Radio age (Jan-Dec 1925)

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80 RADIO AGE for December, 1925 Bteinfte toss Interference Eliminator No Radio Set Complete Without It Now you can Belect stations at will, cat out interference and undesired stations— tune in loud and clear. Wonderful results with any tube or crystal set using any kind of aerial except loop antenna. Partially absorbs static. Amazing Results, Better Reception Guaranteed or We Refund Your Post Dollar. Send paid. Order Today Select Stations At Will Try this Interference Eliminator on yonr set— no tools— nothing to add — attached in 2 minutes to aerial. Doesn t disturb present log. Directions easy to follow. Two big banks testify to our reliability. Order today— dollar bill will do— we take the risk— money back if you say so. STE1NITE LABORATORIES 302 Radio Building. ATCHISON, KANSAS Write for complete Steinite Radio literature— it*s FREE. Most beautiful and least expensive radio sets in America. To the Man with an Idea I offer a comprehensive, experienced efficient service for his , prompt, legal protection and the development of his proposition. Send sketch of model and description, for advice as to cost, search through prior United States patents, etc. Preliminary advice gladly furnished without charge. My experience and familiarity with various arts frequently enable me to accurately advise clients as to probable patentability before they go to any expense. Booklet of valuable information and form for properly disclosing your idea free on request. Write today. | RICHARD B. OWEN, Patent Lawyer 81 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C. 2278-M Woolworth Bldg.,N. Y. City MARVELOUS NEW AUDIO TRANSFORMER adds a musical aualityto any est far beyond anything you ever heard before. KARAS HARMONIK Amplifies low, middle and high tones — allto the same big volume, thus eliminating distortion. Brings out the vita harmonics and over, tones of music. Price $7.00. Write Karas Electric Co., Depl. 58-93 4042 N. Rockwell Si. Chicago MASTERTONE RADIO TUBES ALL TYPES GUARANTEED Dealers' Proposition Dextron Radio Lab. 74 Sterling, Dept. R. A. East Orange, N. J. 2 00 — Radio Nut's Headquarters — Parts only, no sets. $20,000 stock. Most comprehensive. If you can't find it, ask us. Weekly latest "dope" — 10 wks. 50c. "Change your Neut" Ki t — $5 prepaid. Particulars — 1 0c. 48 page parts catalog — 10c. Knock Down Loop Kit — $7.50. 150 v., 55 milamp B Eliminator, off 110 v. a. c, knock down kit including 2000 hr. Z 50 tube — $36.55. Assembled, ready to uae — $40. Data — 10c. Kladag Radio Laboratories), Kent, Ohio. Fourth Chicago Radio Show, Nov. 17-22 ( Continued from page 73) The fourth annual Chicago Radio Show is the official show of the Radio Manufacturers' Association, and it is expected dealers and jobbers from as far west as the Pacific coast will be on hand to make the acquaintance of the big men of the industry who will be present at this, the biggest radio show and gathering of manufacturers, dealers and jobbers ever held in the middle west. New York's 1926 Radio Show In Bigger Quarters The radio industry next year will have its annual New York show in the finest exposition palace in America, according to Maj. Herbert H. Frost, president of the Radio Manufacturers' Association. A lease has just been signed on the new Madison Square Garden and Exposition Hall, now nearing completion as the successor to the famous old Madison Square Garden. The radio show will occupy the entire two floors of the new structure. The larger exhibits will be displayed in the Grand Arena, 285 feet long and 110 feet wide. This floor is larger than the old Garden. The Exposition Hall, 376 feet long and 200 feet wide, built expressly for the housing of the largest trade shows, will also be used. This will make in all a total of about 102,000 square feet of exhibition space. The rental is the highest ever paid by a trade show. This tremendous space will be necessary because all the leading manufacturers are centering on this show, the industry being opposed to the holding or more than one show in each city each year. Heretofore there have been two shows annually in New York. Amateurs Help Minneapolis, Minn. — The Twin Cities Radio Club, a joint organization of transmitting radio amateurs of this city and St. Paul, served in a helpful capacity during the recent Twin Cities Radio Show, when, during the course of the show they handled over 700 messages from patrons of the show. These messages were started on their way to all parts of the United States via the medium of American Radio Relay League member stations. The Twin Cities club is allied with the League. The January Radio Age Model will Be Easier to Build The Magazine of the Hour WRS 96-PAGE RADIO GUIDE BOOK Profusely illustrated, ' 'cboekful" of data for the radio fans . Trouble Shooting Chart. Complete New List of Broadcasing Stations Log Chart — and details of newest ipparatus and hundreds of Exceptional Radio Values our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE From bus bar to the finest multi-tube set, we carry one quality— THE FINEST! EVERY article represents 100 cents worth of value for every dollar you invest! EVERYTHING purchased from WRS is guaranteed: Yonr Money is still YOUR Money until! you are thoroughly satisfied in every way. WRS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR KITS AND SETS Cockaday Super Cockaday D. X. Ultrodyne Roberts' Knock-Out EVERY STANDARD RECEIVER Neutrodyne Superdyne Pressley Super Rasla WHOLESALE RADIO SERVICE CO. 6 Church St. Cat. R. A. 10, New York City ''a new 5-Tube Set with all the power and none of the grief of the Superi" — so wrote Henry M. Neely. Editor ol Radio in the home, Philadelphia Get This Book Write today for this big fascinating 32-page booklet which tells how you can build the truly amazing new QUADRAFORMER receiver Based on a new radio principle, five tubes give remarkable results. Enclose 10c and you'll have it by return mail Gearhart-Schlueter Radio Corp'n 713 Voorman Avenue, Fresno, California POLK'S REFERENCE BOOK FOR DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISER8 Shows how to Increase your business by the use of Direct Mall Advertising, 60 pages full of vital business facts and figures, who, where and how many prospects you have. Over 8,000 lines of business covered. Write for your FEEE copy. R. L. POLK & CO., Detroit, Mich. 599 POLK DIRECTORY BUILDING Branches in principal cities of U. S. * Tested and Approved by RADIO AGE *