The radio annual (1957)

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0<=>0 TEXAS-UTAH-VERMONT o<r>o Addiess P. O. Box 2130 News Service AP Representative Blair TV Membership NAHTB Pres., Gen. Mgr Syd Grayson Station Mgr Nat Levine Commercial Mgr Bob Cain Program Director Bill Richie Prom., Pub. Dir Parolee Norman Film Manager Sarah Neilson Chief Engineer Herb Wiley KFDXTV-Wichita Falls 1953-ABC-NBC Channeh 3 VHF..AP: 60 Kw...VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Operated By.Wichtex Radio & Tele. Co. Address Seymour Rood News Service UP Representotive Raymei Membership NARTB President Dorrold A. Connon Gen., Sta. Mgr Howord H. Fry Commercial Mgr Bob H. Walker Program Director Worren Silver Prom., Pub. Director D. A. Connon, Jr. Film Manager Borboro Powell Film Buyer Howord Fry Chief Engineer John Adams Utah Pop. March 1 (Est.) 817,000— TV Homes 177,000 Stations in State 3 (KOO KSL-TV-Salt Lake City 1948-CBS Channeh 5 VHF...17.8 Kw....VP: 29.5 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. .Radio Service Corp. of Utah Business Address 145 Social Hall Ave. News Service UP Representotive CBS TV Spot Sales Membership NARTB. TvB Exec. Vice President I. W. Wright Vice President Ivor Shorp V.P. & Gen. Mgr D. Lennox Murdoch Comm. Mgr Edward B. Kimball Program Director Wayne Richards Prom. & Pub. Dir Paul Alexonder Production Monoger Scott R. Clawson Merchondising Dir Harry Fletcher Film Editor Richard V. Thiriot Chief Engineer Vincent E. Clayton KTVT-Salt Lake City-1948 NBC Channeh 4 VHF...AP: 14 Kw....VP: 27 Kw. Owned By Intermountoin Bcstg. & TV Corp. Business Address 130 Sociol Holl Ave. R<»presentative Katz Newspaper Affiliation Time. Inc. News Service UP Membership NARTB, TvB Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. Bennett Larson Vice President John M. Baldwin Comptroller Keimeth Honni Program Director Don Roinger Commercial Mgr Harold Woolley Prom. & Pub. Director Del Leeson Film Manager Desmond Borker Technical Director Allan Gunderson KU TV-Salt Lake City-1954 ABC Channeh 2 VHF..AP: 25.1 Kw...VP: 45.7 Kw. Owned-Oper. By Utah Bcstg. & TV Corp. Business Address 179 Social Hall Ave. Newspaper Affiliation Tribune; Ogden Siondard Examiner News Service AP Membership NARTB Representative Avery-Knodel President A. L. Glossmon Vice President George C. Hotch Gen., Sto., Comm. Mgr Brent H. Kirk Program Dir Duane C. Hill Prom., Pub. Dir Keith Nicholson Production Manager LoMor Smith Film Buyer Sid Cohen Film Manager Jock Ivers Chief Engineer Herbert Houlthouser Vermont WCAX-TV-Burlington 1954-CBS Channeh 3 VHF..AP: 9.5 Kw...VP: 18.3 Kw. Owned-Oper. By. . . .Mt. Mansfield Bcstg. Corp. Address 135 Main Street N^ws Service UP Pop. IVIarch 1 (Est.) 369,000— TV Homes 76,000 Stations in State 1 Representotive Weed Membership NARTB, TvB President C. P. Hosbrook Gen. Sta. Manager S. T. Martin Comm. Manager J. A. Dobson Prom., Pub. Dir. Charles Lewis Film Manager A. Sherman Rutter Chief Engineer J. W. Tiemey 876