Radio Broadcast (Nov. 1925-Apr 1926)

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716 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Modernize Your Radio Set/ TflORDARSON Tiade-Maik Registered All Frequency Amplifier Write for free descriptive circular Price $5.00 Are you still using primitive methods of amplification? Why not make your receiver an up-to-date model by installing Autoformer amplification — the ultimate in reproductive equipment? The Autoformer, a step up impedance amplifier, reproduces with full volume those bass notes lost in ordinary transformer amplifiers. The Autoformer provides the unrestrained flow of distortionless music. It records everything from the slightest shading to the greatest extreme of volume, intensity, and timbre. Better volume control More volume on distant stations ★ Full bass note amplification Greater clarity on all signals OTHER THORDARSON TRANSFORMERS H-200 Amplifying Transformer Standard Amplifying Transformer Power Amplifying Transformer Interstage Power Transformer B-Eliminator Transformer B-Eliminator Chokes Battery Charging Transformers Transmission Equipment THORDARSON ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. Transformer specialists since 1895 ■WORLDS OLDEST AND LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TRANSFORMER MAKERS Chicago. U.S.A. Now is the time to subscribe for RADIO BROADCAST Through your dealer or direct, by the year only $4.00 DOUBLEDAV, PAGE & CO. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK Immediate Shipment from Stock HAVE MERCHANDISE WHEN YOU NEED IT Catalog 466*B is free to dealers 929 PENN AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA. The International Tests AS MIGHT be expected, we were simply inundated with letters from all quarters of the country and abroad, after the recently concluded International Tests. Space limitations permit the publication of only three or four here, but these convey the sentiment expressed in the letters of many other correspondents. Editor, Radio Broadcast, Doubleday. Page & Company, Garden City, New York. Sir: I hear over kgo's news items that California was silent during the test period. 1 wish to refute this statement for I distinctly heard knx, Hollywood, on two different occasions while trying for British stations. ... I think knj was on the air too, for I heard a station at a setting on my dials where this station usually comes in, but 1 could not be positive about this. There is nothing too small for California to do. Very truly yours, F. W. Dalley. Lyons, Colorado. Editor, Radio Broadcast, Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York. Sir: Just a line in appreciation of last week's silence tests, especially those of Friday and Saturday evenings. Is it possible to have an arrangement for regular zonal silence periods, thus allowing uninterrupted sectional exchanges of programs? Here is one unsolicited vote in favor of such a scheme. Very truly yours, R. M. Boulden, Los Angeles, California. Editor, Radio Broadcast, Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York. Sir: Organize an anti-bloop club with a big turnout at first meeting. What are the other cities doing along this line? Very truly yours, E. M. Ray, Rochester, Minnesota. Editor, Radio Broadcast, Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York. Sir: I am a regular reader of your excellent magazine, and am also a confirmed radio fan, being interested in the reception of both broadcast matter and code. I was greatly interested in the International Tests, although they were a failure as far as I am concerned. In 1924, I received British stations with a modified three-tube Reinartz set. This year, nothing but interference, static, bloopers, and almost everything injurious to satisfactory radio reception. One thing that has come to my attention is that during the period from half-moon until the moon begins to wane, radio reception is not what it should be — it is noisy. At other periods, when there is no moon, reception is much better, 1 have found. During Test Week, the moon was pretty well full. I have been watching this phenomenon since last July. 1 wonder if any one else has noticed it. Wishing you continued if Tested and approved by Radio Broadcast +