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efforts to the mere making of sales to-day with no thought of the days to follow.
In order to make certain of a permanent standing in the radio business, it is necessary for the dealer to be able to discuss amateur radio conditions with his customers. He must understand their likes and dislikes and cater to them. There are many ways in which this may be accomplished, not the least of which is joining a local radio club.
A dealer should not only join a radio club, but he should be an active member. At the club meetings it is possible for him to be of great assistance by loaning apparatus for use in illustrating timely lectures. There is probably no better form of publicity than an illustrated lecture demonstrating the use of equipment which may be secured at the local dealer's.
TH E dealer may stimulate his sales very materially by having complete transmitting and receiving sets made from stock parts, completely wired on a single board conspicuously displayed on his counter or in the show-case. An arrangement of this character is shown in one of the accompanying illustrations, and it has been very effectively employed by one of the largest radio retail stores in the country. It is made up of stock parts and wired so that the experimenter coming into the store may
have a striking picture of just where and how each unit is employed in the circuit.
TN ADDITION to the display of a compo1 nent part assembly, the dealer will find it advantageous to prepare a list of the elements included in the circuit. This list should also include such items as may be interchangeable and are carried in stock by him. For instance,
under the heading of condensers or inductances, the dealer may handle several, designed to accomplish the same purpose; where this is so his list should include all of them.
In building sets of this character, the dealer should provide two or three standard transmitting and receiving circuits, increasing this number when some new and particularly advantageous arrangement or instrument has been developed.
WHERE space permits, the establishment of a club room for the use of customers is a highly desirable feature in a retail store. This is especially true in the business sections of large cities because it permits prominent radio amateur and professional men to get together for a short time during their lunch hour. One dealer has increased his business more than 500 per cent, in five months after the establish