Radio age (Jan-Dec 1925)

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62 RADIO AGE /or December, 1925 The Magazine of the Hour Meet the Play Boy of the Dakotas (Continued from page 37) He sees, from the moment the microphone is cut in up in the WGR operating room, the lonely places out on the prairies — the home where the radio is chief means of entertainment. He sees the old couple, left alone by their children who have gone out into the world, whose loneliness is lightened hy the melodies which he is able to bring forth. He sees the group of youths and maidens dancing to the tunes of his artists obtained by medium of the loud-speaker set on the stage of the little village "opera house." And for that reason Harold Gieser pays special attention to the radio audience. For that reason Harold Gieser plays as much — perhaps more — to the radio audience when the microphone is open as to the Statler audience. Many fans complain that some directors repeat indiscriminately and interminably. Harold Gieser sees to it that a selection is rarely if ever repeated to the radio audience during any one week. That is why WGR fans always listen to the Vincent Lopez bunch at Buffalo when they are on the air — always the variety with the uniform quality. Harold Gieser takes great pride in the fact that he has built up what he calls his "radio repertoire" of more than seventy-five different selections. What Does He Do? \ NYONE want to know what a jazz -^* orchestra director's day is like? Well, Harold Gieser is up at ten in the morning — breakfast — and then probably off to a rehearsal from eleven until about two in the afternoon. Meet friend wife for luncheon. Nothing to do then until about five-thirty except shop, or write letters, or work on an orchestration, or mess around with the orchestra's library, or take a little ride in the car, or meet someone who wants a try-out, and so on and so on. About five-thirty — something to eat — a fresh shave — fly into the dear old Tuxedo and so to the hotel all set to begin the dinner music program at sixthirty. Off for a bit in the middle of the evening but on the job with a vengence from eleven until two or thereabouts in the morning — thence home, but not to bed, but to listen in on some of the far distant stations to see what kind of jazz is produced in various parts of this country and Canada and to pick up new ideas for arrangements, and then to bed at three or four or five o'clock. New Crystals Tested Specimens of the Alkemite crystals manufactured by the Mineral Novelty Co., Joplin, Mo., have been received at the Radio Age office and tested, having been found uniformly good. Instead of the usual Wood's metal mounting the Alkemite crystals are set into a three prong base which grips the .crystal tightly. Quam Transformers for Better Amplification 3 to 1 Ratio Are made with the same painstaking attention to detail as Quam condensers. Only the best materials used in their construction. All steel casing, forming perfect magnetic shield. Each transformer subjected to audibility and breakdown test, protecting you against "Dubs." Unqualifiedly guaranteed. For perfect reproduction and lasting satisfaction, insist on Quam Audio Frequency Transformers. Each $5.00 QUAM Condensers, with the Pyrex endplate. Lowest Loss, Highest Quality. Straight Line Frequency or Straight Line Wavelength, $6 and up. If your dealer cannot supply you remit to us direct and send us name of dealer. QUAM RADIO CORPORATION 1925 S. Western Ave. CHICAGO, U. S. A. CRESCENT Lavite Resistances Insure distortionless amplifications and a clarity of tone not obtained through any other resistances. Alt capacities 12,000 ohms and up. List price St. 50. Special sizes to order. Write for full information. CRESCENT RADIO SUPPLY COMPANY # Liberty Street JAMAICA, N. Y. Increase Distance,Volume, Clarity "Colytt" adjustable grid leak improves receiving. Gives proper value of leak in grid circuit, and holdB it. Simple, compact, easy to install, only one bole in panel. Tunes any tube perfectly. Try the "Colytt" on Money-back guarantee. 51.00 complete, with full f/«""»">\ directions. 3301 g([R^DI0 1. A. COLYTT LABORATORIES *" I 565 Waihinjton Blvd.. Chicago * Tested and Approved by RADIO AGE ¥ Big Money in Radio Demand for high pay radio men is so great that a big Kansas City wholesale concern is now fitting men free to get into the radio business for themselves and make $60 to $200 a week without any capital invested. Select territory open. Send today for free catalog and amazing offer. Write direct to Mr. H. J. Saizow, Standard Radio Co., 1424 Walnut St-. Kansas City, Mo. A regular $25 loud speaker for $16. Loud, clear, mellow tone. Bell 13 K in. diameter, horn 22 in. high, equipped with Lakeside Adjustable Unit. Agents wanted, write for particulars. Lakeside Supply Co. 73 W. Van Buren St, Chicago