Radio age (Jan-Dec 1925)

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76 RADIO AGE/or April, 1925 The Magazine of the Hour WCAX University of Vermont Burlington , Vt. 250 WHBC WCAZ Carthage College Carthage , 111. 246 WHBD WCBA Charles W. Heibachm Allentown, Pa. 280 WhBF WCBC University of Michigan : . .Ann >-rbor, Mich 280 WHBG WGBD Wilbur C. Voliva Zion. III. 344 WHBH WCBE Uhalt Radio Co New Orleans, La. 263 WHbl WCBF Paul J. Miller Pittsburgh , Pa. 236 WHK WCBG Howard S. Williams (Portable) Pascagoula. Mias. 268 WHN WCBH University of Miss Oxford, Miss. 242 WHO WCBI Nicoll, Duncan & Rus£ Bemia, Tennessee 240 WIAD WCBJ J. C. Maua Jennings. Louisiana 244 WIAK WCBL Northern Radio Mfg. Co Houlton, Me. 280 WIAQ WCBM Charles Swarz Baltimore, Md. 229 WIAS WCBN James P. Boland Ft. Benj. Harrison. Ind. 266 WIK WCBO The Radio Shop, Inc Memphis. Tenn. 250 WIL WCBQ First Baptist Church Nashville, Tenn. 236 WIP WCBR C. H. Messter Providence, R. I. 246 WJAB WCBT Clark University, CollegiaU Dept Worcester. Mass. 238 WJAD WCBU Arnold Wireless Supply Co Arnold. Pa. 254 WJAG WCBV Tullahoma Radio Club Tullahoma, Tenn. 252 WJAK WCBW George P. Rankin, Jr., and Maitland Solomon Macon, Ga. 226 WJAM WCBX Radio Shop of Newark (Herman Lubinsky) Newark. N. J. 233 WJAN WCBY The Forks Electrical Shop Buck Hill Falls, Pa. 268 WJAR WCBZ Coppotelli Broa. Musio House Chicago Heights, 111. 248 WJAS WCCO Washburn-Crosby Co Twin Cities. Minn. 416 WJAZ WCEE Charles E. Erbatein. Villa Olivia near Elgin. III. 278 WJD WCK Stix-BaerFuller D. G. Co St. Louis, Mo. 275 WJJD WCX Free Press Detroit. Mich. 516 WJY WDAE Tampa Daily Time* Tampa. Fla. 365 WJZ WDAF Kansas City Star Kansas City, Mo. 365 WKA.A WDAG J. Laurence Martin Amarillo. Tex. 263 WKAD WDAH Trinity Methodist Church (South) El Paso. Tex 268 WKAN WDAR Lit Brothers Philadelphia. Pa. 394 WKAP WDAY Radio Eauipment Corp Fargo, N. Dak. 244 WKAQ WDBA Fred Ray Columbus. Ga. 236 WKAR WDBB A. H. Waite & Co., Ino Taunton, Mass. 229 WKAV WDBC Kirk. Johnson & Co ." Lancaster, Pa. 258 WKBE WDBD Herman Edwin Burns Martinsburg, W. Va. 268 WKBF WDBE Gilham-Schoen Elec. Co Atlantic. Ga. 278 WKY WDBF Robert G. Phillips Youngstown, Ohio 315 WLAG WDBH C. T. SchererCo. Worcester. Mass. 268 WLAP WDBI Radio Specialty Co St. Petersburg. Fla. 226 WLAQ WDBJ Richardson Wayland Electrio Corp Roanoke. Va. 229 WLAX WDBL Wise. Dept. of Markets Stevens Point. Wis. 278 WLB WDBN Electrio Light & Power Co '. Bangor. Me. 252 WLBL WDBO Rollins College Inc Winter Park, Fla. 240 WLS WDBP Superior Stat© Normal School Superior. Wis. 261 WLW WDBQ Morton Radio Supply Co Salem. N. J. 234 WMAC WDBR Tremont Temple Baptist Church Boston. Mass. 256 WMAF WDBS S. M. K. Radio Corp Dayton. Ohio 283 WMAH WDBT Taylor's Book Store Hattiesburg. Misa. 236 WMAK WDBV The Strand Theatre Fort Wayne. Ind. 258 WMAL WDBW The Radio Den Columbia. Tenn. 268 WMAN WDBX OttoBaur New York. N. Y. 233 WMAQ WDBY North Shore Congregational Church Chicago. 111. 258 WMAV WDBZ Boy Scouts. City Hall Kingstown, N. Y. 233 WMAY WDM Church of the Covenant Washington. D. C. 234 WMAZ WDWF Cranston. R. I. 440 WMBF WDZ J. L. Bush Tuscola. HI. 278 WMC WEAA F. D. Fallain Flint. Mich. 250 WMH WEAF American Telephone & Telegraph Co New York, N. Y. 485 WMU WEAH Wichita Board of Trade Wichita, Kana. 280 WNAC WEAI Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. 286 WNAD WEAJ University of South Dakota Vermilion. S. Dak. 283 WNAL WEAM Borough of North Plain6eld (W. Gibson Buttfield) . . .North Plainfield. N. J 286 WNAP WEAN Shepard Co Providence. R. I. 273 WNAR WEAO Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 293 WNAT WEAP Mobile Radio Co Mobile, Ala. 263 WNAX WEAR Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co Cleveland. Ohio 389 WNYC WEAU Davidson Bros. Co Sioux City. Iowa 275 WOAC WEAY Iris Theatre (Will Horowitz. Jr.) Houston. Texas 360 WOAE WEB Benwood Co St. Louis. Mo. 273 WOAF WEBA Electric Shop Highland Park. N. J. 233 WOAG WEBC Walter Cecil Bridges Superior. Wis. 242 WOAI WEBD Electrical Equipment and Service Co Anderson. Ind. 246 WOAN WEBE Roy W. Walker Cambridge. Ohio 248 WOAO WEBH Edgewater Beach Broadcasting Station Chicago. 111. 370 WOAR WEBJ Third Avenue Railway Co New York, N. Y. 273 WOAT WEBM Radio Corporation of America Portable 226 WOAV WEBP E. B. Pedicord New Orleans. La. 280 WOAW WEBT The Dayt on Coop. Industrial High School .. Dayton. Ohio 270 WOAX WEBW Beloit College Beloit. Wise. 283 WOC WEBX' John E. Cain. Jr Nashville. Tenn. 263 WOCL WEB Y Hobart Radio Co Roalindale. Mass. 226 WOI WEEI The Edison Electric Illuminating Co Boston. Mass. 475 WOO WEMC Barrien Springs. Mich 285 WOR WEW St. Louis University St. Louis. Mo. 280 WORD WFAA Dallas News & Dallas Journal Dallas, Texas 472 WOS WFAM Times Publishing Co St. Cloud, Minn. 273 WPAB WFAV University of Nebraska, Department of Electrical Engineering. .Lincoln. Nebr. 275 WPAC WFBB Eureka College Eureka, 111. 240 WPAJ WFBC First Baptist Church Knoxville. Tenn. 250 WPAK WFBD Gethsemane Baptist Church Philadelphia. Pa. 234 WPAL WFBE John Van De Walle Saeymour. Ind. 226 WPAU WFBG The Wm. F. Cable Co Altoona, Pa. 261 WPAZ WFBH Concourse Radio Corporation New York. N. Y. 273 WPG WFBJ St. John's University CoUegeville. Minn. 236 WQAA WFBQ Wynne Radio Co Raleigh. N. C. 255 WQAC WFBR Fifth Inf. Md. Nat'l Guard. 5th Reg. Armory Baltimore. Md. 452 WQAE WFBT Gloucester Co. Civic League Pitman, N. J. 231 WQAM WFBW Ainsworth-Gates Radio Co Cincinnati. Ohio 309 WQAN WFBY Sisnal Officer Ft. Ben Harrison. Ind. 258 WQAO WFBZ Knox College Galesburg, 111. 254 WQAS WF1 Strawbridge and Clothier Philadelphia. Pa. 394 WQJ WFUV G. Pearson Ward Springfield. Mo. 252 WRAA WFUW Earl William Lewis Moberly. Mo. 233 WRAF WGAL Lancaster Electric Supply & Construction Co Lancaster . Pa. 248 WRAK \VG A Q Youree Hotel Shreveport , La. 252 WRAM WGAZ South Bend Tribune South Bend. Ind. 360 WRAN WGBB Harry H. Carman., 217 Bedell St. Freeport, X. Y. 244 WRAO WGBC First Biptist Church Memphis. Tenn. 266 WRAV WGBF Finke Furniture Co Evansville, Ind. 217 WRAW WGBG Brietenbach's Radio Shop Thrifton. Va. 226 WRAX WGBH Fall River Herald Puo. Co (Portable) 209 WRBC WGBI Frank S. Megargee Scranton. Pa. 240 WRC WGBK Lawrence Campbell Johnstown, Pa. 248 WREO WGBM Theodore N. Saaty Providence. R. I. 234 WRHF WGBN HubRadioShop La Salle. III. 266 WRK WGBO Dr. Roses Artan San Juan, P. R. 275 WRL WGBP M. L. Price Music Co Tampa. Fla. 250 WRM WGBQ Stout Institute Menominee. Wis. 234 WRR WGBR Marshfield Broadcasting Assn Marshfield. Wis. 229 WRW WGBS Gimbel Brothers New York. N. Y. 315 WSAB WCBT Furman University Greenville. S. C. 236 WSAC WGBW Valley Theater. Spring Valley. 111. 212 WSAD WGBX University of Maine Orono. Me. 252 WSAG WGB Y Progress Sales Co R. R. No. 2 218 WSAI WG1 American R. & R. Co Medford Hillside. Mass. 261 WSAJ WGN The Tribune Co Chicago. 111. 370 WSAN WGR Federal T. and T. Co Buffalo. N. Y. 319 WSAP WGY General Elec. Co Schenectady. N. Y. 379 WSAR WHA University of Wisconsin t Madison, Wis. 535 WSAU WHAD Marquette University Milwaukee. Wis. 280 WSAV WHAG University of Cincinnati Cincinnati. Ohio 222 WSAY WMAH Hafer Supply Co Joplin. Mo. 283 WSAZ WHAM University of Rochester (Eastman School of Musio).. Rochester. N.Y. 278 WSB WMAR Atlantic City. N. J. 275 WSL WMAS Courier-Journal & Louisville Times Louisville, Ky. 399 WSOE WHAV Wilmington Electrical Specialty Co Wilmington, Del. 360 WSRF WMAZ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute .Troy. N. Y. 385 WSUT WMB Sweeney School Co Kansas City, Mo. 365 WTAB WHBA C. C. Shaffer Oil City. Pa. 250 WTAC WHBB Hebel's Store Stevens Point. Wis. 240 WTAF Rev. E. P. Graham Canton. Ohio 254 Chas. W. Howard Behefontaine, Ohio 222 Beardsley Specialty Company Rock Island, Illinois 222 John JS. Skane Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 231 Culver Military Academy Culver, Indiana 222 Chesaning Electric Co ." Chesaning, Mich. 227 Radiovox Company Cleveland, Ohio 273 George Schubel New York, N. Y. 360 Bankers Life Co Des Moines, la. 526 Howard R. Miller Philadelphia, Pa. 254 Journal-Stockman Co Omaha, Nebr. 278 Chronicle Publishing Co Marion Ind. 226 Home Electric Co Burlington. Iowa 283 K. & L. Co McKeesport, Pa. 234 Continental Electric Supply Co Washington. D. C. 360 Gimbel Bros Philadelphia, Pa. 509 American Electrio Co Lincoln. Neb. 229 Jackson's Radio Engineering Laboratories Waco. Texas 352 Norfolk Daily News Norfolk, Nebr. 23 1 Clifford L. White Greentown, la. 254 D. M. Perham Cedar Rapids, Iowa 268 Peoria Star Peoria, 111. 230 The Outlet Co. (J. Samuels «fc Bro.) ; Providence, R. I. 335 Pittsburgh Radio Supply House Pittsburgh, Pa. 285 Chicago Radio Laboratory Chicago. 111. 263 Denison University Grantvilie, Ohio 229 Supreme Lodge. Loyal Order of Moose Mooseheart, 111. 303 Radio Corp. of Ama New York. N. Y. 451 Radio Corp. of Ama New York, N. Y. 455 H. F.Paar Cedar Rapids. Iowa 273 Chas. Looff (Crescent Park) East Providence. R.I. 240 United Battery Service Co Montgomery . Ala. 22 5 Dutee W. Flint Cranston. R. I. 234 Radio Corp. of Porto Rico San Juan. P. R. 340 Michigan Agriculture College East Lansing, Mich. 235 Laconia Radio Club Laconia N. H. 254 K & B Electric Co Webster, Massachusetts 231 Dutee Wilcox Flint Cransten, Rhode Island 236 Wky Radio shop Okla City. Okla. 275 Cutting <fc Washington Radio Corp Minneapolis. Minn. 417 Wm. V. Jordan Louisville. Ky. 256 Arthur E. Shilling Kalamazoo, Mich. 233 Putnam Electric Co Greencastle. Tnd. 231 University of Minnesota MinneapoLs, Minn. 278 Wisconsin State Dept. of Markets Stevenspoint, Wis. 278 Sears Roebuck & Co Chicago, 111. 344 Crosley Mfg. Co Cincinnati, Ohio 422 J. Edw. Page (Olive B. Meredith) Cazenovia , N. Y. 261 Round Hills Radio Corp Dartmouth , Mass. 36Q No al Supply Co Lincoln, Nebr. l Laboratori 254 .Lockport. N.Y. 273 Trenton Hardware Co Trenton ,N. J. First Baptist Church Columbus. Ohio 236 Chicago Daily News Chicago, III. 417 Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Ala. 2*0 Kingshighway Presbyterian Church St. Louis, Mo. 2 30 Mercer University Macon, Ga. 2S1 Miami Beach, Fla. 384 Commercial Appeal Memphis, Tenn. 503 Ainsworth-Gates Radio Co Cincinnati. O. 321 Doubledal-Hill Elec. Co Washington. D. C. 260 Shepard Stores Boston. Mass. 284 University of Oklahoma Norman, Okla. 258 Omaha Central High School Omaha. Nebr. 255 Wittenberg College Springfield. Ohio 271 First Christian Church Butler, Mo. 210 Lennig Brothers Co. (Frederick Lennig) Philadelphia. Pa. 2 14 Dakota Radio Apparatus Co Yankton S. Dak. 213 Dept. of Plant and Structures New York .N.Y. 5?6 Page Organ Co Lima , Ohio 2 50 Midland College Fremont, Nebr. 230 Tyler Commercial College Tyler, Texas 353 Apollo Theater (Belvidere Amusement Co.) Belvidere. 111. 274 Southern Equipment Co San Antonio, Texas 392 Vaughn Conservatory of Musio (James D. Vaughn) .... Lawrenceburg. Tenn. 230 Lyradion Mfg. Co Mishawaka. Ind. 3"S9 Lundskow. Henry P Kenosha, Wis. 225 Boyd M. Hamp Wilmington. Del. 360 Pennsylvania National Guard, 2d Battalion. 112th Infantry Erie. Pa. 242 Woodmen of the World Omaha, Nebr. 526 Franklyn J. Wolff Trenton, N. J. 240 Pain School of Chiropractio Davenport, la. 484 Hotel Jamestown, Inc Jamestown, N. Y. 275 Iowa State College Ames la. 270 John Wanamaker Philadelphia. Pa. 509 L. Bamberger and Co Newark . N. J. 405 Peoples Pulpit Assn Batavia, HI. 275 State Marketing Bureau Jefferson City . Mo. 440 Pennsylvania State College 8tate College. Pa. 283 Donaldson Radio Co Okmulgee. Okla. 369 Doolittle Radio Corp New Haven. Conn. 263 North Dakota Agricultural College Agricultural College.'N. D. 233 Superior Radio &■ Telephone Equipment Co Columbus." Ohio 236 Concordia College Moorhead, Minn. 236 John R.Koch (Dr.) Charleston. W. Va. 273 The Municipality of Atlantic City Atlantic City, N. J. 399 Horace A. Beale, Jr Parkersburg, Pa. 270 E. B. Gish Amarillo, Texas 23 i Moore Radio News Station (Edmund B. Moore) Springfield, Vt. 275 Electrical Equipment Co Miami, Fla. 283 Scranton Times Scranton. Pa. 280 Calvary Baptist Church New York.N. Y. 350 PrinceWalter Co Lowell, Mass. 265 Calumet Rainbo Broadcasting Co Chicago, III. 4-47 The Rice Institute Houston, Tex. 255 The Radio Club (Inc.) Laporte.Tnd. 224 Economy Light Co Escanaba, Mich. 256 Lombard College Galesburg. III. 214 Black Hawk Electrical Co Waterloo. Iowa 236 St. Louis Radio Service Co St. Louis, Mo. 263 Antioch College Yellow Springs. Ohio 242 Avenue Radio Shop (Horace D. Good) Reading. Pa. 238 Flaxon's Garage Gloucester City. N. J. 263 Imaouel Lutheran Church Valparaiso. Ind. 273 Radio Corp. of Ama Washington, D. C. 468 Reo Motor Car Co Lansing, Mich. 286 Washington Radio Hospital Fund Washington. D. C. 256 Doron Bros Hamilton . Ohio 360 Union College Schenectady. N. Y. 270 University of Illinois Urbana . III. 273 id Fire Signal Department Dallas, Tex. 261 Tarrytown Radio Res. Labs. Tarrytow N. Y. 273 275 Southeast Missouri State Teachers College Cape Girardeau, Mi Clemson Agricultural College Clemson College. S. C. 336 J. A. Foster Co Providence. R.I. 261 Loren Vanderbeck Davis St. Petersburg, Fla. 264 United States Playing Cards Co Cincinnati. Ohio 325 Grove City College Grove City, Pa. 258 Allentown CaTlI-Publishing Co Allentown. Pa. 229 Seventh Day Adventist Church New York. N. Y. 263 Doughty & Welch Electrical Co Fall River. Mass. 254 Camp Marienfeld Cheaham. N. H. 229 C. W. Vick Radio Construction Co Houston, Tex. 360 Irving Austin (Port Chester Chamber of Commerce). .Port Chester. N. Y. 233 Chas. Electric Shop Pomeroy . Ohio 258 Atlanta Journal Atlanta , Ga. 428 J. and M. Elec. Co Utica. N. Y 273 School of Engineering Milwaukee. Wis 246 Hardem Sales and Service Broadlands. HI. 233 State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 493 Fall River Daily Herald Publishing Co Fall River. Mass. 248 Penn Traffic Co Johnstown. Pa. 360 Louis J. Gallo New Orleans ,La. 2 12