Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1922)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER ^hen cJhrcom heard the Aerioia Grand I T comes closest to the dream I had when I first caught the vision of radio's vast possibilities. It brings the world of music, news and education into the home, fresh from the human voice. It solves the problem of loneliness and isolation. "The Aerioia Grand is at present the supreme achievement in designing and constructing receiving sets for the home — a product of the research systematically conducted by scientists in the laboratories that constitute part of the RCA organization." Look for this trademark at your dealer's. The Importance 0} the Symbol RCA Crude Radio apparatus of a kind can be made even by embryonic organizations. But the vitally important inventions that have made radio the possession of every man, woman and child are those protected by patents owned by the Radio Corporation of America and developed as the result of costly research conducted in the engineering laboratories of the Radio Corporation of America. The name-plate of a Radio Set is all-importaut in the purchase of radio apparatus. If it bears the letters "R C A" the public and the dealer are assured that at the time of its introduction it is the highest expression of the advancing art of radio. In tone quality, in simplicity of manipulation the Aerioia Grand is unrivalled. A child can snap the switch and move the single lever that tunes the Aerioia Grand and floods a room with song and speech from the broadcasting station. AnyRC Adeale. pleased to show the Aerioia Gra and to let you judge its wonderful tone quality jar yourself. There is an R C A set for every pursePrices range from $18 to $350. Aerioia Grand tand $350