Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1922)

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More Enchanting Than Aladdin's Dreams THE masterwork of 20th Century science is the triumph of Westinghouse radio engineers in perfecting the AERIOLA GRAND a de luxe receiving instrument of exquisite beauty and purity of tone combined with simplicity of operation. Distributed through the 20th Century Radio Corporation, national distributors for Westinghouse and other high grade radio apparatus. This Company is also in a position to make immediate deliveries of Westinghouse Type RC Westinghouse Aeriola Sr. "^/^ Westinghouse Aeriola Jr. r The nation's most dependable radio apparatus. Write to us to-day for the name and address of your nearest dealer 20th Century Radio Corporation Executive Offices Suite 710, Straus Building 565 Fifth Avenue, New York BRANCHES Detroit, Mich. Norwalk, Conn. Newark, N.J. Brooklyn, N. Y. White Plains N. Y. 2311 Woodward Ave. 17 High Street 587 Broad Street 102 Flatbush Ave. 2-4 Mamaroneck Ave. Main 7809 Norwalk 675 Ring 4 Market 3265 Sterling 6349 White Plains 1030 National Radio Distributors