The radio annual (1957)

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o<r>« PRODUCERS — NETWORK-INDEPENDENT (XZX) GOBDOX, BOB KOMO-TV. Seattle. Wash. GBEMBA, LEON.ABD WREX-TV^ Rockford, 111. GRUENBERG, AXEL B. Aug. 17, Riga, Latvia, This Is Your Life, NBC-TV GUILD, CAROLD Party lAne KOLO-TV, Reno, Nev. — H — HAACKE, LAUREN KmX-TV. Dickinson. N. D. HAGY, RUTH GERI College Press Conference ABC-TV HALL, BEN Circle Four Ramblers KBST-TV, Big Spring, Tex. HALL, CHARLIE Uncle Charlie's Playhouse WCSC-TV, Charleston, S. C. HANCE, WILEY Dean Pike ABC-TV HANSEN, LLOYD Charades KOVR. Stockton, Cal. HARMON, WILLIAM B. Dec. 20, 1915, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jimmy Durante Show, The Duke, Blondie, NBC-TV HARRIS, SHERMAN A. The Lone Ranger ABC-TT HARRIS, SID Cartoonvir.e WARM-TV. SOTanton, Pa. HARRISON, JACK Friends and Neighbors KTRE-TV. Lufkin. Tex. H.ARRISON, TOM Party Line. Teen Can-Teen WOMB-TV. iHlarrisburg, Pa. HEFFNER, RICHARD Open Mind WRCA-TV. New York, N. Y. HEIDER, FREDERICK Voice of Firestone ABC-TV HEIN, JAC Today. NBC-TV HELTON, AL KOSA-TV. Odessa. Tex. HERRIDGE, ROBERT Seven Lively Arts CBS-TV HEWITT, DON News CBS-TV HIGGINS, CLYDE WSTV-TV. Steubenville, Ohio HIKEN, NAT The Phil Silvers Show CBS-TV HILL, CHARLES Person to Person CBS-TV HILL, PHIL KUTV, Salt Lake City, Utah mSHOP, SCOTT WCKT, Miami, Fla. HOFFMAN, JOSEPH Ford Theatre ABC-TV HOOVER, JACK KTEN. Ada, Okla. HOPPERS. JAMES WDXI-TV, Jackson, Tenn. HOSKINS, H. J. Western Circus WICS. Springfield, III. HOWELL, WILLIAM As The World Tiirns CBS-TV HUGHES, T. J., JR. WSLS-TV. Roanoke. Va. HURDLE, JACK Jackie Gleason Show CBS-TV HYMAN, ED Highway to Learning WOAI-TV, San Antonio, Tex. ILOTT, PAMELA Lamp Unto My Feet CBS-TV IRWIN, CAROL Mama, CBS-TV ISAACS, CHARLES B. Sept. 17, Winnipeg, Canada. Hey Jeonnie, CBS-TV JACKSON, FELIX Studio One CBS-TV JANCEWICZ, E. WBZ-TV. Boston. Mass. JARRETT, AL KOB-TV. Albuquerque. N. M. JARVIS, CHARLES WHIZ-TV. Z-nesville. Ohio JENNINGS. JOHN K rniv. 1 Kub KCEG-TV. Cedar Rapids. lowu JOHNSON, LOWELL KXJB-TV. Valley City. N. D. JOHNSON, VANCE TV Screen Auditions WFBC-TV, Greenville, S. C. — K — KANCHUGER, SAM CBS JAMES NEILSON director Represented by: MCA 1147