Radio age (Jan-Dec 1925)

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74 RADIO AGE for December, 1925 The Magazine of the Hour An Instrument for Every Radio Test The Jewell No. 84 2-inch "B" Battery Voltmeter for set owners' sells for $2.75 : Our No. 95 complete radio test set sells for $75.00. The No. 98 double reading voltmeter (10 and 50 volts) shown opposite is used by Dealers and Jobbers to check batteries — Price $12.50. Send for Jewell 15-B Complete Radio Instrument Catalog Order from Dealer Jewell Electric Instrument Co. 1650 Walnut St., Chicago "26 YEARS MAKING GOOD INSTRUMENTS" vClhe Famous Truly Portable Telmaco P-l Receiver Four Tubes Do the Work of Seven The peer of portables in size, weight, ease of tuning, selectivity, distance, volume, workmanship and price. Aerial, loud speaker and batteries self contained. Complete with tubes and batteries, S19R0O SHI. 50. Receiver only .... vl.fcJ» w P-l Kit Saves Yaa Money! Oar offer of the Telmaco P-l Receiver in kit form has met with enthusiastic reception. This contains all parts, as built by us, including case, drilled and engraved panel, and illustrated instructions. £QA fJQ Complete kit *OU.«"» Ask your dealer or write us. Descriptive folder free. I^adio 'Division: Telephone Maintenance Co. 30 So. Weils St. Dept. C Chicago, 111. Quality %adio exclusively •%> Established 1918 NO MORE LOOSE CONNECTIONS X-L PUSH POSTS A binding post that really does excel, looka, action, service, and convenience. Push it down — insert wire — cannot jar loose from vibration. No screwing or danger of shearing off wires. Furnished attractively plated with soMtTing lug and necessary markings. Price Each 15 Cents X-L RADIO LABORATORIES, 2424 Lincoln Avenue N. Chicago Radio Plays Bigger Part in College Life That radio plays an important part in college and university life is indicated by the institutions which are linked together for the organ recitals presented by the Skinner Organ Company through broadcasting station WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y., for thirty-six consecutive Friday nights, which program began November 6 at eight o'clock. George Rogers Pratt, Organist of the University of Virginia, represents the East; while Warren D. Allen, organist of the Leland Stanford University, California, is one of the contributing artists from the Golden West. Others include Walter Hartley of Pomona College, California; Allan Bacon, College of the Pacific at Stockton, California. The tall corn country is represented by Marshall Bidwell of Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; the midwest by Palmer Christian, organist of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Western New York brings Hugh Porter, organist of the Chautauqua Institution Summer School; while central New York presents Harold Glesson of the Eastman School at Rochester. Western Pennsylvania will be represented by Charles Heinroth, organist of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Well Known Amateur Goes Into Business F. J. Marco, formerly associated with the Bremer-Tully Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, has gone into business for himself as a consulting radio engineer, located at 5723 Winthrop Ave., Chicago, 111. Many amateurs will remember Mr. Marco as one of the old time operators at 9ZN and actively engaged in the "ham" game in the old days. Bulb Extra At your dealer's. If he cannot supply you send his name with your order to YAXLEY MFG. CO., Dept. E, 217 No. Desplaines St., Chicago