The radio annual (1958)

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* * ADVERTISING INDEX * * <■<<<<<<<<<<<<<<«<<<<<<■<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<«<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< _L — Lacy, Jack 1189 Laine, Frankis 1061 Landi, Erberto. Advertising Co 164 Longford, Frances 94 LangWorth Feature Programs, Inc 946 LaRosa, Julius 1077 Lea, Barbara 1075 Lee, Judy 1076 Leigh, Kelly 1080 Leonard, Herbert a 1098 Lescoulie, Jack 48 Levenson, Sam 1064 Lever Brothers 130 Lewis, Jerry 82 Lewis, Robert Q 58 Lewis, Shari 1080 Liebman, Max, Productions. Inc. 84 Lockwood, Grey 1163 Lombardo, Guy 34 London, Jack, Productions 929 Love, Dottie 1081 Love, James, Productions, Inc 974 Lowe. Jim 1191 Lynch, Peg 1073 Lynn, Jerry, Productions, Inc 1G04 — M — Mark VII Ltd 986 Market Maker SiaEora. . . 838 Marshall Organization . . 928 Marshall, Rex 1119 Martin, Don 1084 MCA 122 McCann-Erickson, Inc.. 132-133 McCarty. Milburn. Assoc , Inc 1095 McCleary, Albori 1102 McGowan Productions, Inc 993 McLemore, Ed. Z 16 McNeill, Don 1072 McNeills, Maggi 1075 McWain. Wes 1184 Mello-Larks 1088 Mercer, Johnny 1087 Meredith Stations 811 MGM Records 954 MGM-TV 958 Miahati Inc 160 Miller Music Corp 142 Modern Teleservice, Inc.. 163 Morgan, Ray 138 Morris, William, Agency, Inc 126 Morrow, Don 1118 Movielab Colo: Corp 1042 Murray, Jan 62 Mutual Broadcasting System 256 — N National Screen Service Corp 746 National Telefilm Assoc. 960 NBC Radio Network 98-99 NBC Spot Sales 2-3 NBC Television Network 772-773 Nelson, Ozzie & Harriet. . 68 NTA Film Network. . .778-779 — O — O'Brien, Tom 1112 Office Furniture. Lid 1049 Official Films Inc 965 Olsen, Johnny & Penny. .1074 — P — Packard Bell Electronics. 1236 Parkson Advertising Agency, Inc 134 Parscns, Fred 1125 Paul. Ralph 1117 Peed. Earl S 1092 Peerless Film Processing. 1044 Perry Stations, The 799 Philbin. Jack 1108 Precision Film La^3 1045 Pressman, Gabe 1148 Product Services, Inc 164 Pulse, Inc 108 — R — Radio Cadena Nacional, S. A 704 Raeburn, Bryna 1065 Rahall Group 581 Rambeau-Vance-Hcpple, Inc 294 Rattazzi Restaurant 158 31 RCA Back Cover Reeves Sound Studios, Inc 951 Reimers, Ed 1084 Reynolds. Shelaon, Productions 995 Richard, Max, Inc 1095 Richards, Malcolm 1122 Richardson, Don 1160 Riddle. Nelson 55 Ripley Clothes 118 Ritz Brothers 1073 Rabbins Music Corp 142 Rodney-Young Productions 979 Rogers. Bill 1118 Rogers, Cowcn Or Jacobs, Inc 977 Rooney. Mickey 70 Rose. David 1174 Ross, Lanny 1078 — S — Sande-Greene and Assoc Sanders, George Sanford, Charles Satenstein, Frank Schenkel, Chris Schneider, Dick Scott, Fred Scott, M. B Screen Gems, Inc Scribner, Jimmy. Co Self, William SESAC Shaindlin. Jack Sharbutt, Del Shear, Barry Sheldon, Herb Sheldon Reynolds Productions Sheldon, Sandy Shipley, Bill Simpson, Garry Sinatra, Frank Skelton. Red Smith, Betty, Associates. Smith, Irv Splendex Enterprises . ■ ■ Stagg, Jerry Stark, Dick Stark-Layton, Inc Steele, Ted Steen, Cort Steere Broadcasting Corp Sterling, Jack 1003 1078 1172 1165 1138 1162 1123 148 956 165 55 1232 1171 1119 1161 1069 995 1109 1113 1162 54 42 109S 152 94 1104 146 925 52 1161 480 1078