The radio annual (1957)

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0<=>« ANNOUNCERS — MC'S IXZX) CBS-TV; King's Crossrood, Syndicated Film Series KING, CHRISTOPHEK Sounding' Board MBS KIRBV. BILX WMPM, Smithfield, N. C. KIRBY, GEORGE Morning G-lory K0RS, Parag-ould, Ark. KIRCHNER, CLAUDE B. Feb. 11, 1916, Europe. Terrytoon Circus, WOR-TV; Miighty Mouse Theatre, Lassie, CBS; Roy Rogers Show, General Electriio Theatre, iNBC; Wild Bill Hickok, CBS-TV KIRK, NEAL HIBS, Bishop, Cal. KIRWAN, JIM WNLiK, Norwalk, Conn. RISER, JIMMY WSOC, Charlotte, N. C. KUNE, DICK WFDF, Flint, Mich. knelLpY, carl KCL/W, Hamilton, Tex. KNIGHIT, DELOS, JR. Musical Clock WIKC, Bog-alusa, Lia. KNIGHT, JIM Swap Shop WKWK, Wheeling:, W. Va. KNIGHT, LLOY© The Clock Watcher KDEIN. Denver, Col. KNIGHT, TOM WLON, Llncolnton, N. C. KNORR, JOHNNY Melodies in the Night WKBI, St. Marys, Pa. KOBAK, ED WBBQ, Augusta, Ga. KOOK, LYNN 3 400 Club K»GN, Glendive, Mont. KOERS, VIRGEL WLDL, La Crosse, Wis. KRANZ, GEORGE Requestlully Yours KRFO, Owatonna, Minn. KRAUS, PHILrP 1400 Club WKBI, St. Marys, Pa. KREHSIEL, MEL KJSK, Columbus, Neb. KRIEGER, BILL WESC, Greenville, S. C, KROBCK, JACK KLIK, Jefferson City, Mo. KRLEGER, JACK KEYS, Corpus Christi, Tex. KRUEGER, RALPH WJJL, Niagara Falls, N. Y. KRUGER, OTTO Lux Video Theater NBC-TV KULT, ERV Marshfield Time VTFHR, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. KDNSAK, JOHN KIPLT, Paris, Tex. — L — LAHR, GUY iHighway To Heaven KATZ, St. Ixjuis, Mo. LAMB, ART WTTG, Washington, D. C. LAMBERT, KEN WLOS, Jacksonville, HI. LAMONT, GEORGE Fireman Frank KRON-TV, San Francisco, Cal. LAMPSON, LES KFiDX-TV, Wichita Falls, Tex. LANDFEAR, DEAN WMT, Cedar Rapids, Iowa LANDIS, JOHN KRAK, Stockton, Cal. LANE, DICK WSBC, Chiea.g-0. 111. LANE, LARRY WEBK, Tampa, Fla. LARAWl\Y, LARRY Talk of the Town WJEH, Gallipolis, Ohio LARK, ROBERT WHTC, Holland, Mich. LARSEN, GENE KGFW, Kearney, Neb. LASHBROOK, DICK WSAZ, Huntington. W. Va. LaTULIPPE, DONALD WJDA, Quincy, Mass. I.u4VENDER, RALPH WBIA, Augusta, Ga. LAWRENCE, ART Gaslight Varieties WGIR, Manchester, N. H. LAWRENCE, BOB Charade Party WGR-TV, Buffalo, N. Y. LAWRENCE, TED Treasury Bandstand, National Juke Box Sunday Music Hall ABC, ABC-TV I.AWSON, KEN Little Rascals KVTV, Sioux City, Iowa LAWYER, JACK Coffee Call WMLV, Millville, N. J. LAYMAN, EARLE WPRC, Lincoln. 111. LAZICH, BOB KXLL, Missoula, Mont. LEA, DAVID WRBL, Columbus, Ga. LEAFSTEDT, RAY KOEL, Oelwein, Iowa LEAVITT, BOB Music at Lunchtime WWSR. St. Albans, Vt. LEE, DAVE Yawn Patrol WROV. Roanoke, Va. LEE. JACK KXGI, Ft. Madison. Iowa LEE, KELLY WMiSN, Raleigh, N. C. LEE, RONNIE WHOS, Decatur. Ala. LEE, WALTER KOBE, Las Cruces. N. M. LEEPER, TED Down Home WNCT, Greenville. N. C. LEESON, DEL KTVT. Salt Lake City. Utah LEHMAN, BILL WTRC, Elkhart, Ind. LEHNHOFF. HENRY KWED. Seguin, Tex. LEIGHTON, JERRY WAAF, Chicago, 111. LEONARD, AL WKKO, Cocoa, Fla. LEONARD, BOB WWVA, Wheeling, W. Va. LEONARD, ROBERT ABC, ABC-TV LEROY, MARVIN WPBC, Minneapolis. Minn. LESCOUI.IE, JACK Jackie Gleason Show, CBS; Today, Meet The Champions, NBC LESH, BOB Rip. V. Winkle KWBY, Colorado Springs, Col. LESTER, GARY W WKY, Winchester, Ky. LETCHER, SKIP WEKK, Erie, Pa. LEVERTON, BUCK Top 0' Morning WSAU, Wausau, Wis. LEWIS, AL WCPO-TV. Cincinnati, Ohio LEWIS, DICK KLZ-TV, Denver, Col. LEWIS, ROBERT q. B. April 5, 1921, New York City. The Robert Q. Lewis Show, CBS, CBS-TV; The iNome's the Same, ABC-TV LEWIS, ROY WEDO, McKeesport. Fla. LEYDEN, BILL It Could Be You NBC-TV LINDLEY, BOB KBST-TV, Big Springs, Tex. LINDMAN, STUART A. Midday Matinee WTCN-TV, Minneapolis. Minn. LINDNER, VINCENT A. B. Apr. 11, 1920, West New York, N. J. Jazz 56, Miss America Pageont, The News, WMID, Atlontic City LINDSAY, BROOKS WFMY-TV, Greensboro. N. C. LINGLE, DICK WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. LINGLE, JAY WMOG. Brunswick, Ga. LINK, JACK KIBO-TV, Boise, Idaho LINN, KEN Hoosiesr House Party WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. LITTLE, JERRY Red Rooster WCOJ, Coatesville, Pa. LIVELY, BILL Western Roundup KWTN, Ashland. Ore. LIVINGSTON, J. A. WPID, Piedmont, Ala. LLOYD, TED Sagrebrush Shorty WJBK-TV, Detroit, Mich. LOCKARD, MURRAY KPTV, Portland, Ore. LOCKBEAM, ROGER Siwap Shop KBOM, Bismarck-Mandan, N.D. LOOKWOOD, ED Rush Hour WKIS-WORZ, Orlando, Fla. LOG.\N, JOHN Melancholy Moods KRIE, Odessa, Tex. LOIHIMEYER, FRANK KLPW, Union, Mo. LOMAX, KEN KPOJ, Portland, Ore. LONG, HARRY Sunrise Blub KVI, Seattle. Wash. LONGWORTH, BILL WGBI, WGBI-TV, Seranton. Pa LON'TZ, JEVIMY WELL, Battle Creek, Mich. LOOPB21, GENE G. KSIX. Corpus Christi, Tex. LOPP, PHIL Singing Convention WEAR, Bartow, Fla. LORING, JACK WBZ, Boston, Mass. LOUCKS, BILL WARU, Peru, Ind. LOUNSBURY. JIM Bandstand Matinee WGN, WGN-TV, Chieag-o, HI. 1204