The radio annual (1955)

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D n D MINNESOTA-MISSISSIPPI nan KEYD-TV MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL— 1954 DuM station Operating with Special Temporary Authorization Channel: 11 VHF..AP: 158 Kw...VP: 316 Kw. Owned-Oper. By Family Bcstg. Corp. Business Address Foshay Tower Phone Number Lincoln 8451 Representative H-R, Television, Inc. General Mgr Lee L. Whiting Asst General Mgr Raymond Tenpenny Operations, Prog. Dir Robert C. Fransen Promotion Mgr Jim McGovern News Director Harry Reasoner Chief Engineer Harvey Headen KROC-TV RCX:HESTER— 1953— NBC Channel: 10 VHF..AP: 53 Kw.. .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By So. Minn. Bcstg. Co. Business Address 100 1st Ave. Bldg. Phone Number 3924 Air Time 10 hours daily Representative Meeker President Mrs. Gregory P. Gentling General Manager G. David Gentling Station Manager Willard Lampman Comm. Manager Warren Miller Program Director Don Perry Chief Engineer Robert W. Cross KSTP-TV ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS— 1948 NBC Channel: 5 VHF. . . AP: 80 Kw.. . .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Operated By KSTP, Inc. Bus., Trans. Lo.. .3415 University Ave., St. Paul Phone Number Prior 2724 Air Time 17 hours daily News Service AP. UP Representative Edward Petry Membership NARTB President, Gen. Mgr Stanley E. Hubbard Exec. V.P. & Treas K. M. Hance National Sales Mgr Karl A. Plain Regional Sales Mgr William R. Brazzil Program Director Del Franklin Sales Prom. & Pub. Dir William Davey News Director Julian Hoshal Asst. National Sales Mgr James E. Blake Film Director Ben Leighton Chief Engineer Wm. S. Sadler WMIN-TV ST. PAUL— 1953— ABC-DuM Channeh 11 VHF..AP: 158 Kw...VP: 316 Kw. Owned-Oper. By WMIN Bcstg. Co. Business Address 538 Hamm Building Phone Number CApitol 4-4831 Air Time 7 hours daily News Service AP Representative Blair TV Membership NARTB President, Station Mgr N. L. Bentson V.P., Gen. Sales Mgr Frank M. Devaney Dir. of News & Sp. Events, Prog Stuart A. Lindman Prom., Publicity Dir Dick J. Quaas Production Manager Fred H. Kaufman Film Manager Oscar Backlund Chief Eng Warren Fritze Consulting Engineer Jansky & Bailey MISSISSIPPI Pop. Feb. 1, 1955 (Est.) 2,248,000 — TV Homes 137,000 Stations in State 4 WJTV JACKSON— 1953 ABC-CBS-DuM-NBC Channeh 25 UHF..AP: 98 Kw.. .VP: 180 Kw. Owned-Oper Mississippi Publishers Corp. Address P. O. Box 427 Representative Katz General Manager John Rossiter Consulting Engineer Raymond M. Wilmotte WLBT JACKSON— 1953— NBC Channeh 3 VHF. .AP: 50 Kw.. .VP: 100 Kw. Owned-Oper. By Lamar Life Bcstg. Co. Business Office Box 2171 Phone Number 2-2691 Air Time 15 hours daily News Service UP Representative Hollingbery President Wiley P. Harris Gen., Station Mgr Fred L. Beard Comm. Manager Frank Gentry Program Director Maurice Thompson Promotion Director Walter Henson Dir. of News & Sp. Events Dick Sanders Production Mgr George Land Publicity Director Gene Grant Film Manager Cliff Bingham Chief Engineer Bob Smathers Consuhing Eng A. Earl CuUum. Jr. WSLI-TV JACKSON— 1954— ABC station Operating with Special Temporary Authorization Channeh 12 VHF..AP: 107 Kw...VP: 214 Kw. Owned-Oper. By ... . Standard Life Bdcstg. Co. 911