Radio annual (1939)

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Radio Receiving and Television Tubes, by J. A. Moyer and J. F. Wostrel. McGrawHill Book Co., 1936. Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, by R. L. Duncan and C. E. Drew. John Wiley & Sons, 1931. Radio Traffic Manual and Operating Regulations, by R. L. Duncan and C. E. Drew, 1929. Short Wave Wireless Communication, by A. W. Lander and C. R. Stoner. John Wiley & Sons, 1936. Signal and Speech in Electrical Communication, by John Mills. Harcourt, Brace & Co.. 1934. Broadcasting House, A Technical Description, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1932. Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tube Circuits, by L. J. Peters. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1927. Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tubes, by E. L. Chaffe. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1933. The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Application, by H. J. Van der Bijl. McGrawHill Book Co., 1920. 200 Meters And Down, by C. B. DeSoto. American Radio Relay League, 1936. Wireless Terms Explained, by Decibel (pseud.). Pitman Publishing Co., 1937. TELEVISION Electronic Television, by G. Eckhardt. Good heart-Willeox, 1936. Electron Optics In Television, by Maloff and Epstein. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. Experimental Television, by A. F. Collins Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1932. The Outlook for Television, by Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr. Harper & Bros., 1932. Photocells and Their Application, by V. W. Zworykin and E. D. Wilson. John Wiley & Sons, 1930. Photoelectric Cells, by N. R. Campbell and Dorothy Ritchie. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1936. Report of the Television Committee (Great Britain). Paper No. 4793. His Majesty's Stationery Office. Report on Television from the Standpoint of the Motion Picture Producing Industry, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1936. Televiewing, by E. H. Robinson. Selwyn and Blount. 1935. Television (Dictionary), by E. J. G. Lewis. Pitman Publishing Co., 1936. Television, by M. G. Scroggie. Blackie & Son, Ltd.. 1935. Television, RCA Institute. Technical Press, 1936. Television, Its Methods and Uses, by E. H. Felix. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1931. Television: Collected Addresses and Papers on the Future of the New Art and Its Recent Technical Developments. Vols. 1-2. RCA Institutes Technical Press, 1936-1937. Television Cyclopaedia, by A. T. Witts. Chapman, 1937. Television Engineering, by J. C. Wilson. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1937. Television Optics, by L. M. Meyers. Pitman Publishing Co., 1936. Television Reception, by Manfred Van Ar dene (trans ation by O. S. Puckle). Chapman and Hall, 1936. Television Reception Technique, by P. D. Tyers. Pitman, 1938. Television: Technical Terms and Definitions, by E. J. G. James. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1936. Television, A Struggle for Power, by Frank C. Walthrop and Joseph Borkin. William Morrow & Co., 1938. Television Theory and Practice, by J. H. Reyner. Sherwood Press, 1935. Television Today and Tomorrow, by S. A. Moseley and H. K. B. Chappie. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1934. Television Up-To-Date, by R. W. Hutchinson. University Tutorial Press, 1937. Television With Cathode Rays, by A. H. Halloran. Pacific Radio Publications Co., 1936. Publications of the Columbia Broadcasting System Almanack (monthly). American School of the Air, 1936-37. American System of Broadcasting (address of William S. Paley). Analyzing the Radio Market, by J. J. Karol. Boake Carter. Breakfast Hour in Radio Homes. Broadcasting and the American Public. Case of the Curious Footprints. CBS Sponsored and Sustaining Programs (Monthly). Columbia Shakespearian Cycle. Command Appearance. Continued Upswing in Radio. Daytime Broadcasting. Direction of Progress in Radio Broadcasting. Everybody's Music. Exact Measurement of the Spoken Word 1902-1936. Hair and Air. Insurance Advertising Over the Air. It's a Good Morning Program. Just How Do Shifts in Media Effect Radio Sales. Listening Area Books (4th Series). Measuring the Radio Audience. Medicine Chests, Boudoir Tables and Radio Listening. Microphones, Movie Stars . . . and Soup. Names Make News. New Policies. ". . . not soon forgotten." Pebeco Booklet. Psychological Research in the Field of Radio Listening. Radio, by H. K. Boice. Radio Goes to College. Radio Homes in States, Counties and Principal Cities of the United States. Radio in 1937. Radio Listening in Automobiles. Radio Network Advertising Sells Food. Radio Sets by Counties. Resume of CBS Broadcasting Activities During 1937. Short Course on Radio. Short History of Radio Broadcasting. Size of the Network Audiences. Special Effectiveness of the Columbia Network for the Large Advertiser. Summary of Summer, 1936, 1937. 895