Radio Broadcast (May-Oct 1925)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 831 What Is the Radio Dealer to Do ? HAT is a question thousands of radio dealers, — real business men, all over the country are asking themselves to-day. They are wondering, and they have a right to wonder, if the radio business is a fair one — whether it is safe — whether it is honest. The dealer works hard all Fall and Winter, — makes some money only to find, in the Spring, that the sets he recommended to his friends are now dumped on the market at prices much less than his cost. Not only does he lose on his inventory, but the sets sold on time come back, and, what hurts an honest dealer more, his friends lose confidence in him, because the sets he sold them only a few weeks before at a certain price may now be bought at half off or more. What is the dealer to do? How can he guard against this? Ludwig Hommel 8z Company has always felt the dealers' troubles very keenly, because our Company sells only to dealers, and radio is a main line with us, — not a side line. We urge the dealers, for their own safety and profit, to watch the lines they carry. Be guided by the past performance of the manufacturers and jobbers. That is what we do and how we determine the lines we carry. Ludwig Hommel &Z Company carries only lines that are quick moving, that have reputable factories behind them, and that will make most money for the dealer — with the firm promise to him that we will not knowingly carry a line or recommend any item on which he will lose money because of factory dumping, price drop or obsolescence. It is to the advantage of every dealer to tie up with Hommel. Our illustrated catalogue 366 B is free. Ask for it. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY 929 PENN AVENUE %$$M% PITTSBURGH, PA*