Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1925)

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306 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER B-Battery Supply for A.C. or B.C. That Can Be Built at Home! The Mayolian B-Battery Supply is a practical, guaranteed B-Battery supply that is simple to construct, that is inexpensive to operate, and that is highly efficient. The Mayolian can be assembled and working in 45 or 50 minutes. To construct the Mayolian B-Battery Supply requires only : ★ 1 Mayolian Input Transformer, $8.00 Type No. 601 1 Mayolian Filter Unit, $21.00 Type No. 602 2 Standard Sockets. 1 Resistance. Nothing else is required to build the Mayolian. 1. The Mayolian operates on either A. C. or D. C. with equal efficiency. 2. The Mayolian delivers 180 volts on open circuit when A. C. is employed. 3. The Mayolian has a Detector Variation of from 0 to 80 volts. 4. The Mayolian operates either 200 or 201 -A tubes as detectors with equal efficiency. 5. The Mayolian delivers 50 milliamperes on closed circuit. 6. Your tubes cannot be burned out when a Mayolian B-Battery Supply is used. 7. The Mayolian is a new filter circuit that chokes the "hum" out of both sides of the line. 8. The Mayolian may be assembled in your cabinet. It requires no more space than your B batteries. Write for Mr. Mayo's descriptive and construction booklet, Orders shipped anywhere. Remit with order or pay your Postman on delivery. Money refunded if not satisfactory Easy to Construct— Practical— Efficient— Economical MAYOLIAN RADIO CORPORATION 1991 Broadway New York City Eastern Factory Representative: 20th CENTURY RADIO CORP. 102 Flat bush Ave. Brooklyn, New York lAr Tested and approved by Radio Broadcast ^