Yearbook of radio and television (1959)

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Foreword Q1TATISTICS are the accepted footprints of an industry's progress and growth. Nineteen fifty-eight in the broadcasting industry, both American and world-wide, was essentially a year of change. The record of those changes, major as well as minor, and their effect upon the industry, will be found chronicled on the pages of this, the 22nd Edition of the Radio Annual Television Year Book. T ONG acknowledged the Recognized Standard Refâ– ^ erence Book for the industry, its pages further reflect evidence of continued advancements and contributions in the great medium of broadcasting for the spreading of vital information and entertainment. TT hardly need be added that the 22nd edition again represents the efforts of countless collaborators, official and unofficial. To these loyal friends of the Radio Television Daily and the industry, once again, our deep and grateful appreciation. g. t2&4*J&~. Editor and Publisher