Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 335 ^WiHTrainYouAt HomeTo Fill a BigPay Radio Job l^iveyou all this apparatus so you can learn quickly at home the 'Practical Way; Ks: 1 m FREE OF EXTRA COST 1 If you're earning a penny less than $50 a week, clip coupon now. Send for AMAZING FREE BOOK, "Rich Rewards in Ji Radio." Why go along at $25 or $35 or $45 a week, when you B could earn $50 to $250 in the same six days, as a Radio Expert? Jr Hundreds of N. R. I. trained men are doing it — why can't you? Earn $50 to $250 a Week— I 1H BIG DOHAND Radio needs trained men. Get into this new live-wire profession of quick success. It's the trained man, the Radio Expert, who gets the big jobs of this profession — paying $75, $100, $200 a week and up. Every day N. R. I. trained men are taking good places in the Radio field — men just like you — their only advantage is TRAINING. You can prepare just as they did, by new practical methods. Our tested clear training makes it easy for you. Big Free Book contains all the proof. You Learn Quickly In Spar e /Time You Get All Of This All instruments shown here and others sent to all my students free of extra cost under short time special offer Clip coupon now— find out all about this big unequalled offer while you still have time to take advantage of it. This training is intensely practical — these instruments help you do the practical work. You learn workmanship and get added confidence in your ability. World Famous Training That "Pays Sor Itself »• My Radio course World Famous as the training that "pays for itself." Make more money QUICK when you take up this practical course. Work on millions of antennae, receiving sets, offers you big chance to make spare time cash while you're learning. I'll show you how — teach you the latest "dope," furnish you with business cards, show you how to get the business and make it pay. My students don't wait a yearto increase their income — they report QUICK INCREASES as a result of this course — often two or three weeks after starting, Howard Luce, Friedens, Pa. made $320 in 7 weeks during spare time. D. H. Suitt Newport, Ark., writes, ~*.^„..~-.u "While taking the course I earned in spare time work .•If arid RECENTLYMADE about $900." Earl Wright, Omaha, reports making $400 170 in ONE DAY. I was an inashorttime while taking course — working at Radio In •l«ctrician of rich experi spare time 1 Sylvester Senso, Kaukauna, Wis., made $500 •nee, occupying a aplendid These records not unusual — these men a few of hundreds J^^gj: Your Satisfaction Guaranteed would open up greater op We who know the results this practical tested training gets — portunitie— have not been tne increased earnings it ha3 brought to men everywhere — stand disappointed. Estimate behind it all the way with a signed guarantee bond that we giv_ Radio will bo worth tens you when you enroll. On completion if you're not entirely satisfied of thousands of dollars to *n every way, you get back every cent you've paid us. No strings me In next few years." to tn*3 °^er — you yourself are the only judge. Get started todayl T M Wilcox Bella Island Jt'3 your big chance for one of the bigger Radio jobs — mail coupon NewfoundlaAd. NOW for my Big FREE BOOK and proof 1 No obligation. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO ALL GRADUATES So sure am I that I can train you successfully for a better future in this new Big-Pay profession, that I guarantee your training vith a money-back bond. Lack of experience or education won't hold you back — common schooling all you need SHI to start. You can stay home, hold A™„,n mrMP-P: your job, and learn quickly and ™™?ith pleasantly in your spare time. My th« Chicago Daily New. sta i practical, helpful methods enable pI&ctica'Ely doubud' you to start RIGHT AWAY to thank, to you. i handi. ait , _ « » i • t» , . consultation, also do operat m V ward one of the bigger Kadio ing. Your course taught m. \ jobs paying $50 to $250 a n.ot°?I>' the theoretical but rt>C \ F"J»"& *~ y also the practical knowledge mj \ week. No delay, no losing time that make, my work e..y Ma X from work — no scrimping or for me." Keith Kimball, scraping to get your training. Station WMAQ, Chicago, 111. BOOK S70 In One Day For T. M. Wilcox 'I am in business for my Most amazing book on Radio ever written —full of facts and pictures — tells all about the great new Radio field, how we prepare you and help you start. You can do what others have done— GET THIS BOOK. Send coupon today — no obligation. J. E. SMITH, President NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE Dept. B-94 Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Smith — Without obligating me in any way, send me your free book, "Rich Rewards in Radio" and all information about your practical, home-study Radio Course. Age. Street Address.