Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1922)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER brings it ' tells it' To make your receiving set really complete, equip it with a Magnavox Radio — the Reproducer Supreme. The electrodynamic principle involved in its construction, makes the Magnavox Radio a most efficient converter of electrical energy into soundwaves. With either type Magnavox Radio the hook-up is as simple as connecting the ordinary head receivers. R-2 — Magnavox Radio with 18inch horn, for those who wish the utmost in amplifying power: for large audiences, dance halls, etc. R-3 — Magnavox Radio with 14inch horn, ideal for homes, amateur stations, offices, etc. Model C — Magnavox Power Amplifier insures largest possible power input for Magnavox Radio. Any radio dealer will demonstrate the Magnavox for you. The Magnavox Co. Oakland, California N. Y. Office: 370 Seventh Ave. JUA GNAVOX 1 Kz cRadio D/ie Reproducer Supreme