Radio annual and television yearbook (1945)

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ORGANIZATIONS BRANCH OFFICES Membership in this organization includes advertising agencies in the following cities: Albany, N. Y.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Des Moines, Iowa; Detroit, Mich.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Nashville, Tenn.; New York, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; San Francisco, Calif.; Salt Lake City, Utah; St. Louis, Mo. FUNCTIONS This organization is a cooperative group of independently owned advertising agencies using identical standards of agency procedure and acting as branch offices in the interest of each member. F M Broadcasters, Inc. (FMBI) Office of the President and Secretary-Treasurer, 333 W. State St., Milwaukee 1, Wis. Marquette 6000 Washington Office: 711 Colorado Bldg. OFFICERS President Walter J. Damm Vice-President Theodore C. Streibert Secretary-Treasurer L. W. Herzog DIRECTORS John Shepard, 3rd, John V. L. Hogan, Arthur Church, Ceo. Lang, Lee B. Wailes, Ray H. Manson, Franklin M. Doolittle, Walter J. Damm, Theodore C. Streibert. FUNCTIONS FMBI is a non-profit association of FM boosters founded to see that frequency modulation advances in a coordinated logical manner: to guarantee that its interests 2re furthered and protected and to represent the FM industry in Washington; to provide an advisory service for its membership stations; too offer liaison between broadcasters and manufacturers interpreting the problems of each; to conduct a program of promotion and publicity aimed at stimulating public interest, and to provide a competent and accurate service for the truthful dissemination of information concerning FM. Membership includes individuals and companies who have an FM station, a construction permit or an application on file with the FCC for one. Hollywood Victory Committee For Stage, Screen and Radio 415Vz North Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California Thone: Crestview 5-1171 OFFICERS Chairman Kenneth Thomson Vice-Chairman Mark Sandrich Treasurer Bert Allenberg Secretary Howard Strickling Asst. Secretary Arch Reeve Executive Administrator Marco Wolff ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED Actors Equity Association American Federation of Radio Artists American Cuild of Musical Artists American Guild of Variety Artists American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers Artists Managers Guild Association of Motion Picture Producers Hollywood Writer's Mobilization Independent Publicists Society Musicians Mutual Protective Association Public Information Committee of the Motion Picture Industry Radio Networks Radio Writers Cuild Screen Actors Cuild Screen Directors Cuild Screen Publicists Cuild Screen Writers Cuild Southern California Broadcasters Association Theatre Authority, Inc. War Activities Committee FUNCTIONS This committee was formed as a means of coordinating the requests for "free talent" and as a means of offering protection to the actors, the studios and the radio networks in Hollywood, so far as authentication of requests is concerned, and so far as accurate check as to the officialdom of the sources of requests for "free talent." This body is charged with the approval or rejection of all requests for "free talent" in Hollywood. All requests for "free talent" whether to studios, organizations of individual stars, are to be referred to this committee for action. A sub-committee, the Hollywood Talent Committee, is charged, after the main committee has approved a request officially, with the coordination of the various industry elements involved in fulfilling the request. The Institute for Education by Radio Established 1930 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio UNiversity 3148, Extension 708 OFFICERS Honorary Director W. W. Charters Director I. Keith Tyler Executive Secretary Ardis Hillman Wheeler PROGRAM COMMITTEE William Wallace Beavers, Program Director, WCOL; R. C. Higgy, Director, WOSU; T. C. Holy, Director, Bureau of of Educational Research, Ohio State University; Irwin A. Johnson, Director of Developmental Programs, WBNS; John Moses, Production Manager, WHKC; H. W. Nisonger, Chairman, University Radio Education Committee; I. Keith Tyler, Director of the Institute. FUNCTIONS This annual national conference was established in 1930 at the Ohio State University to provide for joint discussion, by broadcasters, educators and civic leaders, of the problems of educational broadcasting. The program is devoted chiefly to consideration of the policies and techniques of radio and is developed from the suggestions and recommendations of those attending the Institute in previous year. No resolutions are passed. The Institute also sponsors the American Exhibition and Citations of Educational Radio Programs which gives awards and honorable mentions to outstanding program series. Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc. 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, N. Y. MEdaliion 3-5661 OFFICERS President W. L. Everitt Vice-President H. J. Vander Bill Treasurer R. A. Heising Secretary Haraden Pratt FUNCTIONS The Institute of Radio Engineers is a professional organization of engineers in radio and allied fields. It publishes a magazine entitled "Proceeding of the I. R. E." and conducts meetings in New York and various other cities in the United States, Canada, and Argentina. 979