Radio annual (1943)

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Authors League 6 E. 39th St., New York, N. Y. MUrray Hill 5-6930 OFFICERS President Howard Lindsay Vice-President Henry F. Pringle Secretary Kenneth Webb Treasurer Arthur Schwartz COUNCIL Louis Adamic, Forrest Barnes, Stephen Vincent Benet, Irving Berlin, True Boardman, Elaine Sterne Carrington, Hector Chevigny, Marc Connelly, Norman L. Corwin, Russel Crouse, Elmer Davis, Merrill Denison, Paul Franklin, Frances Goodrich, Moss Hart, Philo Higley, Inez Haynes Irwin, Will Irwin, Sidney Kingsley, Fred Kress, John Howard Lawson, Denis Tilden Lynch, Albert Maltz, William Brown Meloney, Kenyon Nicholson, Nathaniel Peffer, Arthur Richman, Orin Tovrov, Oscar Schisgall, Lyman Beecher Stowe, A. E. Thomas, George Roosen, John Vandercook, Rita Weiman, Stanley Young. FUNCTIONS The Authors' League of America, Inc., is the national organization of authors, dramatists, screen writers and radio writers. It was organized in 1912 in order to procure adequate copyright legislation, both international and domestic; to protect the rights and property of all those who create copyrightable material of whatever kind or nature; to advise and assist all such in business matters relating to the disposal of their productions and to obtain for them prompt remuneration therefor; to disseminate information among them as to their iust rights and remedies. Its membership is approximately 4,200. • BMI Canada, Ltd. 2100 Victory Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Elgin 5623 OFFICERS resident Neville Miller Vice-President M. E. Tompkins Vice-President Harry Sedgwick Vice-President Joseph Sedgwick Vice-President Glen Bannerman Secretary-Treasurer T. Arthur Evans FUNCTIONS BMI Canada, Ltd., was organized to buy and publish original music, to coordinate and license performing rights of music published under its own imprint and of music in the catalogs of affiliated publishers and performing right societies and to provide equal opportunity of recognition for all writers and composers. Board of War Communications Chairman's Office: c-o Federal Communications Commissicn, Washington, D. C. PERSONNEL James Lawrence F!y, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; Major General Dawson Olmstead, Chief Signal Officer, of U. S. Army; Captain Carl F. Holden, Director of Naval Communications; Breckenridge Long, Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the Division of International Communications; Herbert E. Gaston, Assistant Secretary of Treasury in charge of reasury Enforcement Activities; Commander R. J. Mauerman, U. S. Coast Guard. COMMITTEES Alternates: E. K. Jett, Chief Engineer, Federal Communications Commission Brigadier General Frank E. Stoner, Chief, Army Communications Branch; Captain Thomas B. Inglis, Assistant Director of Naval Communications; Francis C. de Wolf, Principal Divisional Assistant of the Division of International Communications; Captain E. M. Webster, Chief of Communications of the U. S. Coast Guard. Coordinating: E. K. Jett, Chief Engineer of the Federal Communication Commission, Chairman; Francis C. De Wolf, Department of State; Major W. T. Guest. Department of War; Lt. Commander Franz O. Willenbucher, Department of Navy; Captain E. M. Webster, Chief of Communications, U. S. Coast Guard. Law: Charles R. Denny, General Counsel of Federal Communications Commission, Chairman; Colonel Conrad E. Snow, Chief, Legal Branch, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Department of War; John E. Shea, Department of Treasury; Commander Franz 0. Willenbucher, Department of Navy; Raymund T. Yingling, Department cf State. Labor Advisory: Robert J. Watt, Chairman; Paul E. Griffith, Secretary. Industry Advisory: Walter S. Gifford, Chairman; Dr. C. B. Jollitfe, Secretary. Priorities Planning: Lt. Colonel Lyle D. Wise, Chairman; George J. Dempsey, Secretary. Amateur Radio: George W. Bailey, Chairman; E. M. Webster. Secretary. Aviation Communications: R. 0. Smith, Chairman; Ford Studebaker, Secretary. Cable: C. Mills, Chairman; Benedict P. Cottone, Secretary. Domestic Broadcasting: Neville Miller, Chairman; A. D. Ring, Secretary. Interdepartment Radio Advisory: Dr. P. H. Dellinger, Chairman; Commisioner T. A. M. Craven, Vice Chairman; P. F. Siling, Secretary; L. R. Brady, Assistant Secretary. International Broadcasting: Walter C. Evans, Chairman; P. F. Siling, Secretary. Radiocommunications: E. M. Webster, Chairman; F. M. Ryan, Secretary. Communications Liaison for Civilian Defense: Wm. N. Krebs, Chairman: Herbert A. Friede, Secretary. Priorities Liaison: Lt. Commander R. H. Griffin, Chairman; Gerald C. Cross, Secretary. Telegraph: E. R. Shute, Chairman; Wm. J. Norfleet, Secretary. Telephone: Z. Z. Hugus, Chairman; Clyde S. Bailey, Secretary. State and Municipal Facilities: Captain Donaid S. Leonard, Chairman: G. E. Nielson, Secretary. Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) 580 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. PEnnsylvania 6-5466 OFFICERS President Neville Miller Vice-President-General Manager M. E. Tompkins Vice-President-General Counsel Sydney M. Kaye Vice-President Carl Haverlin Treasurer C. E. Lawrence DIRECTORS Neville Miller, National Association of Broadcasters; Walter Damm, WTMJ; John Elmer, WCBM; Frank K. White, Columbia Broadcasting System; William Hedges, National Broadcasting Co.; Paul Morency, WTIC; Leonard Kapner, WCAE. BRANCH OFFICES 1549 North Vine St., Hollywood, Calif. Executive-in-Charge Harry Engel 54 West Randolph St., Chicago, III. Executive-in-Charge James Cairns FUNCTIONS The functions of BMI are: (1) To buy and publish original music; (2) to coordinate and license the performing rights to music published under its own imprint and of music in the catalogs of affiliated publishers and performing rights societies; (3) to provide equal opportunity of recognition for all writers and composers. Canadian Assn. of Broadcasters 2100 Victory Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Canada Elgin 5623 OFFICERS President-General Manager Glen Bannerman Chairman of the Board Harry Sedgwick Vice-Chairman of the Board George C. Chandler General Counsel Joseph Sedgwick Secretary-Treasurer T. Arthur Evans 916