Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 301 NO OTHER, BATTEHY IS LIKE IT * The Layerbilt patented construction revealed. Each layer is an electrical cell, making automatic contact with its neighbors, and filling all available space inside the battery case. Eveready Layerbi "B" Battery No, 486, the HeavyDuty battery that should be specified lor all loud-speaker sets. Practical tests have shown this to be the most economical of "B" Batteries In daily use in the home, Eveready Layerbilt "B" Battery No. 486 has fulfilled the promises made for it in laboratory tests. More than a year's study of the performance of this battery in the hands of the public has shown that it is the most satisfactory and most economical "B" battery ever developed. All loud-speaker sets require Heavy-Duty batteries — and the Layerbilt has proved itself absolutely the best of them all. If you are now using the smaller, Light-Duty batteries, the Eveready Layerbilts will give you twice the service though they do not cost anything like twice as much. If you are already using Heavy-Duties, the Layerbilt, the longest lasting Heavy-Duty ever built, will run your set at least 25 % longer, and again you will save niOuey. Unless Eveready Layerbilts now are connected to your set, you spend more on "B" batteries than you should, and you can have no idea how good a "B" battery can be. The Layerbilt holds a surprise in store for you. Eveready Layerbilt's unequaled service is due to its unique construction. All other dry cell "B" batteries are made of cylindrical cells, with many soldered connections, and a great deal of space is wasted between the cells. The Layerbilt is built up of layers of flat current-producing elements, that make connection with each other automatically, and that fill all available space inside the battery case. It is every inch a battery. In it you get more active materials than in any other battery and the Layerbilt construction makes those materials much more efficient current producers. Those are the convincing reasons why the Eveready Layerbilt has proved itself the longest lasting, most economical and reliable "B" battery ever built. Just remember this about "B" batteries— Heavy-Duty batteries are more economical than the smaller LightDuty batteries on all loud-speaker sets, and the patented exclusive Eveready Layerbilt No. 486 is the most economical of all. Manufactured and guaranteed by NATIONAL CARBON CO., Inc. New York San Francisco Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited Toronto, Ontario Tuesday night is Eveready Hour Night — 9 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, through the following stations: WEAF-iVeiy York •wjAR-Providence WEEi-Boston wt AG-Worcester ViEi-Pk iladelph ia WGR-Buffalo v/CAE-Pittsburgh V/SAi-Cincinnati VJTAM-Cleveland wwj-Detroit wrM-Chicago woeDavenport KSD-St. Louis ■WRC-Washington •Jt Examined and approved by Radio Broadcast t^