The radio annual (1957)

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Send your bright ideas to Columbia Transcriptions for the fastest, most complete custom record service in the business. Columbia's highly skilled technicians work with the very latest recording and electronics equipment to bring you, without additional cost, a truly superior product. Each order receives quick, individual attention. Each job undergoes rigid inspection every step of the way. Each finished high-fidelity recording is a product of the vast engineering experience and unrivaled technical facilities that have made Columbia the greatest name in sound. For further details, contact us today. columbiaB transcriptions A DEPARTMENT OF COLUMBIA RECORDS New York, 799 7th Avenue, Circle 5-7300 Chicago, 630 North McClurg Court, WHitehall 4-6000 Hollywood, 8723 Alden Drive, OLympia 6-1034 948 A DIVISION OF CBS ) "Columbia" (^MarcasReg.