Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1922)

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i6 RADIO BROADCAST phone engineers worked more or less in the privacy of their laboratories, with little or no news of their progress reaching the public at large. Suddenly, without any warning, it came to light that very definite progress had been made in radio telephony. It was in 1915 that the engineers of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company succeeded in telephoning by radio from Arlington, Va., to the So much for the technical side of radio telephony. But the real success of this invention has been in the broadcasting field, and, fortunately, we do not have to go far back to get to the beginning of this phase of the art. Probably it is not generally known that the United States Navy is a pioneer of broadcasting, but Navy records and the memories of early radio enthusiasts prove that the Ana GENERAL BROADCASTING STATIONS IN THE MIDDLE WEST In the Gulf states there are two stations. WRR, the police department of Dallas, and 5ZU, the State University of Austin, Texas. At Denver also there is station 9ZAF operated by the Reynolds Radio Co. Eiflfel Tower in Paris, France, or over a distance of over 3,000 miles. Over three hundred vacuum tubes were employed for the generation and modulation of the transmitted waves. During the same tests the voice carried out to Hawaii, or a distance of almost 5,000 miles. Came the war, with the urgent need for some form of rapid and positive communication between airplanes and between airplanes and the ground. The best radio talent was applied to the task, and soon little outfits, not much larger than one foot square, appeared in our airplanes for the purpose of ensuring telephonic communication over some fifteen to twenty-five miles. Progress from that day to this has been rapid, for the foundation for practical development was laid by the telephone engineers for all time. costia Naval Air Station near Washington broadcasted music by radio phone for the first time on January 17, 1920. The Navy had, of course, been broadcasting by code for some years previously, but this was the occasion of the first radio telephone entertainment. Commander A. Hoyt Taylor was then in charge of the Anacostia station, then the, highest powered radio station in the country with a range of 1,000 miles. A phonograph concert was transmitted weekly, followed by technical information for amateurs, for a considerable period. Navy records show that communications were received in February and again in March, 1920, from St. Louis, Minneapolis, and places in Pennsylvania congratulating the Anacostia station on the strength of its signals. The Westinghouse organization was the first commercial organization permanently in the