The radio annual (1956)

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^ ADIO-TV PRODUCERS Network and Independent— and their work during 1955 ^ i^ i^ — A — AAKON, JOHN OBS-TV \DAMS, HENRY J. KMBC-TV, Kansas City, Mo. \LDREDGE, HARRY KHSL-TV, Chico, Cal. \LKXANDER, RAY I.adv of the House KLOR. Portland, Ore. VLLINGHAM, ROBERT KVAR. Mesa, Ariz. VX DREWS, (BS-TV wthony, jack WLWC. Columbus, Ohio VRIVELL. PETER 1 II Buy That, What's in a The Name's the Same, CBS \>BEL, HEEEN Organ Melodies WSIL-TV. Harrisburg, V>HBY, ROBERT Living Word WDAN-TY, Danville, 111. lASHER, WILLIAM B. Aug. 8, 1921, New York City. Jane Wyman's Fireside Theater, NBC-TV ASHLEY, IRA Karhy Godfrev Show CBS World, 111. AUGUSTINE, AVILLIA3I KHQA-TV, Hannibal, Mo. AYERS, TED CBS-TV — B — BARD, BEN KVVG, Tulare. Cal. BAILEY, JUDSON CBS-TV BARE, RICHARD Warner Brother Presents ABCTV BEACH, HUGH CBS-TV BEIER, CARL CBS-TV BELL, JOHN J. WGTH-TV. Hartford, Conn. BEI\DICK, ROBERT L. B. Feb. 8, 1917, New York City. Today, Wide Wide World, NBC-TV BENNETT, GIL KVTV, Sioux City, Iowa BERDAHL, DICK WDAY-TV. Fargo, N. D. BLACKWELL, BURT WAVE-TV. Louisville. Ky. BLAIR, LEOIVARD Valiant Lady, CBS-TV BOSTIAN, ROBERT I. Hinky Dinks WAKR-TV, Akron, Ohio BOZARTH, WILI.LVM KOAT-TV, AU)U(iu.>r(|U,.. N. Mex. BREKN, TOM KCRA-TV, Sacramento, Cal. BRILL. RICHARD CBS-TV BROSSEAU, TED WTSK, KnoxviHo. Tonn. BROWN. DAVE Dollar A Second AB(^-TV BROWN. HARRY JOE Crossroads ABCTV BROWN. PAUL KTHS-TV. Slircv.'ixtrl. La. BROWI\, WILLIAM H. Studio One, CBS-TV BRUTON, RUSTY WTV.T. Miann. Fla. BRYANT, 1 LOYD KIDO-TV. Boise, Idalio BURGESS, DON KIIQ-TV. Spokan.'. Wasli. BURKE. CAROLlI\E Vacation Wonderlands, Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, Wanda Landowska at Home, Three Steps to Heaven, NBC NBC MATINEE THEATER Devised and Produced by S 6m NBC-TV 1249