The radio annual (1947)

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EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS Plant Supt F. Lorentz Purchasing Agent J. H. Stackhouse PRODUCTS: Radio Receivers AC/DC, Table Models, Consoles AM/FM, Phonographs AC, Amplifiers. Sonora Radio & Television Corp. 77 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. Phone: Cen. 3614 V. P. — Charge Sales. Edward Harris V. P. — Charge Finances. Ray Shadley Executive Vice-President Ben Freund V. P. — Charge Engineering. . .Don Fetterman Advertising Mgr Herbert S. Hall Recording Director Marie Ruebens BRANCH OFFICES: Reko-Plastik Div., Meridan, Conn., W. R. Dodds, Sr.; Sonora Radio & Tel. Corp., 730 Fifth Ave., New York 19, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-5492, Milton J. Benjamin; Sterling Wood Working Div., Chicago, 111., Walter Roberts. PRODUCTS: Radios, radio-phonographs, portables, AM-FM combinations, television receivers, phonograph records, Sterling cedar chests. Stewart-Warner Corp. 1826 Diversey Pkwy., Chicago 14, 111. Phone: Lakeview 6000 President J. S. Knowlson Exec. Vice-President F. A. Hiter Mgr. Radio Department F. D. Masters Asst. Mgr. Radio Dept J. R. Brandenburg Mgr. Radio Service N. J. Cooper Mgr. Radio Adv L. B. Pambrun E. L. Ebran, K. B. Doan, G. W. Oehlsen Field Representatives Frank Helderle, M. 0. Beckham, E. R. Rutledge PRODUCTS: Radios: AM-FM, Console, Table, Console Combinations, Table Combinations, Portable. Television: AM-FM, Console. Stromberg-Carlson Co. 100 Carlson Road, Rochester 3, N. Y. Phone: Culver 260 Chairman of Board Wesley M. Angle President Ray H. Manson Vice-President-General Mgr.... Lee CcCanne Vice-President — Finance. .. .Gordon G. Hoit Vice-President— Sales. .Lloyd L. Spencer Vice-President — Engineering and Research Frederic C. Young Secretary Edwin C. Roworth Treasurer Wilbur W. Hetzel Controller J. Lester Gasser BRANCH OFFICES: 564 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111., Phone, State 4234; 2017 Grand Ave., Kansas City 8, Mo., Phone, Harrison 6618; 1355 Market St., San Francisco 3, Calif., Phone, Underhill 5388; 211-219 Geary Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada, Phone, Melrose 2453, Ralph A. Hackbusch, Vice-President-Managing Director; 2152 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles 7, Calif., Phone, Rochester 2168. PRODUCTS: Communications equipment, including radio, television, telephone, sound equipment and wire recording equipment. Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone: CHickering 44470 President W. E. Poor Executive Vice-President, Sales D. G. Mitchell Director of Engineering E. Finley Carter General Sales Manager, Radio Tube Sales C. W. Shaw D. R. Adv. S. P Heny C. L. Johnson Director Public Relations Paul S. Ellison PRODUCTS: Receiving tubes, cathode ray tubes, transmitting tubes, electronic devices. Teletone Radio Co. 609 W. 51st St., New York 19, N. Y. Phone: Circle 6-7590 President S. W. Gross V. P., Dir. Sales & Adv John S. Mills Chief Engineer B. Singer PRODUCTS: Table model radios, table model radio-phono combinations. Television Associates, Inc. 190 N. State St., Chicago 1, 111. Phone: Andover 3294 President C. Collette Vice-President Judge C. Woolridge Secretary-Treasurer E. C. Upton PRODUCTS: Manufacturers and distributors of Bill Eddy gadgets for television, including Tele-Lites, Kaleidoscopes, Special Effects, etc. Telicon Corp. 851 Madison Ave., New York 21, N. Y. Phone: Butterfield 8-1900 President. Solomon Sagall Vice-President Samuel Surrey Vice-Pres.-Secretary Colin Ives Vice-President W. R. Rich Chief Engineer Richard Shottenfeld Production Manager Martin Auerbach Purchasing Agent I. Hecht PRODUCTS: AM & FM broadcast receiv. ers, television receivers, intra-video systems, television receiving antenna, quartz crystals. Templetone Radio Mfg. Corp. Templeton Bldg., New London, Conn. Phone: New London 5346 President Oscar Dane Vice-President— Manufacturing Eli Dane 1119