Radio Broadcast (Nov 1926-Apr 1927)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 507 Broadcast Confusion Receiver Conclusively of the R. G. S. principle are unquestioned by every technical expert who has investigated it and heard the R. G. S. Receiver in actual operation. Authorities, such as Arthur H. Lynch, former editor of Radio Broadcast; Volney Hurd, Radio Editor Christian Science Monitor; Robert S. Kruse, Technical Editor of Q. S. T. ; Zeh Bouck, Consulting Radio Engineer; R. W. Cotton, Designer and inventor of Cotton Super; Willis Kingsley Wing, Editor of Radio Broadcast; and many others, give this receiver their unqualified endorsement. In actual tests, the R. G. S. Receiver has conclusively out-performed completely assembled receivers many times more expensive. In test after test under varying and adverse conditions, it has performed so satisfactorily that it has drawn the unstinted praise of all concerned. Hear the R. G. S. Receiver yourself and be convinced! The R. G. S. Receiver is fully covered and protected by U. S. Patents Nos. 1,517,057 and 1,517,058; by Canadian Patents Nos. 241,602 and 260,787; by British Patents Nos. 204,301 and 225,579; and Australian Patent No. 20,813. DEALERS: Write for complete merchandising information What Manufacturers say: GEORGE Q. HILL Sales Manager of National Company, Inc. "Our tests of this receiver show highly satisfactory results, as to sensitivity and volume, and particularly as to selectivity. * * * ARTHUR H. LYNCH of Arthur H. Lynch, Inc. "The new R. G. S. Receiver developed by David Grimes is one of the most satisfactory all around propositions we have seen in a long time. It is sensitive, selective and its tone quality is particularly good." * * & DAVID GRIMES of Grimes Radio Engineering Company, Inc. "... months were spent in research work covering every phase of radio receiver design: sensitivity amply sufficient for present chaotic broadcast conditions; uniform radio amplification; tonal quality; volume; simplicity of operation; ruggedness and simplicity of construction; ease of control; stability and efficiency. These fundamentals of design have been obtained in the circuit incorporated in the R. G. S. Receiver. It is, furthermore, a closely co-ordinated receiver that employs the best parts and apparatus manufactured by men whose reputations and respective abilities are unquestioned. * ^ •* JAMES MILLEN President of James Millen, Inc. Rectification Authority. It is indeed a pleasure to operate a receiver which embodies such unique, yet sound, principles of design, both electrically and mechanically, as the R. G. S. receiver. Mr. Grimes has not only developed, but has also carried to a practical commercial stage, a receiver that will really do more than its sponsors claim for it. R. G. S. SALES DIVISION Grimes Radio Engineering Co., Inc. 285 Madison Ave., New York City Your R. G. S. Receiver sounds good to me. Please arrange with my dealer, whose address I have given below, for a demonstration at his shop. There is no obligation attached to this demonstration. I want to see for myself if your claims are founded on fact. Your Name Street City State Dealer's Name Dealer's Address ^^^jSuilt For Mo d e r n Broad cast CoNpnioNs^^j