Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1922)

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Clearing Up the Ether 319 "Radio beacons" are radio transmitting which a mobile direction-finding station may stations which transmit signals by means of determine its bearing or position. HOW THE ETHER IS DIVIDED USE W.-WE LENGTH METERS WAVE FREQUENCY KILOCYCLES PER SEC. ( 1 ) Tr;i n*\ni~i-^ n ir r^iHin tt'lpnhnnp cynprimpnts nnn-e'Xrliisi vp 6 000 50 . 5,000 60. (2) Fixed service r3.dio telephony non-excIusive no 0 2,850 105 .2 Kil IVAnhilp Qpr\/irp r^HiA tplpnhr»n\/ nr»n-PYrlllQi\7P 113.2 2,500 120. (4) Government broadcasting, non-exclusive 2,050 146. 1,850 162 Fixed station radio telephony non-exclusive 1 ,650 181 .8 IQ^ . ■> ' y 7 7 (6) Aircraft radio telephony and telegraphv, exclusive . I , so IQ^ 6 1 y^ . v» 1 , 500 200. (n\ \7> VJ V CI 1 1 1 1 111 1 L dllU JJUUilC U 1 ^JtlUCdo L 1 1 Ig , 1 lUil CACi Qol V C . . 1 , 500 200 . 1,050 ...0 M 285 .7 (8) Radio beacons, exclusive 1,050 285.7 950 316. (9) Aircraft radio telephony and telegraphy, exclusive . 950 316 850 353 (10) Radio compass service, exclusive ........ 850 353 750 400 (11) Ciovernment and public broadcasting, 200 miles or more 750 400 7C0 (12) Uovernment and public broadcasting, 400 miles or more from the seacoast exclusive 650 A ^0 ( I ^) Marine radio telephony non-exclusive -7 c 0 75U 400 650 462 (14) Aircraft radio telephony and telegraphy, exclusive . 525 572 500 600 (15) uovernment and public broadcasting, exclusive .... 495 606 485 DIO (16) Private and toil broadcasting 485 618 285 1052 (17) Restricted special amateur radio telegraphy, non-exclusive. 310 968 (18) City and state public safety broadcasting, exclusive. . 285 1052 275 109 1 (19) "T^ I'l 11/1 1*1 \ lecnnical and training schools (shared with amateur) . 275 IO91 Amateur telegraphy and telephony (exclusive, 1 50 to 200 200 I 500 (20) meters) (Shared with technical and training schools, 200 to 275 meters.) 275 lOOI 150 2000 (21) Private and toll broadcasting, exclusive 150 2000 100 3000 (22) Reserved 100 above 3000