The radio annual (1955)

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nan radio-tv telephone numbers in los angeles nan Gregory Assts BRadshaw 25084 George Greif & Assoc GRanite 7197 Greshler, Abner CRestview 45339 Grossman, Milton M., Agency CRestview 6-6163 Halliburton, Jeanne CRestview 5-5575 Hamilburg, Mitchell CRestview 54171 Herdon-Sherrell CRestview 15236 Herzbrun, Walt CRestview 64157 Hyland, Dick Irving CRestview 1-9159 Ingersoll, George Agency HOIIywood 7-0862 Irwin, Lou CRestview 1-7131 Jackson, Edith HOIIywood 7-0155 Jacobson, Vernon CRestview 52545 Jaf fe Agency CRestview 661 21 Katz, Fred, Agency CRestview 6-3189 Kohner, Paul CRestview 15165 Kramer, Earl CRestview 62338 Krevat, Shely Artists, Inc HOIIywood 7-3658 Lance, Leon CRestview 66014 Louren, J. W. Agency HOIIywood 7-5087 Lazar, Irving CRestview 56153 Leonetti, Caroline, Ltd HOIIywood 2-2345 Leonard, Fred HOIIywood 4-7546 Lesser, Ted BRadshaw 2-3659 Levee, M. C CRestview 6-6285 Lewis, Henry CRestview 55129 Lewis-Molson CRestview 1 61 11 Linsk, Lester CRestview 54396 Longenecker, Robt WEbster 1-2267 McConkey Artists Corp HOIIywood 3-7141 McMillan, Hazel, Agency CRestview 1-7781 MacQuarrie Agency CRestview 67162 MCA Artists CRestview 62001 Monuel-Baird CRestview 45288 Martyn, Marty CRestview 58607 Marx, Burt CRestview 17171 Medford, Ben CRestview 17021 Messinger, Lili CRestview 5-8541 Meyers, Walter CRestview 18161 Mishkin Agency CRestview 45416 Moore, Lola CRestview 65401 Molina Agency HOIIywood 3-3271 Morris, William CRestview 16161 N'unes, A. R., Agency HOIIywood 3-7124 Ochs, Al Hollywood 96470 Oliver, Maurine HOIIywood 4-0257 Orsatti Si Co CRestview 66241 Pearson, Ben CRestview 4-5488 Pomeroy, Jack CRestview 45148 Powers-Stanley Agency CRestview 1-1141 Preminger, Ingo, Agency CRestview 6-6213 Rocamora, Wynn CRestview 45431 Rosenberg, Geo CRestview 18121 Rush, Art Hollywood 4-5161 Ryan, Frank CRestview 14627 Salkow, Lester CRestview 54505 Schwartz Agency CRestview 6-7371 Siiauer, M. A CRestview 11103 ShawWiley Agency CRestview 5-4179 Sherman, Edward CRestview 501 86 Shiffrin, William CRestview 17261 Short, Antrim CRestview 541 37 Shurr, Louis CRestview 11116 Small, Paul CRestview 15246 Sn.itzer, Lou-Fritschi, Al, Inc HOIIywood 9-6271 Somlyo, E. T CRestview 6-2041 Stempel, Frank CRestview 1-7141 Stewart, Rosalie CRestview 461 23 Swanson, H. N CRestview 15115 Swaverland, Harold HOIIywood 4-7265 Thompson, D. H CRestview 12188 Ullman, George CRestview 45238 Wadsworth, J. B CRestview 60698 Weiner, Jack CRestview 67081 Weintraub, Murry CRestview 1-1137 Welch, Suey, Agency HOIIywood 4-2461 Wendling, Chas CRestview 62348 White, Mack, Agency NOrmandy 2-8988 White, Wm. B CRestview 46301 Wiley, Richard CRestview 54170 Wilkins, Paul CRestview 16188 Willson, Henry CRestview 6-3201 Winkler, Daniel M CRestview 17244 Wookey, Betty, Agency HOIIywood 2-2301 Publications Billboard Publishing Co HOIIywood 9-5831 Broadcasting-Telecasting HOIIywood 3-8181 Hollywood Reporter HOIIywood 4-741 1 Radio & TV Exchange HOIIywood 4-0101 RADIO-TV DAILY HOIIywood 5-8436 Radio-Television Mirror CRestview 6-6293 Sponsor HOIIywood 4-8089 TV Guide Publication NOrmandy 2-3101 TV-Radio Life HOIIywood 4-9275 Variety HOIIywood 9-1141 Radio'TV Audience Surveys American Research Bureau CUmberlin 3-3149 Facts Consolidated WYoming 3181 Moffett Research Co HOIIywood 3-5653 Broodcosf Revenues See Page 41 Fovorife Sfors of 1954 See Page 39 Growth of Broadcasting See Page 67 Ten Top Radio-TV News Events See Page 37 Song Hits of 1954 See Page 45 107