The radio annual (1957)

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(KZ>« ANNOUNCERS — MC'S 0<=>0 LOVOS, MILTON WPCF, Panama City, Fla. LOM'^E, DONALD Imagination, Mystery Time ABC, ABC-TV LOH"RY, LEW KTRH, Houston. Tex. LUCAS, W7LLIS G. KWHO, Salt Lake City, Utah LUCIEB, ROD KVOX, Moorhead, Minn. LlCKinjKST, BILL KBRO, Bremerton, Wash. LtECK, KEN WNDB, Baytona Beach, Fla. LUEDEKS, TOM WMTV, Madison. Wis. LUNDBOM, DEL KIDO-TV. Boise, Idaho LUKIE, AL Solar, The Magician KRGV-TV. Weslaco, Tex. LUTZ, BON KGHM, Brookfield. Mo. LVLES, OBY Sunny Side Up Show WHSC, Hartsville, S. C. LYON, JOHN WBBQ, Augusta. Ga. — Mc — McAMIS, BILL WBAC, Cleveland, Tenn. MciKTHUB, BILL KOvTM, Havre, Mont. McBCKNBY, DEAN JOHN Northwestern U. B;eviewingr Stand; MBS McCAFFBIE, PAT WGN, Chicagro. 111. McCANN, DICK South Omaha Salute KBON, Omaha, Neb. McCANN, LARRY Theatre Seven WXYZ-TV. Deta-oit, Mich. McCLANAHAN, STEELE KBOR, Brownsville, Tex. MoCOUBT, BOB Varsity Varieties WVEC-TV. Norfolk, Va. McCOY, DUANE KOOK-TV. Billings, Mont. MeCOY, JACK Glamour Girl KABC-TV, Los Angreles, Cal. McCOY, BOBEBT KOB-TV, Albuquerque, N. M. MoCOY, BONNIE KALL. Salt Lake City. Utah McCKACKEN, WIN KYNO, Fresno. Cal. MoCrLLEY, JOE WSNJ. Bridgeton, N. J. McCtTLLOUGH, DICK WJZM. Clarksville. Tenn. McDEVITT, LEO Sun Dial WOKO, Albany, N. Y. McDonald, bosseb The Wax Works KUSH, Gushing. Okla. mcelboy, jack Von's Movie KRCA-TV, Los Angeles, Cal. MoBWTJEN, JIM WCLG, Morgantown, W. Va. McGBBHAN, JACK Early Riser's Club KEYZ, Williston. N. D. McGEEHEE, GENTE KTBS-TV, Shreveport, La. McGBATH, MABION Talk of the Town WHAN, Charleston, S. 0. McKENDRICK, fbed Oldsmobile Show WIFKY. IFraiikfort, Ky. McKENNA, JACK Birthday Party WDSM-TV, Duluth, Minn. McKEOWN, GEORGE WTJKZ. Monroe, Wis. McKINSTRY, TED KXOC, Chico. Cal. McLaughlin, jim WICY. Malone, N. Y. McLEAN, BILL KAKE. Wichita. Kan. McLEAN, CLYDE WBT, Charlotte, N. C. McLEAN, JACK WXRA, Buffalo, N. Y. McLEOD, DON WJBK, Detroit. Mich. McMAHON, PAT Carousel KFMA, Davenport, Iowa Mcmullen, john Uncle Mac KOPO-TV, Tucson, Ariz. McNAMABA, JIM WALA, Mobile, Ala. McNAMARA, WILLIAM WHDL, Clean, N. Y. McNAMEE, JACK Melody Matinee WX)«0. Albany, N. Y. McNERNEY, JIM R. WtKRT, Cortland, N. Y. McNEW, LEON Star Bowling' WXYZ-TV. Detroit, Mich. McNULTY, TERRY Hometown Top Ten WSCR. Scranton, Pa. McQUIRE, JOHN KSYD, Wichita Falls, Tex. McQUISTON, GIL Stairlight C'.ub KRIZ, Phoenix, Ariz. — M — MACK, CHRIS WFNC. Fayetteville, N. C. MACK, WAYNE WDOK, Cleveland, Ohio MACKIN, JOHN WTVR, Richmond, Va. MacPHERSON, MONROE WIOiN, Ionia. Mich. M.ADELEY, ARTHUR L. WG^NI. Wilmington. N. C. MADER, JIM 1.310 Club WIBA. Madison. Wis. MAGERA. GEORGE Yawn at Dawn WJAY. MuUins. S. C. M.\HONEY. JIMMIE PAUL KGGM. Albuquerque. N. M. M.AIN, MAX WIOU. Kokomo. Ind. MAJOR, JIM WWOC. Manitowoc. Wis. MALLOW, JOHN WGN. Chicago. HI. MALONEY, JEBRY WSJV-TV, Elkhart. Ind. MANN, CHARLES Record Rack WT\'L. Waterville. Me. M\NN, SEL Top of Morning WCNC. Elizabeth City, N. Y. MANNING, ART WBGR. Jesup. Ga. MANSFIELD, BOB W'KIC. Hazard. Ky. MANSFIELD, ROGER WTTB. Vero Beach. Fla. MARLOWE, BILL WCOP. Boston, Mass. MARLOWE, PAUL Satvirday Dancing Party WWOK. Charlotte, N. C. MARQUABDT, JIM WLET. Toecoa, Ga. MARSH, BOY KJAN, Atlantic, Iowa MARSHALL, BILL WLIB, New York. N. Y. 1205 MARSHALL, BOB Petticoat Partyline WBRC-TV. Birmingham, Ala. MARSHAI.L, REX B. Jan. 10, 1919 MARTIN, DON WHOU, Ithaca, N. Y. .MARTIN, JOE WCDL, Carbondale, Pa. M.ARTIN, JOHNNY WHIZ, Zanesville, Ohio MARTIN, KEN WLDB, Atlantic City, N. J MARTIN, LABRY WKAM. Goshen. Ind. >L\RTIN, PETER KXOK, St. Louis, Mo. MARTIN STEVE Drama Manoa KTTV, Hollywood, Cal. MABX, ELZEIB WITY. Danville. HI. MASEY, BILL WELD, Tupelo, Miss. MASINGILL, DAVID I. WSFB, Quitman. Ga. MASON, CHABLES Pee Dee Potpourri WJMX, Florence, S. C. MASSENGILL, LUTHER WDEF-TV, Chattanooga. Tenn. MATHEWSON, DON WTUX, Wilmington,. Del MATHIS, JERRY KBRO. Bremerton. Wash. MATHIS, RALPH C. Wake Up Dixie WCPC. Houston. Miss. MATHIS, ROBIN H. Open House WCPC. Houston, Miss. MATTHEWS, PAT Polka Matinee WKOP. Binghamton. N. Y. MATTOX, MAT Matinee Today WTON, Staunton. Va. MAXWELL, CHUCK WDAF. Kansa;^ City. Mo. MAXWELL, RAY WGHM. Waterville, Me. MAY, BEA WITV, Miami, Fla. MAYERS, DICK WPAG. Ann Arbor. Mich. MAYNE, ROBERT WGAD. Gad.sden, Ala. MEAD, BOB WMIX, Mt. Vernon, 111. MEADOR, BOB WNLA, Indiancla. Miss. MEIIA, TONY Pan American Hour KGHF. Pueblo. Col. MELLOY, JACK WANE. Ft. Wayne. Ind. MELODY, JOE WOAI-TV. San Antonio, Tex. MENEFEE, BOB Heading Home WtP. Philadelphia, Pa. MERCEIN, TOM WMAQ. Chicago. 111. MEBCIEIB, BAY Dance Party WOSH, WCSH-TV. Portland. Me. MESMEB, BILL KFMB-TV. San Diego, Cal. MESSEB, NOBMAN WOAI. San Antonio, Tex. METHVEN, JEFF KPLT, Paris, Tex. MEUNIEE, JOHN WVPO, Stroudsburg, Pa. MEYER, LEWIS KOME, Tulsa, Okla. MEYER, TOM OK Ballroom WOKZ. Alton, 111.