Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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116 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER The Popular Kit Panels * FORMICA panels in gloss black finish Veri Chromed in Gold are the popular panels for kits that are offered by leading manufacturers : Bremer Tully Counterphase; Browning Drake National; General Radio Universal; Victoreen Superheterodyne; Madison Moore Superheterodyne; Camfield Duoformer; Aerodyne Five Tube; St. James 8 Tube; Karas, front and sub panel; and Infradyne. The FORMICA INSULATION COMPANY 4628 SPRING GROVE AVENUE CINCINNATI, OHIO Hear the FORMICA Orchestra Tuesday evenings from 9 to 10 over station WLW Made from Anhydrous Bakelite Resins SHEETS TUBES RODS Formica has a Complete Service on Insulating Panels and Parts for Radio Manufacturers A Two Year Subscription Saves You Two Dollars It saves you the bother of renewing next year. It is the most economical way to subscribe. You simply write six dollars instead of four when sending your check or money order. Try it for two years. Form the habit ! RADIO BROADCAST Garden City, N. Y. Lasts Indefinitely — Pays for Itself Dependable. Quiet"B"power, clear without"hum." Economy you have never before thought possible. Convenience. Outstanding performance. Kecharged for almost nothing. Solid rubber case insures against leakage or acid. Extra heavy glass jars. Heavy rugd plates. Approved and listed as standard by rop. Radio Lali'ornb.rir*. I'op. Sri. In»t. Stomlnrils. Iiouio News Lab., Lcfax. Ira-.. I mil h. .rltif s. n series (96 Volts) $10.50. just state number rf batteries wanted and we will ship tame duyordor in received. Pay exnrfHHmun after examining batteries. r> cor cent discount for cash with ordor. Send your order today— NOW I * WORLD BATTERY COMPANY 1219 So. Wabash Ave. Dept. 78, Chicago, 111. Makora of tho Famous World Rnilio "A" Storanr Battery Priori): r,-mlt. 1110 Amp. till. nil: KO Amp. SI-J-CO: lit) Amp. SIS. IS. Alt f tjuipp'il with Solid hulihvr Case. tr.'ii plates. . Laboratories, Pr Inc.. and other Hndio nut: Extra Offer: 4 Batteries i SEND NO MONEY! World STORAGE BATTERIES Set your HnH.« D(aln for the now lODO-wnlt World Stonigo Buttery Station, WSIu;, OhlL-nKO. Alwnya Ht.niMhlnK intorrstint.'. A^B Battery iO Charger omit /C SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Charges any type of storage A or B battery using a few cents worth of ordinary house current, either alternating or direct. Cannot injure battery. Complete directions enclosed. Anyone can operate. No expensive "extras" to buy. Why pay 10.00 to $1 5.00 for a charger when you can get this splendid GUARANTEED R. B. Charger by mailing us two dollars (bills, money order, check or stamps) plus ten cents in stamps or coin to pay mailing costs. Charger will be sent postpaid. If you are not satisfied, return within five days and we will refund your money. Order at once — TODAY. R. B. SPECIALTY COMPANY Dept. C-3, 308 East Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio Examined and approved by Radio Broadcast x Build the New Henry -Lyford Receiver It has been approved and endorsed by RADIO NEWS RADIO RADIO AGE POPULAR RADIO CITIZENS CALL BOOK RADIO REVIEW and numerous other publications Build this set and have the satisfaction of making the best and latest receiver. It's the outstanding circuit of the year. Complete parts dCk rT. £~\ carefully boxed *pO"e>Ov/ and fully guaranteed Further information upon request We are Headquarters for the NEW S-M-Six —SHIELDED — Parts for this new improved receiver Complete $05.00 DEALERS new wholesale CATALOG HEINS & BOLET Radio and Electric Supply Corporation 44 Park Place New York COMPLETE WITH TUBE $25.00 GEORGE ELECTRIC COMPANY "B POWER UNIT" TYPE "M" Delivers the proper voltage at all times without a trace of a hum. Sturdily constructed to last as long as the best radio set. Its fine appearance will add to the beauty of your receiver. A full wave rectifier tube is used — no filament to burn out. Three taps with two variable resistances permit complete control of both detector and amplifier voltages up to 180 volts. This gives ample power for any set on the market. A George Electric Company "B" POWER UNIT" will remove all your "B" worries. LOWER PRICE HIGHER QUALITY POSITIVE GUARANTEE Sold direct from the factory to you, or through our authorized representatives. Write for complete information. Shipped prepaid on receipt of #25.00 or C. O. D. $25. 00 plus postage. GEORGE ELECTRIC COMPANY 751 Carleton Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Representatives Wanted