The radio annual (1959)

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>###»###»#####»»#######»»#######»############ > \||{ ACTIVE MEMBERS City Grand Forks Akron Athena Athens Bowling Green Clnclnattl Cleveland Columbus Columbus Colnmbns Colnmbas Delaware Kent Oxford Toledo Yellow Springs Norman Norman Oklahoma Cl/ty Stillwater Tulsa Corvallis Eugene Eugene Portland Grove City Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Pittsburgh Scranton Columbia Knoxvllle Memphis Austin Dallas El Paso Houston Houston Logan Salt Lake City Harrisonburg Norfolk Richmond Pullman Seattle Seattle Tacoma Appleton Madison Madison Call Letters KFJM (AM) WAPS (FM) WOCI (FM) WOUB (AM) WBGU (FM) WCET (TV) WBOE (FM) WCBE (FM) WOSU (AM) WOSU (FM) WOSU (TV) WSLN (FM) WK8C (FM) WMCB fFM) WTDS (FM) WYSO (FM) WNAD (AM) \VNAD (FM) KOKH (FM) KAMC (FM) KWGS (FM) KOAC (AM-TV) KRVM (FM.) KffAX (FM) KBPS (AM) WSAJ (AM) WPWT (FM) WHYY (FM-TV) WRTI (FM) WXPN (FM) WDUQ (FM) WUSV (FM) WUSC (FM) KUSD (AM) WUOT (FM) WKNO (TV) KUT (FM) KEBA (TV) KVOF (FM) KTTHF (FM* KUHT (TV) KVSC (FM) KUED (TV) WEMC (FM) WMTI (FM) WBFK (FM) KWSC (AM) KCTS (TV) KUOW (FM) KTOY (FM) WLFM (FM) WHA (AM) WHA (FM) WHA (TV) WMVS (TV) KUOH (FM) WIPR (AM) W*PR (TV) NORTH DAKOTA Licensee Executive Univ. of North Dakota Myron Curry, Director OHIO Akron Public Schools Ohio I nl v. Ohio University Bowling Green State O. Greater Cinci. TV Ed. Foundation Bourd of Education Bd. of Ednc, City School District Ohio State Univ. Ohio State Univ. Ohio State University Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Kent State Univ. Miami Univ. Toledo Public Schools Antioch College OKLAHOMA Univ. of Oklahoma Univ. of Oklahoma Board of Education Okla. State University Univ. of Tulsa OREGON Oregon State System of Higher Education Eugene Pub. Schools Univ. of Oregon Portland Public Schools Cyril Jones, Dir. Radio-TV Ed. Archie Greer, Supv. of Bcfltg. Archie Orecr. Snp\. of Bcstg, Sidney Stone, Director Uberto Neely, General Mgr. Katherine Matchefct John II. Sitlig, Dir. Richard B. Hull, Director Richard B. Hull Richard B. Hull Gerald Kroeger, Dir., Radio-TV Walton D. Clarke, Dir. of Radio Stephen C. Hathaway, Dir., Radlc Harry D. Lamb. Dir. Radio-TV Harold A. Roeth, Mgr. Hugh Mix, Dir., Educ. Best. Services Hugh Mix Dr. Robert Shultz, Dir. Radio-TV Robert M. Johnson, Chairman Edward S. Dumit, Dir., Radio-TV James M. Morris, Program Directot Roger J. Houglum, Mgr .-Dir. John R. Shepherd, Prod. Dir. Mrs. Tatricia Swenson, Manager PENNSYLVANIA Grove City College Philadelphia Wireless Tech. Instit. Metro. Phila. Educ. Radio & TV Corp. Temple Univ. Univ. of Pennsylvania Duquesne Univ. Univ. of Scranton Dale O. Smock, Manager William W. Zerftng William J. McCarter, Jr., Prod. Mgr. Robert Schenkkan, Dir. 31. Campbell, Exec. Dir. Virgil C. Hicks, Director John Meaney, Dir. John Meaney, Dir. Barrel F. Hansen, Chairman Dr. Keith Engar, Mgr. John B. Roberts, Dir., Radio-TV Ralph Thornton, Mgr. B. Kendall Crane, Director Rev. Richard F. Grady, S.J., Director SOUTH CAROLINA Univ. of S. Carolina Alice Wyman, Dir. SOUTH DAKOTA Univ. of S. Dakota Edward J. Slack, Mgr. TENNESSEE Univ. of Tennessee Kenneth D. Wright, Dir. of Broadcasting Memphis Comm. TV Ernest C. Ball, Dir. TEXAS Univ. of Texas Area ETV Foundation Texas Western College Univ. of Houston Univ. of Houston UTAH Utah State University University of Utah VIRGINIA Eastern Mennonlte College William-Mary College Union Theol. Sem. WASHINGTON State College of Wash. Allen Miller, Manager Comm. TV Service Loren Stone, Mgr. Univ. of Washington Ken Kager, Mgr. Tacoma Public Schools Merle Kimball, Program Mgr. WISCONSIN Lawrence College Univ. of Wisconsin Univ. of Wisconsin Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee Vocational & Adult Schools HAWAII University of Hawaii PUERTO RICO Orlcina de Radio Francisco Arrivi, Manager emlslon Publica Francisco Arrivi, Manager John R. Mi iw, Pres. B. C. Dickerson, Head of Elec. Dept. R. W. Kirkpatrick, Dir. A-V Jos. Hopfensperger. Sta. Mgr. H. B. McCart.v, Director H. B. McCarty H. B. McCarty, Director Paul K. Taff, Station Mgr. Louis Steed, Dir., Univ. Radio 309