Radio Broadcast (Nov. 1925-Apr 1926)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 259 Our Amazing Special Offer will interest you — send for it! m ■ c+jj Built like— looks like— perforins like a $200 set! MiRAcO RADIO GETSEM COAST Ho COAST Notice! f"*^/eQ^3^^^r> Ojhe^olverM NeW Enormons demand for the celebrated Miraco Ultra 6 (resulting from its many enthusiastic users so highly recommending: it to thetr friends) enabled us to add hosts of costly new features, latest refinements and up-tothe minute improvements such as you might expect to find only on the newest sets selling at much hig-her prices. So the Improved Ultra 5 for 1926 is even a better set— a more beautiful set— a more selective and more powerful set— incredible as this may sound' — for less money than ever before. COAST TO COAST RECEPTION VERIFIED BY USERS Reports from Ultra S users everywhere leave little for its to add. These are only a Jew of the many in our files and -which we receive daily. Send coupon for plenty of additional proof. Let testimony of users instead of high-sounding claims convince you, INDIANA HEARS BOTH COASTS Miraco Ultra-5 la a first-class set in every respect. It can't possibly be beat for the price. The first night I received over twenty stations from both coasts. Adolpb M Indianapolis, Indiana, MINNESOTA HEARS COAST TO COAST Received Ultra-5 in fine condition. Have received programs from stations all over the United States and Canada. We find it is one of the beBt seta In this locality. We are well pleased with the wonderful results. Clarence .... J Nashwauk, Minn, HEARS CALIFORNIA TO EUROPE Enclosed is a partial list of the stations I received with the Miraco Ultra-5: KSD. WEBH. WBAV. WEAF. WLW, WCBD. WHB, WOR. WJAZ, WOC. WHAS^WWJ. CKAC. KFIX, WCK, WH A Z. KFAB. WHAA, WAST, WCAP, WTAS.WQJ, KFKX, WAAW, WTAM. WOA1. WSOE. WCCO. KDKA, WBAP. WMC. CNRO, WLS, WHJr WBZ, WNH. KFNF, KFI WEEI, WWL.WFAA, WAF, WGY.CKY. WRRJVCAE, WEAO, WRC, FFDM.WJJD.WGR.WABN. WCAL. WLB_, WHN, WMAQ. WJZ, WLS. WOAW\ WOO, WOS. CFAC. Sheffield (Eng.). Paris (France). Carl H. ... Waukesha, Wis. MONTANA HEARS CALIFORNIA TO IRELAND I am more than pleased with the Ultra-5 Receiver. 1 have 90 stations on my record in 20 days' time, including* KDKA, WCAL. KFLE. WFC. WCC. W1AM, WEAF.WEM, WGM .WCAL, WLW, CAM, CFCF. WJJ.WAE, KAKF,KOOW,WCCO. WOC, WCAZ. WHO. WCCA, WOAW.CFAC, WO A I WOS, WCKF.KFPU, KBB. KPO. KFAA, WMCR. CKY, WCCF, WMAW, WBAP, WGN, KJR. WHJ, WOS, WMC, WJJ, WGAN, KKU, WGW, WLW, WOOI . WHB, WFAI, WJAZ, KGB, WCAF.KSAC, WTAP..KSKI. KFKA. On February 16th at 12:15 o'clock 1 received Ireland, the distance being several thousand miles. Richard ..... Comertown, Mont, MANY SAY IT'S BEST THEY'VE HEARD "Ultra 5" more than meets my expectations of a good radio Bet. Many think it is the best that they have heard. For volume, selectivity, clearness and long distance it is unsurpassed in my estimation Auto Supply, Allentown, Penna, PRAISES THE FINE TONE AND m VOLUME The Ultra-5 has a fine tone and good volume; last night had 24 different stations from 8 to 10— all on loud speaker, O. T Malone, New York. THE TONE IS "WONDERFULLY CLEAR AND POWERFUL" Am more than pleased with my 6 tube Miraco. Tone wonderfully clear and powerful. D. C Detroit, Michigan. MORE PRAISE FOR MIRACO TONE QUALITY The Ultra-5 received from you is the best I ever beard. It is just as clear as a crystal. Raymond W, ..... Massback. 111. ONE OF THE CLEAREST EVER HEARD All who have heard my Ultra-5 set pronounce it one of the clearest they have heard, and I must say that the MIRACO is In every way as MONTANA HEARS BOTH COASTS Ultra-5 set Is O. K. Have got them. New York to Los Angeles, Winnipeg to Dallas. Texas. W. H Poison, Montana. OHIO GETS 'EM COAST TO COAST We are enjoying the Ultra-5 Radio. It is all you recommended. We get stations on the east coast, south and west coast, Walter Van Buren, Ohio. CALIFORNIA THE FIRST NIGHT Headphones are not necessary with the Ultra-5 I had KFI, California, the first night with same volume as Pittsburgh. Fred G Liverpool, Ohio. COAST TO COAST FROM OKLAHOMA With Miraco five tube set am getting stations on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. YerkerE Pauls Valley, Okla. "COAST TO COAST" A REALITY The two Miraco-5's have been working fine, in fact far beyond our expectations. Your statement of "coast to coast" reception proved absolutely a reality. T. D Houston, Texas. MICHIGAN GETS COAST TO COAST J am overly pleased with the Miraco Ultra-5. Can get stations from coast to coast and from Texas to Canada. Geo. O' Gordon, Michigan. LOTS OF VOLUME 20 STATIONS FIRST NIGHT Will drop you a few lines to let you know that I received my Miraco Ultra-5 and that it works fine. Had 20 stations the first night — it has lots ofvolume. Fred ■ . 5 ~ '" WEST VIRGINIA HEARS AUSTRALIA Got2-XB Wellington, Australia, plain last night at 12:46A.M. over the Ultra-5 Miraco you sold me. Iam delighted and would not trade for any instrument in town. Geo Glen Ferris, West Va. ALL WE CLAIM . . . AND MORE. Miraco Ultra "5" Set installed yesterday evening —had wonderful results / last night. Think Ultra "5" is all you claim and more, V. A i Hampshire. / Tennessee . JWIRACO Guaranteed by One of the Oldest Radio Builders Tested and Approved by Radio's Highest Authorities [ULTRA SELECTIVE FIVE TUBE SET IN^ J MAHOGANY CABINET] You can either saveotmake a lot of money on sets and supplies by sending coupon today for our Amazing Special Offer! It will astonish you. Big profits easy — accepting orders for Miraco Sets. Only necessary to order one set to demonstrateinyourhome. No agreements to sign— no salesmanship required. The performance of Miraco Sets does the selling. Greatest demand in the six years we have been building sets — weneed In the opinion of radio experts. Selectivity, long distance reception, clarity of tone, power and volume have been amazingly increased— "B" battery consumption is minimized — oscillations are easily controlled on all wavelengths, through use of latest radioinventions. Among these are: "Duof ormers" (ultra lowloss inductance coils); the "Counter-Balancer" (patented); flexible wiring which prevents broken or noisy con more user-agents to supply it. >jhe improved new Miraco UltraS is a beauty! Band nections; an adjustment for This latest improved 1926 eomelv gold-etched genuine Formica panel and large different length aerials; use model Miraco Ultra 5 -com fS^^^^SSZS^S^tS^TJSSl. of only two rheostats; a cutpletely built, thoroughly net is hand rubbed, a radio you will be proud to have outswitch: concealed wiring tested and factory guaran "^friends see and proud to have them tear perform. under genume Formica base teed by the Midwest Radio Corporation, one of I board and other features of costliest sets. America's oldest, reliable and most successful I Literature describes them fully. Send for it— and makers of quality sets— is an astonishing bargain | Special Offer that will surprise and interest you. 75up 'retail Wonderfully improved new models in one-tube and three-tube Miraco Long Distance Sets also ready at lowerprices! New Miraco R-3atonly $27.35 (retail) operates loud speakeron distant stations. New onetube Model R is also a record-breaker for distance at \ tion Popularity e W1 ~ -i V OtherMiracoLongVistanceSets leTe , very Get Special Offer! $13.75. ah Miraco sets work on storage or dry batteries, are easily connected and operated. Unmatched values! Let testimony of users convince you. Write for literature and Special Offer— use coupon. All theVroofyou want is waiting prYou, . ■ nmna MirQ^n s*»fs— nr. rock-bottom factory Reports from hosts of users in every state prove Miraco f Vf^SS^r^SPEcTAL riCeS~ outperform sets costing up to three times as much. Send for latest literature, SPECIAL OFFER and plenty of additional testimony leaving no doubt that •v "Mirann Radio Gets 'emCoast to Coast. , Versailles, 111. The reports we print are from UNSOLICITED letters sent us by pleased users. 'Send coupon for Attiring fecial/ J _. . ... a^t all particulars rr "f*CJ»e" — m°nteyr"?aUse8r O Dealer. ,- Cincinnati. Ohio regarding your radio supplies. NAME ADDRESS