The radio annual (1959)

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TEXAS-UTAH »###»»#############»#######»######»»#»###^###»»#####»##»###»< Prog. Director Robert Reed Promotion Dir Bill N. Yancy Publicity Dir Imogene Stanley Film Manager Faye Leavitt Chief Engineer Charles Jeffers KCEN-TV-Temple-1953 Channel: 6 VHF..AP: 50 Kw...VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By The Bell Publishing Co. Business Address 17 S. 3rd St. Tel.: PR 3-6868 NBC Newspaper Affiliation Telegram Representative Blair TV Assoc. President Frank W. Mayborn General Manager Burton Bishop Commercial Manager James E. Gordon Film Manager Bell Nelson 3hief Engineer Curtis M. Casey K C M C T V-Texarkana-1953 Channel: 6 VHF. .AP: 50 Kw...VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By KCMC, Inc. Business Address Box 1290 Tel.: 33-1133 ABC-CBS Newspaper Aifit Gazette & Daily News Rep V, R, McC; Ayers, Melville President Walter E. Hussman General Manager Richard M. Peters Sales Manager Jack Rollings Program Dir Les Eugene Promotion Director Cynthia LaFan Film Manager Lorretta Stroup KLTV-Tyler-1954 Channel: 7 VHF..AP: 217 Kw.. .VP: 316 Kw. Owned-Oper. By Buford, Pengra Business Address Box 957 Tel.: TY 2-3873 NBC-ABC-CBS Representative H-R General Manager Marshall H. Pengra Sales Mgr John Lenox Program Director Bonnie Lenox Chief Engineer Hudson Collins KWTX-TV-Waco-1955 Channel 10 VHF. .AP: 53.6 Kw.. .VP: 107.2 Kw. Owned-Operated By..KWTX Broadcasting Co. P.O. Box 7128 Triangle Station Tel.: PL 6-4451 ABC-CBS Representative Raymer President W. W. Naman Gen.. Sta. Mgr M. N. Boetick Commercial Manager Pete McNee Program Director Curtis Matties Promotion Dir Oma Owens Film Mgr George Wallace Chief Engineer Jesse H. Dove KRGV-TV-Weslaco-1954 Channel: 5 VHF..AP: 50 Kw.. .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Operated By The LBJ Co. Business Address 309 S. Missouri Ave. Tel.: WO 8-3131 ABC-NBC Representative Paul H. Raymer Board Chairman Claudia T. Johnson Pres., Gen. Mgr J. C. Kellam Station Manager Charles L. Brooks Sales Manager Bill Rucker Program Director Dallas Wales Prom., Pub. Dir Hank Page Operations Director Fred Noble Chief Engineer Lewis Hartwlg KFDX-TV-Wichita Falls— 1953 Channel: 3 VHF. .AP: 60 Kw.. .VP: 100 Kw. Owned Wichtex Radio & TV Corp. Address Box 2040 Tel.: 692-4530 ABC-NBC Representative Raymer President Darrold A. Cannan Vice President Howard H. Fry Commercial Mgr Bob H. Walker Chief Engineer John Adams KSYD-TV-Wichiia Falls— 1953 Channels: 6 VHF. .AP: 50 Kw.. .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By KSYD-TV Co.. Inc. Bus. Address. .Seymour Hwy. & 9th; Box 2130 Tel.: 322-6957 CBS Representative Blair TV Pres., Gen. Mgr Syd Grayson Commercial Mgr Lambert Cain Program Director Thomas R. Sugars Prom., Pub. Dir Mrs. Mary K. Norwood Film Manager Mrs. Ruth York Chief Engineer Herb Wiley »#########################»#########»####^##################################f Pop.: 861,000 Families: 239,000 Radio Homes: 232,000 Utah Stations in State: 26 TV Homes: 206,000 TV Stations: 5 +##++#++++++#++*#***#**#***+*#*+#»*»+##+++#+»+#++#»++*###+»++»#++##+++#+»*##+♦ KLOH-TV-Provo-1958 Channel: 11 VHF. . . .AP: 3 Kw VP: 6 Kw. Owned By Be-hive Telecasting Corp. Business Address 1980 Columbia Lane Tel.: FRanklin 3-2951 Independent Sta. Rep Raymer Co. Pres., Gen. Mgr S. B. Nissley Program Director G. B. Rowan Prom. Mgr Vera Brimley, Jr. Film Mgr Gordon Forsyth KSL-TV-Sali Lake Cily-1949 Channel: 5 VHF... 17.8 Kw....VP: 29.5 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. .Radio Service Corp. of Utah Business Address. ....... 145 Social Hall Ave. Tel.: EL 5-4641 CBS Representative CBS TV Spot Sales Exec. Vice President J. W. Wright Gen., Sta. Mgr D. Lennox Murdoch Gen. Sales Mgr Lloyd E. Cooney Program Director Wayne Richards Prom. & Pub. Dir Robert G. Murdock 894