harry Black, baritone, Emilie Loeben. pianist; 6:05, Harold Leonard's Red Jackets from Club Sladrid; 7:00, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8:00, world-wide broadcast of special program in Esperanto; 10:30, Organ recital, Karl Bonawitz; 11:15, Ted Weems and his Record Slaking Orchestra. WJAX, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern. 390), 8:00 p. m.. Selections, Hotel Cleveland Orchestra. Ivan Francisci, director; Vocal solos. Sir. L. Z. Bryan, Jr., male soprano; Violin and piano. L. Z. Bryan and O. A. Bryan; Soprano solos, Mrs. Estelle Chapin Thompson; Songs, Thomas Choral Club. WJY, New York, N. Y. (Eastern Daylight Saving, 455), 7:30 p. m., Philip Steele, baritone; 8:00, Philip Steele, baritone; 8:30, Concert; 9:30, Sray Sinshi Breen, banjoist. Peg Wanamaker. pianist; 10:15, Leon Gilbert Simon, baritone, accompanied by Miss Simon. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern Daylight Saving. 455), 1:00 p. m., Pennsylvania Concert Orchestra. Nathan Ahas, director; 3:00, Auditorium Concert; 4:00, Eleanor Gunn's Fashion Talk; 7:30, J. Vincent Sloore, tenor; 7:45, Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Stokowski, director; 8:30, Wanamaker Organ concert; 9:30, Slarion Christian, soprano; Helen Siohr. soprano; 10:00, Wanda Norman, pianist; 10:30. Hotel Slajestic Orchestra, Dance program. WLAG, Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn., (Central. 417), 10:45-11:15 a. m.. Household hints: 11:35-12:00 m.. Surprise hour; 2:00-2:30 p. m., "Forty Wiggles," Tess Cooperman; 2:40-4:00, Daylight concert. Mrs. A. J. Ryan, contralto; Alison McBean, violinist: Ruby Pearce, pianist; 4:00-4:30, Slagazine reading; 5:30-6:00, Children's stories, Ellen Nye; 6:00-6:15, Sport hour. "Salesman's Place in Industry," J. S. Taylor; 6:15-7:00, Dinner Concert. Jubilee Singers; 7:30-8:15, Farm lectures. "Slinnesota's Place in the World's Markets," Hugh J. Hughes. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Eastern Daylight Saving. 309), 10:00 p. m.. Times Star World Radio Club; 10:10, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, reading, "Brushwood," musical accompaniments written by Tirindelli. Pauline Stemler, pianist; 11:00, Dohertys' Sfelody Orchestra. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central Daylight Saving, 447.5), 5:30 p. m.. Lessons in cookery, Sirs. Elizaketh O. Hiller; 4:20, Items of interest to women; 4:30, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs; "Public Welfare," Mrs. H. W. Hartough; 7:00. Boy Scouts' weekly talk; Talk, Rockwell R. Stephens; Talk, Ray Slung.-; 8:40, LaSalle Orchestra; 9:00, "Othin and Thor," Dr. Chester N. Gould; 9:15, Program, Mrs. Crum. WOAW, Omaha. (Central, 526), 6:30 p. m.. Dinner dance program; 9:00, Community program by talent from Glenwood, Iowa. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central. 484), 12:00 m.. Chimes; 3:30 p. m.. "Dilation of tho Stomach," Karl G. Stephan; 5:45, Chimes: 0:30. Sandman's visit; 9:00. Palmer School Radio Orchestra. Ervrtn Swindell, director: V. B. Rochte. baritone. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern Daylight Saving. 509). 11:00 a. ni.. Organ recital. Slary E. Vogt; 12.02 p. m., Wanamaker Crystal Tea Room Orchestra: Robert E. Golden, director; 4:15. Organ recital. Srary E. Vogt. WOC Kansas City. Mo. (Central, 360). 3:00-3:30. p. m. . Music, Edison Recreation; 7:00-7:80, Varied Slusical program under direction of Sam Adair. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern Daylight Saving. 405). 2:30-2:45 p. m., Helen Rennyson Wilson, soprano; '2:45-3:00, Talk on the Centre Slarket, Newark. N. J. . bv John Francis Cahill of Newark; 8:30-3:45, Helen Rennyson Wilson, 6:15-6:30. Albert E. Sonn In Radio for the Layman; 6:30-7:30, Siusic while you dine, Tom Cooper's Country Club Orchestra. WRC. Washington, D. C. (Eastern. 469). 6:00 p. m.. Children's hour, Peggy Albion: 7:45, '•The Question Box," The Pathfinder Publication Company; 8:00, Where to Hear Talks *TPALKS, instructive, serious, humorous and even frivolous, are broad•■• cast daily and below are listed the stations. Tuesday:.. CKY, KDKA, Ki KFSG, KGW, KYW, WAA.M, \\ ■ WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WFAA, WGY, Willi, WIP, WJT, \VJ/„ WLAG, WMAQ, WJ1C, WOC, Wl Wednesday:. KDKA, KFAR, Kl'KJ:, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KH.I, Kl'O, KYW, WAAM, WBAH, WBZ, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WEAO, WGI, WHA, WJZ, WLAG, WMAQ. WOC, WOR, WOS. Thursday: KDKA, KFSG, KYW, WAAW, WAAM, WAAW, WBZ, WCAE, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WEAO, WFAA, WGY. WHAA, WHAS, WHB, WIP, WJAX, WJY, WJZ, WLAG, WLW, WMAQ, WOC. Friday: CKY, KDKA, K KH.J, , WAAW WHA, . WIV. WJZ, WLAG, V Saturday: KDKA. KYW, WBAH. WBAP, WDAF, WFAA, V. WHAA, WIP, \VI. Monday: CKY, KDKA, WAAM, V 2 WOR, WGY, WHAZ, WIP Tuesday:.. KFSG, WDAF, WHAA, WHB, WIP, KGW, Dance program, The Better 'Ole Orchestra: 9:00, 'i'alk on motoring, American Automobile Association ; 0:15, Song recital; 9:30, .Negro Imitations, Arthur B. Pierco; 9:45. Song recital; 10:00, Operalogue, Peggy Albion, Washington Opera Company. WSB, Atlanta. Ga. (Central, 429), 8:00-9:00 p. m., .Mayday concert, Athena; 1U:45, Dr. Charles A. Sheldon, organist. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 8:00 a. m.. Betting-up exerciseB, R. J. Horton; 12:00 m., Edward Barnes, baritone; LeRoy DeTurk, tenor; 3:00 p. m. News Orchestra; 7:00, Detroit News Orchestra; Victoria Davie, contralto; Irene Benson, soprano. Friday, May 2 CKAC, Montreal. Can. (Eastern, 425), 1:45 p. m., Mt. Royal Hotel Concert Orchestra; 4:30, Mt Royal Hotel Dance Orchestra. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 1:00 p. m.. Lecture, Professor, Agricultural College; 8:45, Lecture, Professor, University of Slanltoba. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326). 5:30 p. m.. Organ recital, Paul Fleeger; 6:30, "The Queen of Hearts, She Baked Some Tarts"; 7:05, Radio Boy Scout meeting; 8:00, Special feature. KFAE. Pullman, Wash. (Pacific, 330), 7:30 p. m., "Bagabond's Orchestra," Leighton; "Farm Crops," C. L. Vincent; "Is the Pacifist Right!" Rev. Clay Palmer; William P. Hanson, cornetist; "Transferring Bees," B. A. Slocum; "Highways of the Northwest and Their Condition," H E. Phelps; Book chat, Alice Webb. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific 469), 6:45-7:30 p. m.. Concert program; 8:00-9:00, Evening Herald concert; 9:00-10:00, Examiner concert; 10:00-11:00. Concert of vocal and instrumental numbers; 11:00-12:00, Ambassador-SIax Fischer Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. KFKX, Hastings, Neb. (Central, 341). Bebroadcasts program of KDKA. KFNF. Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 7:30 p. m.. Music, Legion Minstrels Orchestra of Shenandoah. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 8:30 p. m.. Classical recital, James Hamilton Howe, director, Haude Pedcrson, Claire Turner, Sirs. Florita Munson-Wroten, Corinne Munson, Jean Black, Frank Bums, Oeor^'c SIcElroy, Sirs. Clifton Beid. L F. Jones, Boy Deaver, Ha<zel Cameron, Ray Slarston. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 278), 3:30-4:30. p. m.. Special musical program arranged and presented by Gladwyn N. Nichols, musical director of Angelus Temple; 6:30-7:00, Children's hour. Mrs. M. Kennedy, will review the International Sunday School lesson for Slay the 4th; 8:00-9:15, Regular weekly revival service conducted by Aimee Semple McPherson; 9:15-10:u0, The Angelus Temple Band and Crusaders will broadcast a special musical concert program; 10:02-10:10, The Family Altar and prayer conducted by Aimee Semple SicPherson; The Angelus Temple Chimes will ring off KFSG. KGW, PBrtlanrJ, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 12:30 p. m.. Peck Holton's Orchestra; 3:30. "Who Notched the Coat Lapel?" 8:00 Lecture. Portland School of Social Work; 10:30, Hoot Owls. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m.. Program presented through courtesy of Barkef Brothers; "Traffic Talk," Captain W. F. Cannon; 2:30-3:30, Program presented through courtesy at Barker Brothers; 6:00-6:30, Art Hickman's Concut Orchestra; 6:30-7:30, Siusic Slemory Contest conducted by Fitzgerald Siusic Company; Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog, speaker; Program presented through courtesy of Barker Brothers: Weekly visit of Richard Headrick, silver-sheet juvenile; Bedtime story, "Uncle John"; 8:00-10:00, Program presented through courtesy of Barker Brothers; 10:00-11:00, Art Hickman's Dance Orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific. 423). 1:00-2:00 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra: 2:303:30, Organ recital. Theodore J. Irwin; 4:30-5:30. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Orchestra. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 546), 8:00 p. m.. Program to be announced. KYW. Chicago, III. (Central Daylight Saving, 536), 11:35 a, m.. Table talk, Sirs. Anna J. Peterson: 6:00 p. m. Spanish lesson. Prof. A. A. Braschi: 6:45. Children's bedtime story; 7:00-7:30. Dinner concert, Joska DeBabary's Orchestra; Paul Whiteman's Celebrated Collegians; 8:20-8:40. Program. American Farm Bureau Federation; 10:00-2:30 a. m.. Siidnlght revue. WAAW. Omaha. Neb. (Central, 360). 7:30 p. m.. Boys' Day in the Home program arranged by Judge L. B. Day of Court of Domestic Relations. WBAH, Minneapolis, Minn. (Central, 417). 12:30-1:30 p. m.. Dick Long's Trio and soloist; 7:00-7:30, Program.Inteniational Bible Students. WBAP. Fort Worth, Texas, (Central. 476), 7:30-8:30 p. m_. Concert. Texas Christian University under arrangement of Prof. H. D. Guelick; 9:30-10:45, Concert, Fred Wagner and Hawaiian Steel Guitar Players. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 12:00 m„ Piano music. Ha Lorbaoh Owens: 8:00 p. m.. Concert. Oltcrbcin College talent; Talk. President W. O. Cllpplnger; Men's Wee Club: A. R. Spessard. baritone; C. J. Broadhead and Glenn Grant Grablll. Pianists; Prof. C, A. Friu. reader; Otterbeln Banjo Orchestra, WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 337). 6:00 p. m.. Dinner conceit. WUZ Orchestra: 7:00, "The Pouch", V anion; 7:30. Bed time story for the Kiddies; 10 00, Program, Richmond] director: 11:00, Chamber music, wbz Orra; Mrs. Gerkln. contralto; Louis Bedard. violinist: sirs. Ruby Tllton Klngsloy, WCAE, Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 462). 1:30 p. in.. Special children's program. Tile SUl and Uncle Kaybee; 6:80, Dinner concert, William Perm Hotel; 1:30, Uncle Kaybee; 8:80, Musical proI, First Baptist Sunday School Orchestra of New Kensington. WCX. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern, 517). 4:15 p. m., Slusical program: 6:00, Dinner concert ; 8:80, Music. Caravan Club. Moslem Temple. Order Of Mvstic Shrine. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m.. Musical matinee, Request program, the Leo R. Davis Orch . Ull i>. in.. School of the Air; Piano tunin«-in number, Duo-Art ; ipeakar from tho Kansas City Children's Bureau : Address, Kred Gamer. Second of a series on "Radio"; The Tell-SIe-a-Story Lady: Fritz Hanlein's Trianon senible; 8:00-9:15, Program arranged, Mrs. Ella ■ tie Clark: 11:45 p. rn.-l.-00 a. m., XUbthawk . and the I sluehlebach. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central. Daylight Saving. 3*0) i m., Drake Con. ■ I'.lack stone String Qulnletu-; Io-.(JO. Cambridge Sisters. Win. Benson. Barton Organ played by Ralph Emerson, Jack Chapman's Orcbestra. WDAR, Philadtplhia. Pa. (Eaitern. Daylight Savlaa 395), 11:45 a. m.. Daily Almanac" i'-T"'!: nan recital. Stai Radio Playlet. V .. 4ye(1' 10:10, Howard Lanin '<-bea ™a;, J Glory Uub program; Music: ladel phla s leading theaters. Wf£f' .Nn" Y°rk' N Y (Eaatera. Daylight Saving. 492), 4:00 p. m., Talk for Women; 4:15, Talk Finger of God"; 4:30, George Olsen Orrhetira Loretta SIcTlghe. soprano; 7:00, Talk by Cl» EV,?paId; 7:2U Talk (or Eo>6-' 7:3° Thornton 1 7.50, Crisco Program; 8:00, Happiness Cand . gram; 8:30. Fellan Garzla, pianist; 8:50. Battery talk; 9:00. Astor Coffee Dance OrchestraWendell Hall; 10:15, laoaut string Quartette. WEAO, Columbus. Ohio (Eaitern, 360). 1:30 p m harden talk; 4:00. Agricultural lecture. Ohio' I i iversity faculty nn I university • WFAA, Dallas. Texas. (Central, 476). Address. Dr. Robert S*tewart kan Railway Development", Frank Reel Slusical recital. J. Wesley Hubt members of Hubbell Club. ,„',:> Phi|adelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 395), 1:00 p. m., Sleyer Davis Bellevue Strat/ord Concert Orchestra; 6 .iddiee' Pal; 6:30. Sleyer Davis Bellevue Stratford I chest ra. WGI. Medford Hillside. Mass. (Eastern Daylight Saving. 360), 12:00 m., Selections or. v's Ten Siinutes; 7:00, Srecting of the Amrad liig i Selected verses, Charles L. H: W, 7:40, Late Ampico releases; 7:50, "What to Eat". Henry C. Green; 8:00, Concert, Mable Hurray; 9:00, Popular song hits. Orpheum Slusi. WGN. Chicago. III. (Central. Daylight Saving. 370). 7:00-8:00 p. m,. Address. Raym. : inlet; Pauline Willis, soprano: Oriole Orchestra ; 9:00-11:00, "HMS Pinafore". WGN Light Opera Company; Oriole Orchestra. WGR. Buffalo. N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 319). 12:30-1:00 p. m.. George Albert Bouchard, organist; 2:30-4:00. The Radio Dealers Slusical Program: «:307:30. and 11:30. Vincent Lopez Hotel Sutler Orchesta; 9:00-11:15. Three-act comedy-drama. ' Rebec ca'S Triumph". Central Dramatic Club, direction Mrs. John Uebelhoer WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 1:00 p. m., "Tlie Test", one-act play. Jay Let Murphy Children's program: ~ AT,. Ollie G Florence Palmer, soprano: Sirs. Peter Schmld: linist; Walter Reagles. tenor; 11:31 Pianist; Theresia Berberieh. contrail' . WOT Orchestra. WHA. Madison, Wis. (Central. 360), 7:30 p. m.. Readings from literature, J. Barnes. WHAS, Louisville. Ky. (Central. 400). 4:00-5:00 p. m.. Walnut Theater Orchestra: Alamo Theater organ: 7:30-9:00. Concert. Louisville Rotary Club: Beading, an Interesting Historical Epfe WHB. Kansas City. Mo. (Central. 411). 2:00-3:00 p. m.. Varied musical program. Sweeney Radio Orchestra: 8:00-9:00. Service. University United Brethren Church; 9:00-10:15. Classical and sacred music. Sweeney Radio Orchestra; 12:00-1:00 a. m.. Special popular program for far-West listeners. Sweeney Radio Orchestra. WHK. Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 283). 9:00 p. m.. Program arranged by Cleveland and His Orchestra; Sblo numbers by popular • tainers. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight 360), 2:15-3:00, Original Indiana Fire; SrOO Clarence Richardson, tenor: 3:15-3:55. Alv > and Clint Soramers; 3:55-4:30. Al Xspp's Original Broadway Sextette: 4:30-4:40. Jack Larrie. 4:45-5:15. Snappy Trio .-rim ; 11:00-11:30, Lule Cohen's Orchestra; 11:30-11:40. Billy Berkes. singing; 11:40-11 singing; 11:45-12:00, Bob Schaefer and Dave Rlnglne, singing. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 509), 1:00 p. m., Gimbel Brothers' Tea Rooi i lustra; 6:06, St, James Hotel Dinner Dance Oi tra; 7:00. Uncle Wip's bfxlti: WJY. New York City. N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight Sav. ing, 455). 7:30 p. m.. Red and IJray SI concert: 9:30, Blow-By-Blow. Ing bout between Zlcenti and Pal Square Garden; Word-plctui. White, veteran Radio sport ennou WJZ. New York City. N. Y. (Eastern. Davllvh' ing, 455). 1:00 p. m.. Henry Van 1> Ambassador Trio: 4:00. Steam -hion Tatt: 7:00. Thornton V Crescent Trio; 8:48, T.. Clsln: 9:00. The Crescent Trio: 10:00. Eleanor soprano: 10:30. Paul s WKAQ. San Juan. P. R. (Interroieoial. 360> p. ra.. WKAQ Orchestra; Studio program, propaganda about the Islami WLAG. MinneapolisSt. Paul. Minn. (Ceatral. 5-11:15 a. m Surprise Hour: 2 '.'and Talk": 2:40 ,-iaine ikly meeting Children's Health and Tbothbruab erica: Dr. i Athl. Farm lectures: "What Makes i Irwtng: "Planning the I tosh: "Planning and Planting of Silage Crops". R. J. Christie: ! pram. Slan' . hestra under Sam J. Helruan. dl; WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 309). 4:00 p. WMAQ. Chicago. III. (Central. Daylight Saving. 4: •wlta! hall: Pupils, Bush Conservatory . (Continued on pnge IS) 1" -»