The radio annual (1957)

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0<=>0 ADVERTISING AGENCIES «=>« J. WALTER THOMPSON COMPANY 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: MUrray HiU 3-2000 AAAA— ABP— ANPA— APA Chairman Stanley Resor Vice Chairman Henry C. Flower, Jr. Vice Chairman Samuel W. Meek President '. Norman H. Strouse Dir., Radio-TV Dan Seymour V.P. & Dir. of Media Arthur A. Porter Admn., Radio-TV John F. Devine TV Group Heads Robert E. Buchanan, Storrs Haynes, Al Morrison Associate Media Dirs Alvin Dreyer, James 0. Luce, Anne Wright, Gerald Vernon, Richard Jones, Jack Green Branch Offices 410 No. Mich, Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone: MOhawk 4-6700 Vice Pres., Mgr George C. Reeves Radio-TV Mgr John E. Mosman Media Dir John de Bevec 535 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Phone: WO 2-8890 V.P., Mgr John L. McQuigg Radio-TV Acct. Suprv Donald Thorburn Radio-TV Rep Eldon Hazard 6399 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: WE 3-7201 V.P., Mgr Cornwell Jackson 220 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables, Fla. Phone: Miami 83-5487 Manager Eugene Austin 320 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Phone: GA 1-3510 V.P., Mgr Harry A. Lee Time Buyer Frances Austin Radio Accounts: Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co., Pharma-Craft Corp.; Mentholatum, Shell Oil Co., Chun King Sales, Inc., Scott Paper Co., Murine, Panagra, Ford Div., Ford Motor Co., Ward Baking Co. TV Accounts: Ciba Pharmaceutical Prod., Inc., Pan American, Johns-Manville, Aluminum ,Ltd., Lever Bros., Standard Brands, Inc., Mentholatum, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Scott Paper Co., Chesebrough-Pond's, Eastman Kodak, Kraft Foods Co., Ford Div., Ford Motor Co., Brill o, Seven-Up, Joseph Schlitz Brewing C. TRACY, KENT & CO.. INC. 515 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Phone: ELdorado 54404 ABP— ANPA— APA— PPA—NBP Chairman of Board Wm. Irwin Tracy Pres Frank S. Kent Vice-Pres. & Art Dir Hugh F. DonneU Vice-Pres F. Haas, F. Nye Radio Accounts : J. W. Beardsley's Sons, (Food Products), Newark, N. J.; Cadie Chemical Products, Inc. (Polishing cloths). New York, N. Y.; Charles & Co., Inc. (Bon Voyage Shop), New York, N. Y.; Dellwood Dairy Co., Inc. (Milk & Dairy Products), Yonkers. N. Y.; Filler Products, Inc. (Snack Foods), Atlanta, Ga.; Adolph Goldmark & Sons, Corp. (Imported Foods), New York, N. Y.; Gristede Bros., Inc. (Grocers), New York, N. Y.; Moore & Co. Soups, Inc. (Bon Vivant Soups), Newark, N. J. TV Accounts: Cadie Chemical Products, Inc. (Polishing Cloths), New York, N. Y.; Filler Products, Inc. (Snack Foods), Atlanta, Ga.; Gristede Bros., Inc. (Grocers), New York, N. Y.; New Jersey Egg Institute (Jersey Jill Eggs), Lakewood, N. J.; Terry Candy Co., Elizabeth, N. J. TRACY-LOCKE CO., INC. 2501 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas 1, Texas Phone: RI 8-4741 AAAA— ABP— ANPA— AFA President Morris BUte Exec. Vice-Pres Clay W. Stephenson, Jr. Media Dir Ernestine Parker Radio, TV Director. .. .Lawrence E. DuPont Branch Office 2332 W. Holcombe, Houston 25, Texas Phone: MO 7-3306 1501 Canal St., New Orleans 16, La. Canal 9278 Radio Accounts: Borden Co. (Southern District) ; Duncan Coflfee Co., Houston; Imperial Sugar Co., Sugarland; Burrus Mill & Elevator Co. (flour), Dallas; Adleta Company, Dallas; Reserve Life Insurance Co., Dallas; Frito Co., Dallas, Texas; American Brewing Co. (Beer), New Orleans, La.; Radio Stations, WWL, New Orleans, La. & KRLD, Dallas, Tex. TV Accounts: Borden Co. (Southern District); Duncan Coffee Co., Houston; Imperial Sugar Co., Sugarland; Kings Candy Co., Ft. Worth; Haggar Co. (men's slacks), Dallas; Adelta Company, Dallas; American Brewing Co.; Frito Co. WILLIAM VON ZEHLE & CO., INC. 441 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: MU 2-9010 Pres., Radio-TV Dir Wm. von Zehle Copy Chief Otto Riess Accounts: Bernheimer, D. F., & Co.; Colonial Boat Works; Dyson Shipping, N. Y.; Emery, John S. Co.; Fishetti Bros.; General Register Corp.; Haeuser Shellac Co. Inc.; Jadow, B. Inc.; K & W Products Corp.; Meyer, N. S.; Mohegan Int'l.; PanAtlantic Steamship Line; Rose Ribbon & Carbon Wg. Co. Inc.; Solon Palmer; Standard Radio, Chicago & Hollywood; Winsor & Ne-v>-ton; Winston, Harry Inc.; Yoimg, Adam J. Inc. GEOFFREY WADE ADVERTISING 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6. 111. Phone: STate 2-7369 ABC— ANPA Exec. Dir Albert G. Wade, II General Manager .Paul McCluer Senior Acct. Exec Robert E. Dwyer Acct. Exec Lawrence W. Davidson Research Dir Gordon Norberg Art Director J. B. Hoopes Dir. Radio Pgms .P. C. Lund Media Director Louis J. Nelson 224