Radio age (Jan-Dec 1925)

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RADIO AGE /or December, 1025 Radio Foundation, Inc., Has Double-Toroid Coil A set of Double-toroids, manufactured by the Radio Foundation, Inc., has been received by Radio Age and put through tests in the laboratory. In the coils referred to above the primary and secondary are both true toroids and can be effectively used in any of the tuned r. f. combinations now so popular. On account of the form of winding, the toroid, it is possible to shield receivers using these coils, without sacrificing too much efficiency. The Foundation also has marketed a no-noise variable grid leak using a liquid medium and a semi-coiled contact wire. The Magazine of the Hour 75 [ROPE-CORE marvelous, new aerial that is guaranteed to give greater distance, easier tuning, more perfect selectivity. Consists of pure copper ribbon, heavily enameled, wound around sturdy, weather-proof rope. Try this new aerial for better reception. 50 ft. S3.00 100 ft. S5.00 75 ft. 3.85 150 ft. 7.00 Acorn Window Lead In Fits into sash as pictured ■ Made of pure copper ribbon J^-inch wide, heavily enameled by special process. Triply insulated with waterproofed fabric. Thousands of users recommend them for satisfactory service. Each 35c. (TJnenameled— 25c.) Acorn Master Switch Instantly connects your battery to charger or battery to receiver. Single socket type 85.00. Double socket type (for use with B-eliminator) S6.25. Send for circulars on Acorn Products. JOBBERS— Write for discounts— DEALERS *7V Acorn Radio Prod. Co. 712 W. Madison St., Chicago New Perpetual LOG Loose Leaf for Revisions — Radio Map FREE New 64 page log. Corrected sheeta may be secured aa caanffea in calls, wave lengths, own , addresses, etc., occur. Holds 504 stations. )wb 4 dial settings, remarks, etc. Tuning uggestions. Station list by wave lengths in -0 and kilocycles— by states, etc. Repair Trouble aids. Other valuable informa So convenient. Worth many times small A joy to use. Only SI. Pay postman log arrives. Postpaid if pay with order. Money refunded if not delighted. Order today— now. Radio Printers, Dept. 2029, Marengo, 111. Order Your January Radio Age Now — A New Model Set Coming You Can Build This Efficient Receiver for $27 Built Around the Health Variable Condenser By the Citizens Radio Call Book THE remarkable performance of the Heath .0025 Variable Condenser caused The Citizens Radio Call Book Labortory to design this remarkable high-power, low-cost radio set. Go to your nearest dealer and get your set of plans — they are with each purchase of a Heath Condenser. Start right now to get the parts to build this super-efficient receiver. You'll have a radio that all your friends will envy. If your dealer doesn't carry Heath Consensers, write us direct. Heath Radio and Electric Mfg. Co. 206-210 First St. Newark, N. J. Manufacturers of HEATH SOCKETS HEATH CONDENSERS HEATH SOCKETS HEATH DIALS HEATH RESISTANCE COUPLED AMPLIFIERS SAVE on all the latest Standard Radio Merchandise. Our 1926 Beautifully illustrated Catalog — JUST OFF THE PRESS tiiuh your name and address and get also LOG BOOK FREE ECONOMY RADIO SALES C0MPAY 6th A?e., Depl. C. New York, N. Y. RAULF! RADIO CONSOLE MFG.C0.562YEDDERST. CHICAGO. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR * Tested and Approved by RADIO AGE * Mailing Lists Will Kelp you increase sale* r FREE catalog eh Ink' counts i thousands of classified Ryftljfll WANTED 5 Tube Demonstrator FREE / Earn $25 to $100 a week, part or full time. Everyone a prospect. Complete line standard sets and accessories, $5 to $90. Write today for illustrated catalog and exclusive selling plan for live dealers and community agents. 20TH CENTURY RADIO CO., 1021 Coca Cola Blcig., Kansas City, Mo.