Radio broadcast .. (1922-30)

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670 Radio Broadcast KXO. o. «. wrwrr orrict Model UY-201-A DETECTOR Model UV-201-A DETECTOR AMPLIFIER Fit. VOITS.™. J FIL AHP -41 HATf V.. AMPUFI FIL VOLTS PUTE Radio Corporation Corporation WHICH IS GENUINE? The only distinguishing mark between the two tube cartons cannot be detected' in the photograph. The carton on the right is genuine and the one on' the'left is ; counterfeit. The tube which came in the counterfeit container was counterfeit. The color of ink on the genuine container was a deeper red than the false one ing copy should make clear the fact that •• the same result is not to be expected in average day to day performance. Much disappointment and dissatisfaction may be avoided if radio novices are given some information in advance that atmospheric disturbances, seasons, and other conditions affect radio reception. :5. — Merchandise advertised as being reduced from a certain list price and represented as possessing the list price value, should carry all of the advantages, such as factory guarantees and repair privileges, to which any purchaser who buys at the regular list price is entitled. Otherwise the customer is not getting the complete service or value that is included in the regular list price quoted in the advertisement. 6. — Advertising of radio sets should state what accessories, if any, are included at the price quoted, and if accessories are not included, this should be apparent from the wording and arrangement of the advertising copy. 7..— Claims as to batteries and other accessories should accord with such limitations of performance as recognized scientific opinion in the industry has determined that the purchaser may reasonably expect from a particular type of product. Guarantees, refunds and other sales appeals should be free from the ambiguity or tricks that sometimes make them the source of current dissatisfaction and a future distrust of advertising. 8. — When a set is advertised at a reduced price after the model has been discontinued by the factory, it should not be represented as still possessing its regular list price in a way that leads the public to believe that it is secuiing a much better current value than actually is the case. 9. — When any particular . piece of radio merchandise is featured through advertising as a leader, the concern should be required to have a sufficient supply on hand to fill a reasonable public demand. 10. — Claims for the efficiency of indoor aerials, as compared with outdoor ones should be made with due consideration of the types of radio sets to be operated, distances from broadcasting stations, location of the aerial or loop in the buildings where used, etc. ii. — Advertising of radio devices to reduce station interference should not infer that any number of broadcasters may be eliminated at one time, when such is not the case. Claims of the perfect operation of such devices should be made with due regard for usage under exacting conditions, in that such merchandise usually is purchased by reason of unfavorable location, or out of date receiving apparatus, etc. 12. — In advertising radio accessories, such as dry batteries, which show certain shelf depreciation over a period of time, use of the word "new" should carry with it a clear indication of whether reference is being made to a new model of the article involved, or merely to the receipt of new stock, fresh from the factory.