The radio annual (1959)

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ORGANIZATIONS *+++++++*++*+*++++++++++++++**+**+++**++**+*+*++++*++++* AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION 5 Bcckmon St., New York 38, N. Y. COrtlondt 7-1374 OFFICERS Prtsidcnt Joseph P. Sclly Secty.-Treos Joseph F. Keho« Vice-Prcs William Bender BRANCH OFFICES Eastern Branch, 1737 Chestnut Street, Phila. 3, Po. Phone: LO 4-1251. Mort Borrow, Chairman. Atlantic Branch, 5 Beekman St., N. Y. C. 38, N. Y. Phone: CO 7-1734. W. Bender, Chairman. FUNCTIONS Independent Union, Broadcast Department devoted to organization of all employees in the Radio Broadcasting Industry, excepting Musicians and Actors. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS 425 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. PLaxo 8-0600 OFFICERS President Herman D. Kenin Viee-Pres C. L. Bogley Secretary Leo Cluesmann Treasurer George V. Clancy EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wm. J. Harris, Stanley Ballard, Lee Repp, Walter M. Murdoch, E. E. Stokes. BRANCH OFFICES 220 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Newark 4, N. J. Phone HUmboldt 4-6600. Leo Cluesmann, Secy.; Geo. V. Clancy, Treas. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TELEVISION & RADIO ARTISTS (AFTRA) 15 West 44th Street, New York 36, N. Y. MUrray Hill 7-1810 NATIONAL OFFICERS President Clayton Collyer 1st Vice-Pres Ken Carpenter 2nd Vice-Pres Eleanor Engle 3rd Vice-Pres Virginia Payne 4th Vice-Pres Evelyn Freyman 5th Vice-Pres Hal W. Newell 6th Vice-Pres Harry Halloway 7th Vice-Pres Harold E. Wallis Recording Sec Stanley Farrar Treasurer Travis Johnson Nat'l. Exec. Sec Donald F. Conaway Counsel Mortimer Becker Dir., Central Region Raymond A. Jones Dir., Western Reg o l Claude L. McCue BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alice Backes, Parley Baer, Bill Baldwin, Jeanne Bates, Gaines C. Batson, Jackson Beck, Socrates Birsky, Sidney Blackmar, Alan Bunce, Andre Carlon, Ken Carpenter, Nelson Cose, Ken Christy, Clayton Collyer, Jud Ccnion, Allan Davies, Bill Deal, Ted DeCorsia, Eleanor Engle, Faye Emerson, Robley D. Evans, Stanley Farrar, Carl Frank, Evelyn Freyman, Jas. H. Garrett, Art Gilmore, Harry Halloway, Fred Hansen, John Harper, Ray Heatherton, Bill Hillman, Donald B. Hirsch, Fred Howard, Leon Janney, Travis Johnson, Carlton Ka Dell, John Milton Kennedy, Beatrice Kraft, Jack Kruschen, Gene Lanham, Clarence Leisure, Bernard Lenrow, Jim Lewis, Ray Linn, Sid Marion, Audrey Marsh, Tom McKee, Tyler McVey, Elizabeth Morgan, Conrad Nagel, John Neher, Frank Nelson, Hal W. Newell, Cliff Norton, Nestor Paiva, Virginia Payne, Vincent Pelletier, Don Porter, Wm. Prince, Wanda Ramey, Wm. Redfield, Gus Sounders, Hal Sawyer,. Arwin Schweig, Del Sharbutt, Allin Slate,' John C. Slattery, Verne Smith, Olan Soule, Hcrry Stanton, Dick Stark, Michael Stewart, Ann Thomas, Frank Thomas Jr., Lurene Tuttle, Luis Van Rooten, Herb Vigron, Vicki Vola, Harold E. Wailii, Willard Waterman, Dwight, Walt Williams, Ernie Winstanley, Will Wright, Clark Yocum. BRANCH OFFICES 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Hollywood 4-5125. Claude L. McCue, Western Regional Director. 102 E. Hubbard St., Chicago 11, III. WHitetiall 3-1344. Raymond A. Jones, Central Regional Director. FUNCTIONS Union affiliated with A. F. of L., representing radio and TV performers (actors, singers, announcers), lor collective bargaining purposes. AMERICAN GUILD OF AUTHORS AND COMPOSERS 158 W. 55th St., New York 19, N. Y. Circle 6-2536 OFFICERS President Burton Lane Vice-President Milton Drake 2nd Vice-President Walter Bishop Treasurer Leonard Whitcup Secretary Jack Lawrrnce W. Coast Comm. Chmn Sammy Cahn Co-Chairman Donald Kahn Executive Director Miriam Stern Copyright Department Margaret Thiele Counsel John Schulman COUNCIL Chairman, Edgar Leslie; Stanley Adams, Louis Alter, Abel Baer, Walter Bishop, Paul Cunningham, Milton Drake, Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein, 2nd, Otto Harbach, Pinky Herman, Alex Kramer, Burton Lane, Jack Lawrence, John Jacob Loeb, Joseph Meyer, Richard Rodgers, Arthur Schwartz, Charles Tobias, Leonard Whitcup, Jack Yellen, Johnny Burke, Irving Caesar, Sam Coslow, Edw. Eliscu, Jay Gorney, Geo. Meyer, Vic Mizzy, Billy Rose. BRANCH OFFICE 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. HOIIywood 2-1108 FUNCTIONS The objects of this Association are and shall be: To cultivate and establish harmony and unity of action and understanding among the members of the Association, and between them and corporations, firms or individuals with whom they have or may have business dealings, and to promote the equitable adjustment of all matters relating to the professional work of the members. AMERICAN GUILD OF MUSICAL ARTISTS 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y. COIumbus 5-3687-8-9 NATIONAL OFFICERS Honorary President Lawrence Tibbett President John Brownlee 1st Vice-President Jascha Heifetz 2nd Vice-President Leopold Sachse 3rd Vice-President Betty Stone 4th Vice-President Regina Resnik 5th Vice-President Tilda Morse Treasurer Abba Bogin Rerording Secretary Elisabeth Hoeppel Notional Executive Secretary Hyman R. Foine BRANCH OFFICES 6636 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Phone: HO 2-2334. Lee Harris, Rep. 215 S. Brood St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phone: Kl 5-4310. Edward Davis, Rep. 1 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, III. Phone: Fl 6-6677. Sanford Wolff, Rep. 704 Bellevue N., Seattle 2, Wash., Phone: CA 0438, George Peckham, Rep. 421 Phelan Bldg., 760 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Phone: EX 2-6990. Bruce Poyer, ReD. 8821 Nelson St., New Orleans, La. Phcn = : UN 1-9183. Norman Tre'gle, Rep. 519 Jarvis St., Toronto 5, Ont., Canada. Phone: WA 4-6532. Larry H. McCance, Rep. 1342