Radio annual and television yearbook (1945)

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RAD ARTISTS iRUGEK, OTTO Cavalcade of America, Lux Theatre, Goodyear, Stars Over Hollywood. U1MMER, ELOISE Hot Copy. KYSER, KAY L — A15ELLE, CLAUDE KGO. AKKLLE, RUPERT Mary Marlin. LAKE, ARTHUR Blonrtie. ,ANDICK, OLYN CBS, Death Valley Sheriff,. .ANGLEY, KOLLY KGO. 1ANNARD, HERBERT Free World Theatre, Lux Theatre, Lights Out. ^ARABEE, LOUISE Famous Jury Trials, Mary Marlin, Valiant Lady. LASCELLES, GEORGE WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. .ASNER, ADELAIDE KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. LATIMER, ED Inner Sanctum, Helen Trent, Famous Jury Triiils, Strange Dr. Weird, Thin Man, Armstrong Theatre, Grand Central Station, Molle Mystery, Mysterious Traveler. LAUCK, CHET (Lum) BLUE, Lum 'n Abner. LAURIE, JOE, JR. Can You Top This?, Guess Who? LAWRENCE, CATHY Pepper Young's Family, Helen's Home. Road of Life. LAWRENCE, GERTRUDE Revlon Revue. LAYNE, ZELLA I Want a Divorce, Hawthorne House, Dr. Kate. LAZAR, WILLIAM Philip Morris Playhouse, Crime Doctor, The Bond Wagon. LEAF, ANN Woman of Courage, Amanda, Lorenzo Jones. LE DOUX, LEONE Blondie. LEE, MADELINE Report to the Nation, CBS Workshop, Bright Horizon. LEEDS, DAVID You're in the Army Now, On Your Job, Aldrich Family. LK GRAND, DICK The Great Gildersleeve. l.KIIR, ELMER Valiant Lady, Radio Guild, The World Is Yours. LEIGH, SYLVIA March of Time, Aldrich Family, We the People. Manhattan at Midnight. LICMKE, IKMA WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. LKNKOW, BERNARD Fred Allen, Kate Smith. Ripley, Easy Aces. LEON, PAUL Star Theatre, Kate Smith, Campbell Playhouse. LEONARD, GENE Gangbusters, Ellery Queen. Second Husbad. LEONARD, LILLIAN Gay Nineties Revue, CBS. LEONE, DANNY Aldrich Family, Superman, Pepper Young's Family. LICSSEK, JERRY Gangbusters, Rudy Vallee, Mr. District Attorney. LESTER, BILL KOY, Phoenix, Arizona; Victory Playhouse. LETHIN, ANITA WMBI, Chicago, 111. LEVERTON, BUCK WFHR, Wisconsin Rapids, Wise. LEWIS, ABBY Dr. Christian, City Desk, By Kathleen Norris, Aldrich Family. GUESS WHO? p.d. CAN YOU TOP THIS? 767