Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 235 Now Owns a Radio Store "The Radio business is rushing just now. Building many Super Heterodynes, also doing installation and repairing. To your course I owe all my success in the Radio profession." A. J. Ommodt, Bowman, N. Dak. Controls First Car fcy Radio "I operate the portable broadcaati ng station in rear car, driving front car by Radio control. Will operate this car from New York to ' Frisco — 13 months trip. Then we take the car around the world — a three years' tour. I owe it all to you." Leo Paul, New York City. HERE'S WORK THAT IS ALMOST ROMANCE/ Instruments Given FREE of Extra CoStr All instruments shown here and others sent to all my students free of extra cost under short time special offer. Clip coupon now — find out all about this big unequalled offer while you still have time to take advantage of it. This training is intensely practical — these instruments help you do the practical work. My Radio Training is the "Famous Course That Pays for Itself" Make more money quick when you take up this practical course I show you how to in crease your earnings almost from the start of your cours e throngh practical pointers I give you. Howard B. Luce of Friedens, Pa., made $320 in 7 weeks during his spare time D. H. Suitt of Newport, Ark., writes "While taking the course I earned ii spare time work approximately $900." Earl Wright of Omaha reports making 8400 rn a short time while taking his course — working at Radio in his spare time only I Sylvester Senso, 207 Elm St., Kaukana, Wis made $500. These records not unusual — I men are a few of hundreds. And when you graduate, my big Free Employment Department helps you get the job. You get just the same preparation and assistance toward success we gave C C Gielow, Chief Operator of the Great Lakes Radio Telegraph Co., E. W. Novy, Chief Operator of Station WRNY, Erie Chambers Radio Engineer for Stewart-Warner, J. E. Fetzer, Chief Engineer of Station WEMC. The National Radio Institute, established 1914, today offers you the same opportunity these men had under a bond that guarantees you full satisfaction or money refunded. It's your big chance to get into the great Radio field — mail coupon TODAY for my big Free Book and proof I $70 In one Day for T. M. Wilcox I am in business for myself and recently made $70 in one day. I was an electrician of rich experience and was occupying a splendid position as telephone superintendent when I enrolled with your course believing it would open up greater opportunities— have not been disappointed. Estimate that Radio will be worth tens of thousands of dollars to me in the next few years." T. M. Wilcox, Belle Island, Newfoundland. YouCanDoWhat TheseNenDid/ I Will Train You at Home loJillaBigVayKadioJob Get into the great new Big-pay Industry — Radio. If , you're earning a penny less than $50 a week, clip coupon now. Send for AMAZING FREE BOOK, "Rich Rewards in Radio." Why go along at $25 or $35 sr $45 a week, when you could earn $50 to $250 in the same six days, as a Radio Expert? Hundreds of N. R. I. trained men are doing it — why can't you? I'll train you just as I trained them — just as I trained the men whose letters . you see on this page. I'll teach you quickly at home in your spare time to be a Radio Expert, and draw down money for the easiest and most fascinating work in the world. $50 to $250 a Week as a RADIO EXPERT It's the trained man, the Radio Expert, who gets the big jobs of this profession — paying $75, $100, $200 a week and up. Free book gives all the facts. Every day N.R.I, trained men are taking good places in the Radio field — men like you — men like those whose stories I show you here. You can prepare just as they did by new practical methods, learn right at home in your spare time. Lack of experience no drawback — common schooling all you need. Our tested clear methods make it easy for you. We guarantee to train you successfully. Big Free Book contains all the proof. Clip Coupon Now Sor FREE BOOK Most amazing book on Radio ever written — full of facts and pictures — tells all about the great Radio field, how we prepare you and help you start. You can do what others have done — GET THIS BOOK. Send coupon today — no obligation. J. E. Smith. Pres. NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE Dept. A-94 Washington, D. C. Chief Engineer Station WEMC Please c two junk thei h my who lowl dge of Radio. Being a eradiate of your course I kno< they could do nothing better for themselves than study it for it is the way to success this profession." John E, Fetzer, Chief Engineer, StJ. tion WEMC, Berrien Spring., Michigan. iJhoto shows Graduate E. F. Spadoni in his own Radio store at Chicago, 111. "Your course gets the credit," saya Spadi Kimball With WMA£ Chicago "Accepted a position with the1 Chicago Daily News Station WMAQ. My income practically doubled, thanks to your fine course. I handle all consultation also do operating." Keith Kimball, Station WMAQ, Chicago, 111. Promoted to Big Job "Just been made Sales ger of this Radio firm — received a very good increase in pay. Up to present have been getting salary which in 3 months en abled me to purchase new car.." R. Jones Bay City Mich. MAIL THIS MOW / E. Smith, President NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE Dept. A-94 Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Smith: Without obligating me in anyway, send me your free book "Rich Rewards in Radio" and all information about yout practical, home-study Radio course. Name Age. Street Address . Town State .