Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 15 A IVevelation in T{adio ^production |T Last — a cone loudspeaker that reproduces all the tones as they are broadcast. From the deep voiced tuba of an orchestra to the softest note of a vocal solo — every tone — every sound is reproduced in all its beauty, just as it entered the microphone. * * This 22-inch Windsor Cone Loudspeaker, with its spruce soundingboard, will reproduce the sofest crooning lullaby in a softly lighted room, or the full throated march music of a band in an auditorium — both with perfect fidelity of sound and tone. * * The Windsor Cone Loudspeaker Console is the greatest value in the Model 600 With 16-inch Cone (Pat. applied for) This 20 by 17-inch Cone Loudspeaker Table has suspended from the underside of thetopa lo^inch WindsorConeLoudspeaker. Placed in any part of a room, it fills the room with music just as an inverted electric lamp floods the room with light. Finished in Mahogany <t1 Q or Walnut. Price qJJ-^ (West of Rockies, $23.00) world of radio. When compared with the average cost of cone-type loudspeakers of even smaller size, the cost of the complete Windsor — cone loudspeaker, spruce sounding board, and console — is amazingly low. * * As a piece of furniture, the Windsor Cone Loudspeaker Console is of such manifest high quality an d attractive design as to be a welcome addition to any home. Finished in Mahogany orWalnut. The Windsor Cone and Horn Loudspeakers, combined with attractive pieces of furniture in many models, are being demonstrated by recognized dealersevery where. Go to your dealer today and examine this astonishing new Cone Loudspeaker Console. If he happens not to have one, write to us and we will tell you the name of the nearest store at which you can see and hear one. Note to Dealers t^fo°rd<S of the highly profitable Windsor selling franchise WINDSOR FURNITURE COMPANY World's Largest Manufacturers and Originators of Loudspeaker Consoles 1412 Carroll Avenue Chicago, Illinois Los Angeles Branch — 91 7 Maple Avenue WINDSOR FURNITURE COMPANY Electrical Department 1412 Carroll Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Send me FREE and without oblisation circulars of the Windsor line of Cone and Horn Loudspeakers combined with pieces of furniture, and name of nearest dealer: Name Addrets City Dealer's Name •fa Examined and approved by Radio Broadcast