Yearbook of radio and television (1959)

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WRCV-TV— Philadelphia— 1941 Channel: 3 VHF..AP: 50.1 Kw.. VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By National Bcstg. Co. Business Address 1613 Walnut St. Tel.: LO 4-3700 NBC Representative NBC Spot Sales V.P., Gen. Mgr Raymond Welpott Comm. Manager. . .Theodore H. Walworth, Jr. Program Director George Cyr Prom., Pub. Dir John P. Wiley Film Manager Frank Hall Mgr. Tech. Oper William A. Howard WCAU-TV-Philadelphia-1948 Channel: 10 VHF..AP: 158 Kw.. .VP: 316 Kw. Owned-Oper. By CBS, Inc. Address City Line & Monument Aves. Tel.: GR 7-8300 CBS Representative CBS TV Spot Sales Manag. Dir Donald W. Thornburgh General Mgr John A. Schneider Gen. Seles Mgr James Conley 'PENNSYLVANIA Reg. Sales Mgr E. Gordon Walls Program Dir John Dolph, Jr. Dir. Prom. & Info Robert N. Pryor Film Mgr Allan Ludlum V.P. In chg. Engineering John G. Leitch KDKA-TV-Pillsburgh-1949 Channel: 2 AP: 50 Kw VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. . Westinghouse Brdcstng. Co. Business Address 1 Gateway Center Tel.: EX 1-3000 CBS Sta. Representative . . Peters, Griffin, Woodward After July 1 TvAR President Donald H. McGannon Vice President Harold C. Lund General Manager Jerome R. Reeves Comm. Manager John Stilli Program Director Cal Jones Promotion Director David N. Lewis Film Manager Richard Dreyfuss Publicity Director Peter Thornton Chief Engineer Raymond Rodg»n Owners of: WBZ-TV, Boston; KYW-TV, Cleveland; KPIX, San Francisco; WJZ-TV, Baltimore. Md. First in ratings, talent, programming for 38 counties in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Maryland. Gives you more audience, month after month, than any other TV station in the $4.7 billion Pittsburgh market area. ACID PROOF: ARB share-of-audience figures, from signon to sign-off, consistently give KDKA-TV an average of almost twice that of the 2nd Pittsburgh station. For all the facts call John Stilli, KDKA-TV Sales Manager, at EXpress 1-3000. Remember ... no selling campaign is complete without the WBC stations. A' jKjDjKA^YjjTV Represented by P.G.W. PITTSBURGH WESTINGHOUSE BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. 879